Thursday, December 26, 2019
Independent 3d Animation Production - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3251 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 2.1 Definition of Animation 2.1.1 A Technical Definition of Animation Various definitions of animation exist that cover technical, physiological, through to philosophical aspects. In a technical sense, Myers (1999, [Online]) describes animation, the form that we have become familiar with, as a series of drawings that are linked together and photographed. The drawings have been slightly changed between individualized frames so when they are played back in rapid succession there appears to be seamless movement within the drawings'(Myers 1999, [Online]). Jonsson (1978, p. 2) also describes animation in a technical sense: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Independent 3d Animation Production" essay for you Create order A strip of movie film consists of still pictures called frames each one slightly different from the one preceding it. When the film is projected and run continuously these still pictures give an illusion of movement (Jonsson 1978, p. 2). Morrison (1994, p. 5) simply defines, animation as the illusion of movement: This illusion of movement can be achieved by quickly displaying a series of images that show slight incremental changes in one of the depicted objects. If you play back these images fast enough, the eye will perceive movement (Morrison 1994, p. 5). It is safe for one to conclude that animation and motion picture in general, when viewed by a human is an illusion, the rapid succession of ordered singular frames tricking the viewers eye into perceiving there is an apparent seamless movement. This technical definition of animation is closely linked to the history and evolution of motion picture, also to human physiology and how the eye and the brain perceive movement. ÂÂ 2.1.2 The Beginnings of the Motion Picture Animation cannot be achieved without first understanding a fundamental principle of the human eye: the persistence of vision'(James 2002, [Online]). Animation literature shows that the appreciation of this principle is not only linked with the history of animation and motion picture but much earlier, beginning long ago in our past. Since the beginnings of time, human beings have tried to capture a sense of motion in their art'(James 2002, [Online]). Williams (2001) points out several examples; a 35,000 year old pre-historic cave painting of a boar in Northern Spain displaying four pairs of legs to show motion'(Williams 2001, p. 11). Egyptian temple paintings of figures that progressively changed position'(Williams 2001, p. 12). Ancient Greek decorated pots with figures in successive stages of action. Spinning the pot would create a sense of motion'(Williams 2001, p. 12). Other examples are cave and wall paintings, medieval tapestries, scrolls, and paintings which all tell continuous storiesand some of which attempt to illustrate repetitive motions'(James 2002, [Online]). Theories that were born in the ancient world by classical scholars were to prove very important in the genesis of animation, as The Private Lessons Channel (2002, [Online]) points out. It identifies historical figures such as the Greek Aristotle (384-322 BC), who observed light and motion after effects, dating back to 340 BC (The Private Lessons Channel 2002, [Online]). The Private Lessons Channel (2002, [Online]) then points out that later, in 130 AD, Greek astronomer and geographer Ptolemy (100-178 AD) discovered the aforementioned persistence of vision. In elaborating a point made by Thomas (1964, p. 8), one can see how these ancient scholars came to such discoveries; Imagine a torch lighted with fire, being whisked around in a circular motion in the darkness, the eye seeing a continuous unbroken circle of light. This type of phenomenon must have been known to the ancients'(Thomas 1964, p. 8). ÂÂ 2.1.3 A Physiological Definition of Animation The Persistence of Vision While there is evidence of a fascination with the visual documentation of movement and narrative in prehistoric and classical periods, it was not until these notions were later revisited by 19th century inventors, that modern animation principles emerged. One of these inventors was the Frenchman Peter Mark Roget, also the author of the famous Rogets Thesaurus, who in the 1820s rediscovered the vital principle, the persistence of vision'(Williams 2001, p. 13). Williams (2001, p. 13) explains the persistence of vision on the following way: This principle rests on the fact that that our eyes temporarily retain the image of anything theyve just seen. If this wasnt so, we would never get the illusion of an unbroken connection in a series of images, and neither movies nor animation would be possible. Many people dont realise the movies dont actually move, and that they are still images that appear to move when they are projected in a series (Williams 2001, p. 13). Jonsson (1978, p. 2) gives a more physiologically oriented explanation: What makes this possible is a quality of our brain called persistence of vision that is; although the frame we are viewing at any given moment is in fact still, the image burns itself onto our retina, so that it remains with us for a small fraction of time while we view the next one and if the difference seems to be a reasonable follow-on, an illusion is created (Jonsson 1978, p. 2). Concluding that technical and physiological aspects work hand-in-hand in motion picture, Jonsson (1978, p. 2) explains that for the eye to record an apparent continuous seamless movement, a certain frequency of frames per second needs to be displayed. Morrison (1994, p. 5) states that human visual acuity is low enough that only 12-15 different pictures (or frames) need to be displayed per second to produce the illusion of movement. The Private Lessons Channel (2002, [Online]) states that the number of frames per second, or fps, directly correlates to how smooth the movement appears. If the frame rate is too slow, the motion will look awkward and jerky. If the frame rate is too high the motion will blur'(The Private Lessons Channel 2002, [Online]). For the eye to record a normal, continuous movement that is not too fast, and not too slow there needs to be a frequency of around 24 to 30 fps displayed by a projector. Jonsson (1978, p. 2), states that this is the sole principle by which both live-action and animated films work. 24 fps is used in cinema, 25 fps is used for PAL television (Europe and Australia), and 30 fps is used for NTSC television (America and Japan). In relation to the illusion of movement and persistence of vision, both Wells (1998 p. 10) and Furniss (1998 p. 5) portrays the view of well-known Scottish-born animation identity Norman McClaren: Animation is not the art of drawings that move, but rather the art of movements that are drawn. What happens between each frame is more important than what happens on each frame; Animation is therefore the art of manipulating the invisible interstices that lie between the frames (McClaren qtd. in Furniss 1998 p. 5). James (2002, [Online]) states that Roget demonstrated the persistence of vision principle in his invention, the thaumatrope. James (2002, [Online]) and Williams (2001, p. 13), describe it as a disc held between two pieces of string, which was attached to both of the disc edges. Each flat side of the disc had different images; one a bird, the other an empty birdcage. Twirling of the disc with the pulling of the string results in the bird appearing to be in the cage. This proved that the eye retains images when it is exposed to a series of pictures, one at a time'(James 2002, [Online]). The Private Lessons Channel (2002, [Online]) notes that two other inventors are credited with this invention, the Frenchman Dr. John Ayrton, and Englishman Dr. Fitton, depending on the source. ÂÂ 2.1.4 The Early Evolution of the Motion Picture Crucial to the evolution of Animation and indeed Motion Picture were other related inventions. James (2002, [Online]) describes other optical devices of a similar nature to the thaumatrope, such as the phenakistoscopeinvented in 1826 by Joseph Plateau, and the zoetropeinvented in 1860 by Pierre Desvignes. Williams (2001, p. 14) mentions another similar invention, the praxinoscope, invented by the Frenchman Emile Reynaud in 1877. Clark (1979, p. 8) states that these contraptions relied for their effect on either an endless paper band or a cardboard disc bearing series of pictures drawn in progressive stages of an action. Viewed intermittently through slots or reflected in mirrors the drawings came to life and appeared to move'(Clark 1979, p. 8). Another invention included the flipbook, or kineograph pad, first appearing in 1868. Another important invention relevant to Motion Picture was photography. The first photographs were taken in the late 1820s by a Frenchman, NicÃÆ'Â ©phore NiÃÆ'Â ©pce'(Thomas 1964, p. 6). In the 1870s Sir Charles Wheatstones moving picture stereoviewerwas created to view a series of actual photographs in ordered succession (Thomas 1964, p. 16). Thomas (1964, p. 18) points out that the first to capture and record a sequence of images, was the English/American Eadweard J. Muybridge, where he famously captured a horse and carriage trotting. He then played the captured images back in a viewing device, known as the zoopraxiscope. Another important revolution in the evolution of the Motion Picture was that of nitrate celluloid film invented by H.W. Goodwin in 1887. Nitrate celluloid film was a chemical combination of gun cotton and gum camphor'(McLaughlin 2001, [Online]). Thomas (1964, p. 29) acknowledges the birth of Cinema to the famous American inventor Thomas A. Edison, and the Scot William Kennedy Laurie Dickson. In 1892 Edison and Dickson succeeded in building a camera capable of taking moving pictures at a rate of forty-six per second on Eastman celluloid film'(Thomas 1964, p. 29). Edisons and Dicksons viewing device, influenced by Austrian Ottomar AnschÃÆ'Â ¼tz, was named the kinetoscope. Thomas (1964, p. 29) describes it as a viewing cabinet by means of which only one person could view a film at a time. As the images were not projected, the viewer had to use a small eyepiece to look into the cabinet in order to see the moving images. Instigated and influenced by the work Edison and Dickson, other inventors set about evolving the kinetoscoperesulting in viewing devices with the ability to project images. The most well-known of these inventors were the LumiÃÆ'Â ¨re brothers, who in 1895 designed a camera and projector which they call the cinÃÆ'Â ©matographe'(Thomas 1964, p. 30). The LumiÃÆ'Â ¨re brothers became the first to give a public exhibition of moving pictures'(Thomas 1964, p. 30), which they held on the 28th of December 1895, at the Grand CafÃÆ'Â © in Paris. It is interesting to note that Estonian animator Priit PÃÆ'Â ¤rn in his surrealist-inspired short film 1895, pays tribute to the LumiÃÆ'Â ¨re brothers, and invention of the cinÃÆ'Â ©matographe. Thomas (1964, p. 31), concludes that the interest shown by the public in these first cinema shows gave rise to a rapid growth in a new industry. In time, with the advent and advancement of various technologies and techniques, the first true animated films were born. ÂÂ 2.1.5 A Philosophical Definition and Discussion of Animation Animation is the art of bringing something to life. How its brought to life can be done any number of different ways, simply states Ludwin (1998, [Online]). Bringing something to life is indeed a very important theme in animation. To better understand the definition of animation, it is useful to find out the original term from which the word animation derives. Wells (1998, p. 10) notes that animation derives from the latin word animare, which means to give life to, and that the animated film largely means the artificial creation of the illusion of movement in inanimate lines and forms. The famous Zagreb School of Croatia relates the definition of to animate back to this original meaning. They suggest, that to animate is to give life and soul to a design, not through the copying but through the transformation of reality'(Wells 1998, p. 10). When youre animating and moving an object, youre instilling life in something'(Lubin 2003). This leads us onto animators philosophies, ideologies and animation aesthetics. There are many differences in philosophy among animators and opinion of what the essence of animation actually is. One interesting example illustrating the philosophical differences of opinion is with respect to the extent of which animation should reflect real-life. For instance, the copying of real-life movements using motion capture techniques, are not favoured by all animators. Stefan Marjoram of the Aardman studio notes that motion capture is alright in sports games, but it doesnt necessarily make you a good animator. Animations not about copying real life, after all a lot of people use motion capture for that. For me animation is about exaggerating real life'(Ricketts 2002, p. 51). Lubin (2003) agrees: Thats absolutely right. I mean if youre doing a game and you want to get Tiger Woodsswing, fine. But Motion Capture which is only about animating humanoid animation, why bother? Just get real actors (Lubin 2003). When asked the question on what the public perception of Animation is, Tom Lubin in an interview on 1 April 2003 stated that it depends on who you askand it depends on the show. Some animation would be dismissed as stuff for something to baby-sitlittle kids with, whilst other animation has a broader market encompassing all age groups. I think the public has a very broad view of it depending on their interests'(Lubin 2003). Lubin (2003) also pointed out that animation has been successful for a really long time, and he stated that it was telling that the Academy Awards now, in the last few years, actually gives an Oscar for the best feature in animation. This has to do with the publics perception of animation as a viable stand alone'(Lubin 2003). Animation at its most creative, is a truly beautiful artform'(White 1988, p. 9). The term art and its related words feature heavily in many animation definitions and philosophies originating from the birth of modern animation. Winsor McCay the first American animator of the early 1900s, who many have dubbed the father of the animated cartoon, once stated: Animation should be an artwhat you fellows have done with it is making it into a tradenot an art, but a tradebad luck (Crandol 1999, [Online]). Crandol (1999, [Online]) points out that McCays warning and prediction inevitably became true. Indeed a studio production system with a streamlined, assembly-line processwas formed out of the necessity to satisfy time, expense and demand factors (Crandol 1999, [Online]). Wells (1998) also mentions several times that the domination and the proliferation of mass-produced cel animation'(p. 35), such as that produced in America and Japan, has led to animation being understood in a limited wayby society (p. 24). Wells (1998, p. 35) elaborates stating that: The amount of cheaply produced, highly industrialised cel animation made in the USA and Japan had colonised television schedules, and perhaps, more importantly, the imaginations of viewers (Wells 1998, p. 35). Crandol (1999, [Online]) also points out that the collective nature of the studio may prevent the artists from receiving the amount of praise an artist working solo garners. Wells (1998, p. 7) makes the point that this type of animation has somewhat diminished animation in the eyes of society as a legitimate artform: Animation has been trivialised and ignored despite its radical tendencies and self-evident artistic achievements at the technical and aesthetic level. Ironically, the dominance of the cartoon(i.e. traditional celanimation in the style of Disney or Warner Brothers, which is predicated on painting forms and figures directly onto sheets of celluloid which are then photographed) has unfortunately misrepresented and the animated film because it art seems invisible or, more precisely, is taken for granted by its viewers. The cartoon seems part of an easily dismissed popular culture; animation, as a term, at least carries with it an aspiration for recognition as an art and, indeed the popular evaluation of other animated forms (Wells 1998, p. 7). Although there appears to be a domination of the of American and Japanese style of animation and its entertainment premise as suggested, affecting the common perception of animation, large difference in styles and approaches have occurred and do exist. In an interview with an animation Domain Expert on 1 May 2003, he made the point that European animation, due to the many various nations and peoples, have contributed a large number of diverse artistic visual styles, contrasting to the American or Japanese styles. He also stated that many animated works are not always of the purely entertainment premise. One example he stated was in the communist period of Eastern Europe where animation was state controlled, focusing on allegorical social comment, the animators slipping in their own secret messages in the films past the censors. Even with the domination of industrialised mass-produced animation, and the influences it has on the audience, Crandol (1999, [Online]) remarks that there have been many animators careful not to let business logistics overwhelm the artistic potential of the medium. Crandol (1999, [Online]) concludes that as long as are creative people working, animation will continue to be the best of both worlds: a trade and an art. Tom Lubin, Head of Training at FTI (Film Television Institute), in an interview on 1 April 2003, in response to the question of animation being an art responded I think it is. Well you need art skills to do it. But actually that not as important to me as storytelling. What animation is, is storytelling. Storytelling and its importance to Animation will be specifically discussed and investigated in Chapter 3: The Principles of Storytelling. To give life towas a major inspirational theme in the animation process I went through, so to was the art of animation, as I have personally and purposefully embraced it when conducting the creative animation process. This will be touched upon in part 2 of the dissertation; The Self-Reflective Case Study. ÂÂ 2.2 The Animation Process The Angus Robertson Dictionary and Thesaurus (1992, p. 788) defines the word process as a series of actions which produce a change or development, and a method of doing or producing something. From these meanings the animation process can be described as what I am researching and undertaking in my Honours project; the pattern of methods an animator undertakes from start to finish in the creation of an animated work, or animation. Animation and the animation process, like many other disciplines, have undergone a paradigm shift due to technological advancements. Indeed technology has been the catalyst for many paradigm shifts as Utz (1993, p. 16) points out. Due to the ever-increasing accessibility and affordability of various technologies, an animators methods, actions and options have changed when implementing the animation process. See Appendix 2: Paradigm Shift in the Animation Process, for a more detailed discussion of this subject. Referring to these changes in the animation process, animator George Griffin believes the role of the animator in an artistic sense has changed very little: Despite the enormous upheavals in technology, the independent animators artistic role remains essentially the same: to draw time, to construct a model of ideas and emotions, using any means available (Griffin qtd. in Laybourne 1998, p. xi). ÂÂ 2.3 Types of Animation For a description of the various types of animation such as traditional 2D animation, stop-motion animation and computer generated 3D animation, please refer to Appendix 2: Paradigm Shift in the Animation Process. ÂÂ 2.4 Conclusion Through investigating the various definitions of animation it can be seen that they cover and include many different aspects. The technical definition of animation is closely linked to the history and evolution of motion picture, and this is turn is linked to the understanding of human physiology and how the eye and the brain perceive movement. The different philosophical definitions and viewpoints animators hold also cover many different aspects, varying immensely. This chapter directly relates to the practical component of the Honours project, as described in part 2 of the dissertation; The Self-Reflective Case Study. This is due to the fact that when creating the 3D animated pilot and series concept, I related to and strongly agreed with various animation philosophies that were discussed in this chapter e.g. to give life to, as mentioned beforehand. On some occasions these philosophies affected and influenced the way that I would conduct my own practical animation process. A brief investigation on societys perception of animation subject matter was also relevant for the target audience of the series concept.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Causes And Psychological Effects Of Ptsd Essay
The Causes and Psychological Effects of PTSD Megan Nusbickel Caledonia-Mumford High School and GCC Abstract PTSD is particularly common anxiety disorder that can affect people who have underwent a trauma and are unable to cope with the memories and fear that follow. Many people correlate PTSD with veterans or military personnel, however, many ordinary civilians account for the growing number of cases of this disorder. Typically the types of trauma that result in this anxiety disorder have to do with, sexual or physical abuse, combat, or even natural disasters. People who develop PTSD as a result of any one of these traumas are subject to psychological effects such as self-destructive behavior, fight-or-flight response, avoidance, and physical changes to the structure of the brain. These issues come from the underlying anxiety associated with the development of PTSD. The Causes and Psychological Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following World War I and World War II a number of war veterans developed a disorder commonly referred to as, â€Å"Shell shock†, and, â€Å"Battle fatigue.†Following the Vietnam War people began to acknowledge this once undiagnosed issue to be what we refer to now as post-traumatic stress disorder, a disorder that is commonly developed in an individual after an event that caused them extremeShow MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder1086 Words  | 5 Pagesand felt first hand the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder. It is not possible to respond to emergency after emergency and not be subject to some of PTSD’s effects. When I saw this topic in the list I felt compelled to use this opportunity to learn more. My hope is by increasing my knowledge, of a disorder so prevalent in my career field; I can recognize the symptoms in others and myself before there effect becomes devastating. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Moral Obligations of any Multinational Corporation - Free Sample
Question: How wide do the moral obligations (or duties) of a multinational corporation extend when operating in a global context? Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility today has become a quickly growing, main industrial problem. This exists as an idea that actually has fascinated worldwide attention. Because of the burden intended for improved lucidity plus company citizenship, this term initiated to cuddle the social, ecological and ethical confrontation. Currently, firms are actually conscious of communal plus ecological impact of global making. Also it is established that firms must never be merely money-making, yet also must properly corporate all the citizens. Via globalization and growing economy, the MNCs are enchantingly concerned along with contractors plus consumers throughout the world, particularly if they function in the mounting nations. CSR plan has a very secure relationship along with the global development and growth. CSR in the MNC firms is also seen like a medium via which bigger and recognized organizations can also contribute in the happiness of the developed nations by working sensibly regardin g social as well as environmental issues. Libertarian theories and concepts of normative hub are held by the corporations and their viewpoints are basically accountability of the promotion that held the firms to revisit all the earnings to the stakeholders within boundaries of convinced ethical side-restraints. Side-restraints might be moreover very weak which are accountable with the rules of the game. This study actually deemed libertarian point of view related to the normative hub of firms in context of the international capitalism as well as in the light of the definite corporate performance. Initially, it is also argued that weak side-restraints scene is theoretically disjointed when actually implicated within an international situation. Second, argument is made that the proponents of the libertarian brutal side-restraints view all the lack of proper theory and the privileges. Third, all the two weak side-restraints seem as well as strapping side-restraints view will be demonstrated. Multinational firms are never actually pardoned from the ethical obligations. In reality there always exist some social expectations from the multinationals and these can come from some individuals, government and the customers of the products and the services. MNCs require behaving ethically and the corporate leadership should be guided as well in terms of ethical boundaries that must exist for the organization. The national laws and regulations also help in making the MNCs behave properly and ethically. There has been some good arguments regarding multinationals running away and avoiding the laws through moving functions in various nations. Few multinational firms look for some locations merely for cheap employees plus ecological laws. Some firms discover cheap manual labor yet assume highest benchmarks otherwise regulations through which it actually sells out products and also services. This is for being capable to sell products globally. For instance, a car producer might select to adopt the Californias car production standard for selling their automobiles within all of the United States. While law may not hold multinationals towards a very high standard, the social pressure could also have some impact. Consumers within United States also have demands as well as expectations of the way in which a firm must behave. There also have been several times in news when the clothing designers plus some other manufacturers get accused of carrying their goods manufactured at the sweat shops within foreign nations. This could also cause shareholders as well as some other stakeholders in the firm to change the working circumstances for the factory labors. For instance, Nike currently extra closely monitors all its industrialized partners functions in Asia (Arnold). The actual leadership within a firm does have proper influence upon the way in which a firm behaves. Bureaucracy of any firm is not affected by an individual. There are influences that are received from vario us ends within an organisation. The other fact is that the executives as well as bureaucrats that actually lead any firm do have proper impact that could lead towards social responsible agendas and activities. Stockholders, board of the directors as well as executive level staffs all apply their individual ethicality, through their activities, into the firm. Some companies also do not require laws towards acting morally. Few nations that open their factories in foreign nations for some cheaper labor, maintain health as well as safety policies through establishment of the factories. Some firms also might act ethically for public, media as well as government relationship positive advantages. In current world economy with faster spread of data and information firms have to properly behave plus think internationally. It is also hard to maintain the non-moral business decisions far away from public. Society even holds the multinationals towards a phase of the ethics plus responsibility w hich law may not be capable to do. Als0 Multinationals are actually never free from the morals. In common, less is understood regarding management of the social responsibility in any MNC, moreover virtually or even mentally. Since several locations of study have also examined the nature of the educational otherwise commerce preference towards communal equality, there also has been previously no study upon the actual position of the social responsibility in development of the firms into fresh territories otherwise traditions. Prevailing theoretical loom towards learning the CSR carry outs amongst MNC firms, working within increasing nations, is tasks of many researchers, who have tried to evaluate and analyze common MNCs administration carry outs in the CSR. This structure was later comprehensive to cover all the CSR practices. The researches of all these researchers enabled all the interesting insights like the way in which CSR is controlled and is being handled, potential restrictions towards successful completion of the CSR practices in the domestic locations into function am ong the MNCs. Moreover, conventional study of the responsibilities also was undertaken chiefly on the home issues like labor problems and cultural discrimination, situations of the ladies as well as ecology. Till date also there actually has been very limited investigation within mounting nations circumstance, within meticulously concerning overseas MNC firms. Additional detailed evaluation and examination is required of things that are involved, ethical as well as relational reasons that survive in the schemes that are very dissimilar towards western framework where they also were actually urbanized. Along with internationalization, the need for CSR has propelled to an international context. It has been identified that triple particular contexts of the responsibility towards society regarding the worldwide supremacy exist in the world. Firstly, in current days it is actually predictable that all the MNC companies would construct novel abilities as well as take proper care of all t he issues like working situations, healthcare as well as education plus even respect of the human rights, thereby developing the nations and decreasing level of poverty otherwise child labor. Currently, majority of the multinational firms are facing several challenging issues in the era of the Globalization. It has also been observed that the multinational companies actually are becoming capable to solve and answer all the problems. They also have brought in idea of the "Three segment world", negotiating the multinational firms, the non-governmental companies and the community (McGee and Peet). Within the research, many researchers have compared both the strengths as well as weaknesses of every sector plus have analyzed all of their contributions towards solving the international problems. There have been many research methods which were based upon comparison attempts of the multinational companies within implementation of the CSR in all its developing nations. On the basis of their findings, this was seen noticeable that proper two-way partnership along with society as well as non-governmental firms could also carry some better outcomes in implementing the CSR. Thus CSR within global context would involve something more than the simple implementation of the business; it also requires trade cooperation along with some other firms in reality whose focus also is superior upon CSR. The MNCs within the global context also have a varied and very vital duty as well as obligation towards globe plus societies. Several critics have argued that present neoliberal international financial system permits MNCs towards properly utilizing of all the labors like low-priced labor as well as to exploit some lower standards upon working situations, fundamental worker rights, as well as environmental regulations and rules. MNCs also have motivated some significant debate all around incompatible issues and problems of the competence plus the justice, as well as resultant balance and poise of the economic growth plus also social injustice. Simultaneous these surges within the economic growth as well as inequity that have resulted to grave implications intended for the rights of people within developing globe. Also utilizing a proper rights-oriented standpoint, people bicker that within rights of people field accountable party is usually the actual state, plus that, particularly in situation of the neoliberal internationalization, offenders also are generally firms. Few experts also have argued about the fact that states also are not as well as must not actually be single target and aim of any global legal duty and that total dependence upon the state obligations might not be very adequate towards roughly protecting the rights of people. Very proper agreement has actually come that some definite business activities are disadvantageous to globally renowned rules of the human rights. Some papers have also examined possibility of the exterior governing body towards holding in check tolerant global capitalism as well as towards bringing the accountability to the MNC policies which are communally detrimental. All the way through an assessment of mixed outcomes of the globalization as well as an enhanced awareness of the social responsibilities, some of the studies even conclude that the MNCs would not properly address the specific rights of human beings and their violations if they are assigned merely to an intended set of the principles that are carried out. Few very popular interpretations regarding globalization actually include view about fact that it also is evolutionary procedure of alteration ambitious by the actual technical as well as systematic progress within modern epoch. Also power at the back of this definition also is recent communication as well as information technology rebellion, from which the corporations also function in the global market actually external of the countrywide limits. Novel knowledge even has resulted to force towards international business that is made for attaining relative advantages all amongst their international counterparts. Some other popular meaning of the globalization also maintains that this magnifies as well as intensifies echelon of the communication plus interdependence all along with the country states plus communities. From the realist viewpoint, globalization now has been assumed as a nov el hegemonic scheme upheld by worlds vital industrialist viewpoint. Seen within this, also it is the apparatus of wealthy countries utilized to sustain all of their financial governance. Within its presence chiefly neoliberal itinerary, internationalization is attached to rationalist arrangement of the awareness, capitalist style of manufacture, technical modernism, and also mechanical plus practical equivalence. MNCs actions in developing the world result within the myriad rewards plus expenses. As the effective force for financial integration, MNCs could also generate vast amounts of the income plus wealth intended for all the crowd nations, while in the mean time also supplying jobs within the markets having great stages of the joblessness (Augenstein). Few researches upon MNC actions, disagree that occurrence of the MNCs within the third World financial system also is advantageous and even leads to enhanced life hope as well as decline within the illiteracy as well as infant mor tality tariffs, with increases within first- plus second-cohort rights on a whole. Several other elements also contribute towards increase in power of the corporations. All such include the international fortification of their actual property as well as their prominent duty and role within the international institutions which regulate the trade, like the WTO. As the novel millennium comes in, trends within the global rights of people are also changing. Human rights problems and issues are crossing independent boundaries plus are also no longer merely issues of state. Since extra non-governmental firms are now growing, plus Internet enlarges as well as aids very fast reach of data and information, also there are extra populace raising the anxiety regarding rights of human beings and other interrelated issues. Few of such arrive from more and more superior as well as influential commercial segment including some large, multinational firms. In few situations, some companies have kept the whole governments towards violently supporting the administrations which are encouraging towards them. For instance, particularly within 1970s plus 80s, few tacitly carried authoritarianism like they might manage and organize all of their people, be extra easily influenced as well as corrupted, permit conditions such as inexpensive labor plus sweatshops, and many more. This also is very less realistic in current time as a firms icon along with such relations can extra gladly is marked currently. Additionally then, authority also is getting appropriately spread all t hrough the lobbying intended for international profitable plus trade preparations which are extra advantageous to the firms. Despite the prominence of all this in the political debate, proper corporate power as well as its schemes of the checks as well as steadiness are also not well known. Corporate authority and power at all its present level also were never foreseen by any of the early lawmakers as well as constitutional scholars and researchers, and its groundwork within the law is also very uneasy as well as inconsistent. Yet it is very comprehensible that question of the legitimacy of the corporate authority within the firms has also been distorted. Anyone could incorporate for all the activities that are never illegal. And corporation, granted a minimum of few of constitutionally secured right of the free speech initially contemplated for the individual citizens, that has currently been accorded right towards queries as well as confrontation whether the government is properly performing in communal interest or not. References Arnold, Denis G. 'Libertarian Theories Of The Corporate And Global Capitalism'. Journal of Business Ethics 48.2 (2003): 155-173. Web. Augenstein, Daniel. 'The Crisis Of International Human Rights Law In The Global Market Economy'. SSRN Journal n. pag. Web. McGee, Terry, and Richard Peet. 'Global Capitalism: Theories Of Societal Development'. Economic Geography 68.2 (1992): 210. Web.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Downfall Of Communism In Eastern And Central Europe Essays
The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. The specifics of communism's demise varied among nations, but similarities in both the causes and the effects of these revolutions were quite similar. As well, all of the nations involved shared the common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies. In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout the world for the preceding two decades, but with a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually. In Europe, on the other hand, the shift from communism was taking place in a different context altogether. The peoples involved were not looking to affect a narrow set of policy reforms; indeed, what was at stake was a hyper-radical shift from the long-held communist ideology to a western blueprint for governmental and economic policy development. The problem inherent in this type of monumental change is that, according to Ulrich K. Preuss, "In almost all the East and Central European countries, the collapse of authoritarian communist rule has released national, ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts which can not be solved by purely economic policies" (47). While tremendous changes are evident in both the governmental and economic arenas in Europe, these changes cannot be assumed to always be "mutually reinforcing" (Preuss 47). Generally it has been theorized that the most successful manner of addressing these many difficulties is the drafting of a constitution. But what is clear is the unsatisfactory ability of a constitution to remedy the problems of nationalism and ethnic differences. Preuss notes that when the constitutional state gained favor in North America, it was founded on the principle of the unitary state; it was not designed to address the lack of national identity which is found throughout Europe - and which is counter to the concept of the constitutional state (48). "Measured in terms of socioeconomic modernization," writes Helga A. Welsh, "Central and Eastern European countries had reached a level that was considered conducive to the emergence of pluralistic policies" (19). It seemed that the sole reason the downfall of communism, as it were, took so long was the veto power of the Soviet Union. According to theories of modernization, the higher the levels of socioeconomic achievement, the greater the pressure for open competition and, ultimately, democracy. As such, the nations in Eastern and Central Europe were seen as "anomalies in socioeconomically highly-developed countries where particularly intellectual power resources have become widespread" (Welsh 19). Due to their longtime adherence to communist policies, these nations faced great difficulty in making the transition to a pluralist system as well as a market economy. According to Preuss, these problems were threefold: The genuine economic devastations wrought by the communist regimes, the transformation of the social and economic classes of the command economy into the social and economic lasses of a capitalist economy and, finally, the creation of a constitutional structure for political entities that lack the undisputed integrity of a nation state (48). With such problems as these to contend with in re- engineering their entire economic and political systems, the people of East Germany seemed to be in a particularly enviable position. Economically, they were poised to unite with one of the richest countries, having one of the strongest economies, in the entire world. In the competition for foreign investment, such an alliance gave the late German Democratic Republic a seemingly insurmountable lead over other nations. In regards to the political aspects of unification, it effectively left a Germany with no national or ethnic minorities, as well as having undisputed boundaries. As well, there was no need to create a constitution (although many of the pitfalls of constitution- building would have been easily-avoided due to the advantages Germany had), because the leaders of the GDR had joined the Federal Republic by accession and, accordingly, allowed its Basic Law to be extended over their territory. For all the good that seemed to be imminent as a result of unification, many problems also arose regarding the political transformation that Germany was undergoing. Among these problems were the following: the tensions between the Basic Law's simultaneous commitments to supranational integration and to the German nation state, the relationship between the nation and the constitution as two different modes of political integration and the issue of so- called "backward justice" (Preuss 48). The Federal Republic of Germany's Basic Law
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Creating Learning Centers to Support Skills
Creating Learning Centers to Support Skills Learning Centers can be an important and fun part of your instructional environment and can supplement and support the regular curriculum. They create opportunities for collaborative learning as well as differentiation of instruction. A learning center is usually a place in the classroom designed for different tasks that students can complete in small groups or alone. When there are space constraints, you can use a display as a learning center with activities that children can take back to their desks. Organization and Administration Many primary classrooms have center time, when children move to a specific part of the classroom. There they can either choose which activity to pursue or rotate through all the centers. In intermediate or middle school classrooms, learning centers can follow completion of assigned work. Students can fill in checklists or pass books to show they have completed a required number of activities. Or, students can be rewarded for completed activities with a classroom reinforcement plan or token economy. In any case, be sure to have a record keeping system that is simple enough for the children can keep themselves. You can then monitor their progress with a minimum of attentionreinforcing their sense of responsibility. You might have monthly charts, where a monitor stamps completed activities for each learning center. You could cycle through monitors each week or have monitors for each specific center who stamps students passports. A natural consequence for children who abuse center time would be to require them to do alternate drill activities, like worksheets. Learning centers can support skills in the curriculumespecially mathand can broaden students understanding, or provide practice in reading, math or combinations of those things. Activities found in learning centers could include paper and pencil puzzles, art projects connected to a social studies or science theme, self correcting activities or puzzles, write on and erasable laminated board activities, games and even computer activities. Literacy Centers Reading and Writing Activities: There are lots of activities that will support instruction in literacy. Here are a few: Laminate a short story into a folder, and give prompts for students to respond.Laminate articles about popular television or music personalities, and have students answer Who, What, Where, When, How and Why questions.Make puzzles where students match initial letters and word family endings: example: t, s, m, g with the ending old. Math Activities: Puzzles matching problems and their answers.Color by number puzzles using math facts to come up with the numbers.Board games where students answer math facts on the spaces they hit.Measuring activities with scales, sand and different size measures such as cup, teaspoon, etc.Geometry activities where students make pictures with geometric shapes. Social Studies Activities: Combine literacy and social studies activities: Write and illustrate newspaper articles about: the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the discovery of America by Columbus, the election of Barack Obama.Matching card games: match pictures to names of historical figures, shapes of states to the names of states, capitals of states to the names of states.Board games based on historical eras, such as the civil war. You land on Battle of Gettysburg. If youre a Yankee, you go forward 3 steps. If youre a Rebel, you go back 3 steps. Science Activities: Centers based on the current content, say magnets or space.Place the planets correctly on a velcroed map.Demonstrations from the class that they can do in the center.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers If you have gone through the Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Escaping the Endless Adolescence, then read the answers below. These reading comprehension worksheet answers are affiliated with the article, so they wont make much sense by themselves. Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers Escaping the Endless Adolescence 1. This passage is narrated from the point of view of (C) a concerned therapist who works with struggling young adults. Why? A is incorrect because it uses the word bulimia, and the disorder was anorexia. Plus, you wouldnt expect concerned parents to take their child to see a college professor for help. B is incorrect because its an older person telling the story. D is incorrect because sleeping and compulsive disorders are never discussed nor implied. E is incorrect because a college student would not have an office or visits from concerned parents. 2. According to the worksheet passage, Perrys two biggest problems were (A) being an unhappy achiever and his parents increase of his mental strain. Why? Look at lines 26–27 and lines 38–39. The problems are stated explicitly. 3. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) describe one young mans struggle with anorexia and, in doing so, provide possible reasons a young person may resort to an eating disorder. Why? To start, look at the verbs at the beginning of the answers. You can get rid of answer choices B and C because the passage neither advocates for anyone nor compares anything. D is incorrect because the passage is largely unemotional, and E is wrong because its too broad: The passage focuses on one young man and his struggle more than it focuses on todays youth as a whole. 4. The author uses which of the following in the sentence starting on line 18: But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles, and while he took awhile to get to know, eventually the problems came pouring out? (E) metaphor Why? But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles, and while he took awhile to get to know, eventually the problems came pouring out. Actually, the sentence in the passage uses two metaphors: world of troubles and pouring out. The author compares the amount of troubles facing Perry to a world without using the word like or as. He also compares Perrys relating of his troubles to pouring, two explicitly different ideas connected without the simile signifiers. 5. In the second sentence of the last paragraph, the word inadvertently most nearly means (D) mistakenly Why? Heres where your vocabulary knowledge or your ability to understand vocab words in context comes in handy. If you didnt know the meaning of the word, you could assume some things based on the text: But in their efforts to nurture and support him, his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain. Nurturing and supporting are positive things. With the but you know that the opposite is true in the last part of the sentence, so you could assume that the parents didnt mean to increase his mental strain, thus, answer D.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Special Interest Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Special Interest Story - Essay Example ct also bears the name ObamaCare 2010, and it is an implemented health care policy that looks forward to drive the American health care system into the public sphere. This means that the former system of private the health care system transforms towards a public system under the drive of the government. At this point the government will bear the obligation of running and financing the entire health care system. This Health Care policy became law on March 2010 through president Obama’s approval. The introduction of this Act has triggered vast debates form analysts who differ in positive and positive effects that will be inflicted by the Act to the people of US and to the country’s economy (ObamaCare Facts 1). Among the pros exhibited by the Act is that it will positively improve the lives of American citizens by granting affordable health care services to people who previously lacked the privilege of affording medical care due to their low social status. The Act will also initiate laws that ensure adult children of ages up to 26 acquire affordable Medicare services under their parents’ policies (Cannon 1). Moreover, the Act enhances improvements in care delivery and payment system by ensuring that each American citizen possesses a medical insurance. The Act will also foresee that the government monitors medical insurance companies; thus, ensuring that patients with pre-existing conditions do not undergo oppression from insurers who force them to pay high premiums (Cannon 1). In addition, women will acquire the most privilege because the Act allows them to access free health care services and visits from social health care workers. Prior to the fore-mentioned advantages, other analysts seem to disagree with the presented facts that greatly benefits the American citizens irrespective of their social status. These opposing analysts argue that in order for the government to acquire the money that will insure billions of Americans, it will inflict new taxes to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Performance management systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Performance management systems - Essay Example The causes and issues related to rewards and performance management system shall also be outlined in this particular study. There are two important components included within performance management system such as employee development and performance appraisal. It can be denoted as a mechanism to motivate employees so as to ensure that they perform well. In every organization there is a need to perform well and accomplish set organizational goals. To be more precise employees have to be highly motivated in order to reach targets and generate high profit margins for the company. Performance management system encompasses a wide array of activities required to address goals in most effective and efficient manner. This approach enables management to well align employees, resources and systems with strategic objectives. Performance management system comprises of multiple values like motivated workforce, improved control of management (2008) and generating high financial gains. Rewards or p erformance appraisal system ensures high degree of employee engagement. In this study, the first part will be literature review on performance management systems, its link to rewards and its possible strategic value. The second part shall be a reflective summary centered towards implications of findings on professional practice. Literature ReviewAccording to Zanko (2008), organizations basically witness various competitive conditions and this in turn requires continuous improvement in the workplace.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay Example for Free
Julius Caesar Essay Julius Caesar is a film version (1953) of Shakespeare’s play and is called to be the most successful Hollywood adaptation. The director of the film Joseph L. Mankiewicz made a successful attempt to authentically preserve the characters, themes and actions. Mankiewicz used the technique of the screen to the utmost advantage in the use of close-ups, of detail to illustrate key moments in film terms. Julius Caesar is a tragedy of an assassin â€Å"who is too honorable to succeed†. Caesar is a ghost story, seduction, study of marriage and fortune-telling. The film production is also a course in public speaking, social studies lesson, history of civil war and revenge and forgiveness, dramatic story about regretted decisions, tribute to the power of mental images. The historical context is Caesar’s victory over Italians and Pompey’s sons whereas the historical events presented in the film production are the conspiracy between Cassius and Brutus to assassinate Julies Caesar and the power of Roman Empire that is so desired by certain characters. Brutus, Caesar’s best friend, is easily convinced that assassinating the best friend can be justified as it will assist in establishing liberty in Roman Empire. It resulted in Brutus agreement to join the conspiracy. Caesar ignored the warning about attending the Senate meeting and thus he was assassinated by conspirators. Although at the funeral Brutus made an attempt to justify his crime appealing to the crowd, he made a fatal mistake allowing Mark Antony to speak, because Mark was the most faithful follower of Caesar. the crowd was incited and turned away from conspirators Morality won in a certain way, because Antony’s military forces defeated the conspirators and Brutus committed a suicide. After reviewing the historical context and events it is seen that a row of historical issues arose from the film. The first issue is tyranny that was so common in those times. In a certain way Julius Caesar is a story about the death of a benevolent tyrant. Although Caser had some good virtues in his character, he was a tyrant at heart and many people suffered from his cruelty. He was responsible for killing of innocent people as accepted no compromises thinking firstly about his own welfare. The next common historical issue is the question of betrayal. Although Brutus is portrayed as a respectable and noble person, he is betrayer at heart. It is necessary to note that being a weak person in a certain way he was all the more easily manipulated into killing his best friend. Brutus betrayed Caser when stabbing him when Caesar looked him in the eyes and betrayed Caesar for the second time when believing he did it for the good of the Roman Empire. He explained even his motives to the citizens, but remained misunderstood. Another issue arising from betrayal is the desire of absolute power, because for the characters it meant more than position and name it was everything. Although every power has limitations and there is no absolute power, every character in the film had in a certain way his power. It appeared from the movie that characters used their power only for their convenience. Finally the last important issue is the question of loyalty which was rather unique and uncommon for those times. If the loyalty had not been involved in the film, the Roman Empire â€Å"would not have been torn apart†. Otherwise if loyalty had been involved in all aspects, tyrant Caesar would have the emperor of for many years. War would not have broken out if people would have been more loyal to Caesar. The example of loyalty in the film is Mark Antony, a character misunderstood by all people. In conclusion it is necessary to admit that film is really successful in making people think about historical issues and problems, because many of the problems are still present in contemporary society. It is possible to state that the movie complements the historical discussion of the written texts, because it presents all historical events in more vivid and realistic way and it is easier for more people to understand the problem. All these conceptions of the play are valid, because people for four hundred years have been periodically returning to admire Julius Caesar. References Jorgens, Jack J. (1985) Shakespeare on Film and Television. New York: Scribners.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen Essay -- Dulce Decoru
Analysis of "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen Based on the poem of "Dulce et Decorum Est", by Wilfred Owen. Owens war poetry is a passionate expression of outrage at the horrors of war and of pity for the young soldiers sacrificed in it. It is "Dulce et Decorum Est" which provides a very dramatic and memorable description of the psychological and physical horrors that war brings about. From the first stanza Owen uses strong metaphors and similes to convey a strong warning. The first line describes the troops as being "like old beggars under sacks". This not only says that the men are tired but that they are so tired they have been brought down to the level of beggars. "Coughing like hags" suggests that these young men (many who were in their teens) were suffering from ill health due to the damp, sludge and fumes from the decaying bodies of their fallen men at arms, lying on their chests. It was also in the winter's of The Great War where the events that, Owen speaks of took place, so they would have been prone to pneumonias and other diseases. By using the phrase "blood shod" Owen is describing how the troops have been on their feet for days and never resting. "Drunk with fatigue", echoes this view that the troops are wandering and stumbling around aimlessly with no sense of direction or of purpose. In the second stanza, the pace changes to one of urgency; Owen using the word "Gas" in swift repetition demonstrates this. By doing this Owen illustrates the urgency of a life and death situation, which requires the need to put on their gas masks. Owen describes a horrific scene unfolding in front of his very eyes, a scene of a man dying a horrible death because he was too slow to put on his ... changes to one of questioning hopelessness and of quiet resignation with the onset of death. Owen demonstrates this by asking the reader to think, "Think how it wakes the seeds- Woke, once, the clays of a cold star". Here the reader can see that the suggestion of clay as being cold and lifeless and that when the sun tries to warm clay, it in fact bakes it hard. In lines 3, 4 and 5, "Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides, Full-nerved - warm-to hard too hard to stir? Was it for this the clay grew tall?" the reader can begin to ask the age old questions, "why?" and "Are we here for just this reason, too die for the sake of pointless wars that occur through mans own greed of power? Bibliography: Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Perrine?s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 7th ed. Ed. Thomas R. Arp. Ft. Worth: Harcourt, 1998. 565-566.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Motivation Letter Essay
Motivation Letter Application For Studying In University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille To whom it may concern: In addition to all my documents provided, I would like to take this great opportunity to write a motivation letter to clarify my main reason that drives me to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille. After graduation from _____ University major in Industry International Trade, I acquired knowledge in an extensive business area, for example, accounting, finance, international trade, corporate management, law etc. I worked at Credit Control department at Accenture Consulting Company for around 2 years. My responsibility includes providing customer service to UK clients, collecting overdue debt, applying cash payments, making financial adjustments and analyzing credit status for customers. My interpersonal skills improved greatly and English skill was polished as well through daily contact with British customers. Currently I have been worked as assistant product manager at Golden Label 5 International Trade Company. My responsibilities are to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images to manage efficiently the existing marketing tools to participate in the development of new marketing tools and participate in the development of the promotions for the day market. I believe that my current working experience is the main reason that drives me to study in France. By choosing to study University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille there are a few advantages that I can achieve my goal: My current job is to assist my French boss (marketing director) to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images. Meanwhile boost and maintain our brand image. In order to cooperate better with my boss, I started to learn French since last June. Although we still discuss in English during daily life, my French language does help me a lot when I explain some authentic French traditional wines and spirits knowledge to customers. I know more and more about French, French culture, French wine, etc. And I believe that what I will obtain in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille give me a global view of International corporate management and have a multi-culture background. France is a multicultural country, and University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille is a well-known multicultural university. I can learn how to interact within different cultures to improve my interpersonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprises friends from different countries and areas. France has good relationship with China. And now China is becoming certainly the biggest potential market for France. With my multi- culture background and French experience and skills, when I have completed study in France and returns China, I can participate into the development of business cooperation or any other relationship. In short, by choosing to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille, I will benefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up my professional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into a well-managed market economy country. I am looking forward that my application can be assessed and approved at your earliest convenience! Kind Regards Li
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited Essay
Marketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description Bentley Motors Limited is a British Manufacturer of automobiles, founded on the 18th of January 1919 by Walter Own Bentley. In the First World War, Bentley was known because of their rotary aero-engines. After the war Bentley designed and produced cars that won the Le Mans race in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930. Bentley presented Queen Elizabeth II with an official State Limousine to celebrate her Golden Jubilee in 2002. Bentley believes that it is a high end luxury car, which has tradition and ultimate class. Bentley follows a â€Å"high-price†strategy, and this Marketing Plan outline will show how Bentley improves their sales and continues to gain a share in the market. 3. Strategic Focus and Plan This section covers three aspects of corporate strategy that influence the marketing plan: (1) the mission, (2) goals, and (3) core competence/sustainable competitive advantage of Bentley Motors Limited. Mission Bentley Motors states that they don’t have a mission statement; but if they did, it would have been in the words of Walter Owen Bentley, â€Å"To build a good car, a fast car, the best in class†. The vision statement that Bentley Motors Limited follows is, â€Å"We are Bentley Motors – the definitive British luxury car company, dedicated to developing and crafting the world’s most desirable high performance cars. Goals 1. Have a larger market share. 2. Launch a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) in the United Kingdom in 2015. The model will be based on the Porsche Cayenne, and will be produced in the United Kingdom. The SUV will be priced around GBP 140,000. 3. Become more eco-friendly. 4. Increase sales to 1500 cars, by 2013. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage In terms of core competency, Bentley Motors seeks to use their uniqueness to provide sophisticated and distinctive, high quality luxury cars and other products that appeal to its target customers. In order to use its core competency as a sustainable competitive advantage, Bentley will work with its customers and employees to strengthen the relationships and build bonds to satisfy the high tastes of its clientele. 4. Situation Analysis This situation analysis will show how Bentley is growing larger in the market. Globally Bentley sold just over 10,000 cars in 2007 – compared to 9,000 cars in 2006 and 1000 in 2003. SWOT Analysis Figure 1 shows some characteristics that might influence the market opportunities for Bentley Motors. The SWOT emphasizes the good choices made by the company. Positive internal factors are related to the board, the management growth, the intrinsic value of the brand associated with the high end luxury car. Favorable external factors include the increasing need of luxury goods in the environment. A note to consider is that the financial crisis of 2007 did not affect Bentley’s clientele. Regarding unfavorable factors, the main weakness is the limited growth in the market. Due to the outstanding care and attention given to the production of each Bentley car, the production is slowed down as each car is hand made. However this limited production is perfect for Bentley’s marketing plan. Figure 1: SWOT Analysis for Bentley Motors |Internal Factors |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Management |Excellent and specialized board |Owned by Volkswagen, therefore has to | | | |report to Volkswagen. | |Offerings |Unique, high-price and high-end luxury |Many other competitors like Mercedes, | | |cars. |Rolls-Royce, Ferrari and Maserati provide | | | |similar products. | |Marketing |The exclusivity of the Bentley Motors brand|As the targeted customers are exclusive, | | |is part of the marketing plan. |not many people are aware of the various | | | |services and products Bentley Motors | | | |provides. | |Personnel |Dedicated to personal development of |Their workers are so qualified that if one | | |employees, by improving their technical and|employee leaves they need to spend a lot of| | |business skills. |money to train and develop another | | | |employee. | |Finance |Excellent growth in sales, revenues from |To build one car it takes longer than most | | |2003 onwards. |of their competitors, therefore it takes | | | |time to generate revenue. | |Manufacturing |Sophisticated details, like workers |A typical mass produced luxury model can be| | |inspecting the leather for insect bites and|finished in 24 hours, but to make a | | |17 hides of leather are required to outfit |Mulsanne at the Crewe Factory it takes 9 | | |the cabin. |weeks. | |R&D |Continued efforts to ensure engineering and|Most of the competitors have good R&D | | |luxury details for cars.|departments as well. | |External Factors |Opportunities | Threats | |Consumers |Customers can customize parts of the product, |Due to the high price of the products, | | |such as requesting certain types of leather |Bentley has exclusive consumers and not| | |interiors. |many people go and buy a Bentley every | | | |so often. | |Competitive |There are a few brands that are that obsessed |Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar and BMW produce | | |with having unique luxury products. |similar products for a fraction of the | | | |price. | |Technological |Bentley recently hired Rolf Frech as its |Bentley’s competitors have various | | |Engineering Chief. Frech comes from Porsche AG. |engineering methods that can produce | | | |more efficient cars. | |Economic |During the financial crisis of 2007, Bentley’s |The targeted customers are a small | | |targeted customers were still purchasing cars. |share of the market. | | | | | |Legal/Regulatory |Cars with new clean energy (biofuel), ensuring |A new law passed, requires some | | |that the power and torque of the car are not |technological change that Bentley’s do | | |affected.|not have. | Industry Analysis Every human wants to differentiate themselves from one another. One way of doing so is by purchasing luxury goods. Therefore the market for such goods is bound to grow. In comparison to other high end luxury vehicles, Bentley is growing more than the others. Figure 2: Luxury car Market |Year Sales in U. S Market | |Brands |2011 |2010 |% Change | |Porsche |12,633 |12,592 |0. 3 | |Jaguar |9,315 |9,748 |-4. 4 | |Ferrari |1,266 |1,087 |16. 5 | |Maserati |1,706 |1,355 |25. 9 | |Bentley |1,260 |954 |32. 1 | |Rolls Royce |255 |387 |-34. 1 | Competitors in the Luxury Car Market As shown in figure 2 , the main competitors of Bentley are; Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Maserati and Porsche. Company Analysis Bentley is highly recognized for their luxury cars, but they also sell goods that reinforce the image of their brand, such as silver plated wheel spinners, cufflinks, set of espresso cups, driving apparel and luggage sets among a few. 5. Product Market Focus This section describes the marketing and product objectives for Bentley Motors and their target markets, points of difference and positioning. Marketing and Product Objectives Bentley Motors marketing is based on the effort to combine the strength and speed of a sport scar with the luxury of British elegance. These are combined in 3 areas listed below. 1. British Tradition 2. Manufacture 3. Luxury and Sport Target Markets The primary target market for Bentley cars are customers who are not self-conscious and are willing to show what they have earned, these are generally those in the highest 5% of the economy. These customers want premium quality products and services and are willing to pay for it. Points of difference. Bentley’s marketing is concentrated on the fact that they have the sophisticated British charm, mixed with the strength of a premium racing car. This is the main difference when compared to Rolls Royce, which looks at itself as a luxury car or with Ferrari that defines itself as a sports car. Positioning Bentley’s vehicles try hard to close the gap between a being a traditional British sophisticated luxury vehicle and sports car with strong masculine power, which is best shown with its 6 time success at Le Mans. 6. Marketing Program The 4 marketing mix elements used by Bentley Motors are detailed below. Product Strategy Bentley’s are handmade, custom designed cars. It takes roughly 150 hours to produce a Continental GT and 400 hours to build an Arnage. Steering wheels are double stitched by hand using 2 needles simultaneously. It takes 15 hours to create one steering wheel. These are a few features of Bentley’s to name a few. Price Strategy The 2011 Bentley Continental is priced at around $205,600, while the 2011 Maserati Gran Turismo is priced at an average of $125,000. Even though the Maserati is much less priced, the quality that Bentley holds is much greater. Promotion Strategy. Bentley avoids commercializing its products unlike Maserati, therefore making it more prestigious. Bentley places its advertisements in places where they expect their target market to see it, not in commercial places. Bentley also goes by word of mouth, where one satisfied customer passes on the good word to a friend. Distribution Strategy Bentley prides themselves on being represented in 212 Bentley facilities worldwide. With 24 offices in the UK, 38 in the USA, 52 in Europe, 15 in the Middle East and 15 in Asia and Australasia, among others. Therefore with 212 facilities worldwide, it is within arm’s reach – for those who can afford it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Movie Analysis on Scarface Essays
Movie Analysis on Scarface Essays Movie Analysis on Scarface Paper Movie Analysis on Scarface Paper Sociology behind Scarface In 1980, 125,000 refuges were able to join their families in the United States from Cuba; Fidel Castro had forced the boat owners to carry 25,000 refuges of the 125,000. Cuban refuges Tony Montana or also know as Scarface, Manny Ribera who was Tony Montana’s best friend and also two other friends Angel and Chi-Chi. They are sent together to a detention center, where Manny makes a deal with a drug lord, Frank Lopez in Florida to obtain green cards in return they have to kill a former government official Emilio Rebenga, who was shipped out by Fidel Castro because he wasn’t trusted. After they had assassinated Emilio Rebenga they received their green card and later received a drug trafficking related job from Omar Suarez, who was Frank Lopez’s number 2 men. This job went haywire which related to a death of Tony Montana’s friend Angel, but they job was over achieved by keeping the money and also attaining the cocaine that was needed to be purchased, which impressed Frank Lopez and offered Tony and Manny a job to work for him, Later, Frank sends tony and Omar to Bolivia to make a transaction of cocaine with a powerful drug lord named Alejandro Sosa. When tony goes back Frank was angry at Tony for making an unauthorized deal which jeopardizes they’re relationship and Tony starts his own operations and he also asked Frank’s Girlfriend to marry him. Tony attends a night club and see’s Elvira to discuss his proposal and frank walks up and tony insults him and frank leaves the club then tony see’s Gina dancing Manny, sympathizing with Gina, takes her home. Gina reveals her attraction to Manny, but he tells her off, fearful of Tonys wrath should he catch them together. Later at the club Frank orders hit men to kill tony but luckily he survives and the next day tony goes and visits Frank because he knew that he set the whole thing up, frank begs for his life and tony kills him. Tony takes over Franks Empire and marries Elvira and becomes ridiculously wealthy and also him and Elvira become addicted to cocaine causing them to drift apart and tony starts being paranoid about everything. Tony makes his way they’re and he see’s Gina and Manny together and out of rage he kills Manny before letting them tell tony that they got married 2 days earlier and they were going to surprise him and then Tony takes the widowed Gina back to his house and there Tony is snorting large amounts of cocaine and then Sosa’s men surround him and kill him. The first theme I will be talking about is Poverty and violence. Poverty is defined a state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions, Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. Violence is defined a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. The culture of poverty constitutes a design for living that is passed on from generation to the next. Individuals feel marginalized, helpless, inferior, and adopt and attitude of living for the present. They are fatalistic. Families are characterized by high divorce rates, with mothers and children abandoned; they become matrifocal families headed by women. People adopting this culture of poverty do not participate in community life or join political parties. When children are growing up in a low-income environment and where there is a lot of street crime, which tends to influence them that street crime is socially accepted in their environment. Also, education in some neighborhoods is very terrible and teachers fear for there lives by being there therefore children don’t get the education they need, which makes them take a easy way out to a live of crime because Its more appealing to them. Don’t get me wrong they’re are few who get away from this, for example my mom and her sisters moved to America at the age of 15 without a father, and they could not afford to live in a good neighborhood but they kept there head up and got through it well and decided not to go into the life of crime. Relating this to Scarface, Tony Montana was from Cuba, which was under a communist rule he was told how to think, what to eat, and also mostly everyone had lived in poverty. When he came to America he had a job a dishwasher boy at a restaurant in a low-income area, he could have fought through it and get an education but he got opportunity for making drug deals and he took that because the money, drugs, and power was very appealing to him. The second theme is Power and struggle. Power is defined the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Struggle is defined strive to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance. Max weber’s idea of social class, weber defines power as the ability of a actor to realize his or her will in a social action, even against the will of other actors. Power relates to the ability to command resources in a particular domain. Economic power then is the ability to control material resources to direct production, to monopolize accumulation, to dictate consumption. In the Scarface, Tony Montana wanted to monopolize the cocaine industry; he wanted to command his own gang army to become one of the biggest gangster that anyone has ever seen. Tony Montana wanted the world, which was the money, the drugs, and the women and finally the power. He took it too far and started distrusting his friends, getting into arguments with his wife, which caused her to leave him, he ended up killing his best friend without understanding the situation. Basically he was taking his life to ruins because he had too much power that he could not handle which had caused his death. The third theme is the theories of deviance, deviance is any behavior that violates social norms, and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Every individual has there own way of making a living to him or her it might be a great profession but in the eyes of society it might violate a social norm. In society individuals who are considered deviant are they ones who participate in activities relating to alcoholism, excessive gambling, stealing, lying, etc. he anomie theory refers to the confusion that arises when social norms conflict or don’t even exist. Everyone desires having tremendous amounts of wealth, but not everyone can be wealthy so few; individuals use deviant behaviors in order to achieve their goals. In Scarface, Tony Montana wanted everything but he achieved it by using deviant behavior, he was selling cocaine, which is an illegal substance in the United States. He wanted power so bad he decided to do it the wrong way . In conclusion, Poverty and violence, power and struggle, and theories of deviance are related to tony Montana, or Scarface. Its also related to society, poverty and violence occurs in bad neighborhoods but the individuals in those neighborhoods have big dreams like everyone else but not everyone could achieve the same so they tend to become deviants in order to try to accomplish there goals and if they end up receiving more than they have they have a tendency of losing there ground and end up making the wrong decisions.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes
A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes LaTeX is a powerful editing tool for preparing documents in the sciences, computing, and engineering. You can use it to create a variety of document types, from short letters to entire books. But to make sure your work turns out as intended, you’ll need to understand LaTeX document classes. Setting a Document Type All LaTeX documents must include the \documentclass markup tag. This controls the overall layout of the document, with different classes offering different default settings. The \documentclass markup always appears at the beginning of the document and allows you to pick the overall document type. For instance, we could set a document up as follows: The \documentclass markup tag. This would produce a document formatted as an article (essentially, this covers any short document without chapter breaks). We will run through some common document classes below. LaTeX Document Classes There are actually dozens of LaTeX document classes from which to choose. But most of these are specific to particular journals or universities, so you won’t need to use them. However, it is useful to know some widely used classes. These include: Document Class Standard Usage article Used for journal articles, short reports, and any other short documents that do not require a cover page and that are not divided into chapters. beamer A popular document class for presentations. Uses a landscape page format and uses slides (or â€Å"frames†) rather than standard pages. book Used for typesetting books. The book class allows you to use the \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter commands, which control section and page numbering. IEEEtran For articles published in an IEEE journal format. letter Used to create a formal letter. memoir A version of the book class with additional typesetting options. proc Used for typing up the proceedings of a conference or event. report Ideal for longer articles or shorter books where chapter divides are necessary but where the full book formatting is not required. slides Used to create slides for a presentation. Simpler to use than the beamer class, but with fewer customization options for complicated presentations. Most of these classes also offer a range of options so you can change the general layout and font size. However, if you pick the right class for your document, the default settings will usually suffice.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The use of Knowledge in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The use of Knowledge in Society - Essay Example Moreover, it is based on the misconstrued nature of economic problems of the society and uses predefined assumptions, ignoring the changing social phenomenon that is inherently linked to social construction of society. The economic order thus, developed cannot be applied in general as it would not be able to address the problems of the diverse society. But this is not the only issue discussed within the article which has explored wide spectrum of knowledge and how it can be best utilized for the betterment of the society. It emphasizes that the implicit knowledge that exists across the populace need to be retrieved and applied within the planning process to make it more realistic. The precepts and concepts of knowledge are distinct in their diversity and changing formats and become important tools for widening the scope of utilization of the existing resources. The expanding database of knowledge is testament to the changes that are witnessed within the developing societies. Indeed, the propagation and application of knowledge is symbolic of advancing society. The myriad resources as well as the means of acquisition of knowledge therefore emerge as the central issue within the article. It is true that there is no permanent solution to the economic problems of the society mainly because the constantly changing environment creates new challenges for the people. It has to be constant endeavour for anticipating changes and how they would impact society at large.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Change in the demographics of Central America from 1450 to 1914 Essay
Change in the demographics of Central America from 1450 to 1914 - Essay Example It is an unequivocal fact that industrialization has drastically changed the world and profoundly impacted the human societies in a way that would definitely be astounding for someone who inhabited the present massively industrialized areas 6 or 7 hundred years back. Central America is also such a region that has experienced a lot many changes in the human population over time owing to the threat of different diseases particularly, urbanization, and the industrial revolution.Historical evidence suggests that most of the people occupying the region of Central America in 1450 did hunting for existence. They were also not much acquainted with norms or ethical values, that are given major importance presently. Native population in 1450 was roughly in millions and by 1750, the figures of the population decreased significantly. This marked decrease in the native population can be majorly linked to the spread of myriad diseases like malaria, chicken pox, and tuberculosis for which no medica l remedies were present then because advances in microbiology occurred much later. â€Å"The introduction of infectious diseases like smallpox, to which Native Americans had no immunity, reduced their population by 90 percent from 1500 to 1700.†. It's not that the native population extinguished completely, rather the native American was present after 1750. During this period, Indians and Africans continued to be brought in Central America as slaves by the Europeans who began colonizing and settling in this region.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
COMUNNICATION PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
COMUNNICATION PAPER - Essay Example The paper seeks to identify the practical significance of the concepts of Problem Solving, Group Decision Making, Group Conflict, and Leadership that relate to Group activities and how members embody them in their actions. Class Concepts Group A’s task was primarily concerned with engaging in research work pertaining to abuse arising from human trafficking. In order to build relationships and bonds to facilitate this research, Group A scheduled a meeting on the 10th of October. The purpose of this meeting was to familiarize the members with each other and draft a plan of action, so as to delegate specifics to the relevant members of the group which in effect would cause them to present their own input towards the goal, thereby dividing the workload between them. In the meeting, the class concepts of Problem Solving, Group Decision Making, Group Conflict, and Leadership came into play. Problem Solving Problem Solving is the process that centers on accomplishing the group task, which is the primary motive of forming the group. Hirokawa discovered that successful groups tend to start the process of task accomplishment by analyzing it at the outset instead of directly jumping into offering solutions. A similar process was initiated by Group A, as at the very outset, the members were called upon to present their own ideas into the discussion on the subject of human trafficking. In the ongoing analysis of the research topic, the members shared 6 ideas which were to contribute towards effective research on the subject of abuse related to human trafficking. This was the first step towards Problem Solving that the group engaged in, and it formalized a conduct which would further allow these 6 ideas to be filtered into tasks which can then be dedicated to members of the Group. These 6 ideas were then formulated as 5 topics that were to be delegated to each member of the group. This allowed each member to be assigned a specific task that pertains to the research wo rk scheduled to be presented at the next meeting. Each topic was to be agreed upon by the respective member so that no topic was enforced upon anyone and there was general consensus on the delegated work. Lauren, a member of the Group who was absent at the meeting, was also communicated his respective topic and given the choice of agreeing or disagreeing to work on it. This conduct allowed each member to enjoy personal autonomy in decision making. By separating topics in this way, the emphasis was on solution multiplicity as each member would then present their own solution to the problem. This paved way for multiple solutions to the same problem. Group Decision Making Communication within the Group is an essential part of Problem Solving, and is largely characterized by Group Decision Making. Group Decision Making is important when building relationships and is in some part dependant on group size. A group of 20 people, for example, designed to produce a written report can be consi dered overcrowded and might lead to feelings of insignificance and lack of acknowledgement amongst individual members who may not be actively involved in the project. Such people are often referred to as social loafers (Comer, n. p.). Thus, adequate size is important for efficiency. In
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Personality And Self Care Of Nurses Nursing Essay
Personality And Self Care Of Nurses Nursing Essay It seems that quite often in life, especially in the last few years, people have noted a tendency I have to take on roles involving the motivation of others to grow and learn. This seems to be supported by the personality classification determined by my taking of the Myers-Briggs personality test. In other words, I have an ENFJ personality type, also known as The Teacher. In reviewing my personality type, it is clear that it has profound impact on the way I view and interact with the world, practice as a nurse, handle stress and take care of myself. The Dimensions of Personality and the Practice of Nursing The letters ENFJ refer to preferences within four different dimensions of personality. Specifically the E, which stands for extroversion, describes my outward direction of energy flow. This means that in general I am focused on the environment and people around me rather than reflecting upon the world within me. This is manifested by a general excitement when I am involved in activities with others. Such experiences give me energy. As a nurse in training, this quality gives me the motivation and courage to meet new people and boldly discover ways to involve myself in their lives in a positive manner. For example, one day while doing a clinical in the oncology unit at UCLA I learned of a 21 year old patient who brought in his guitars and amplifiers. With the permission of my clinical instructor and the nursing staff, I eagerly visited his room to talk about guitars. We ended up jamming together with his mom and some fellow student nurses in attendance. This gave us an opportunity to speak of his music as well as health and hope for the future. He, his mom and, as I learned later, the nursing staff, were very appreciative. The next dimension in the Myers-Briggs sequence pertains to my preference in the method I use to acquire new information. N represents an intuitive preference, which means I have an affinity for finding insights beyond just the facts. I have a tendency to look for abstract meanings and consider possibilities for the future based upon trends I see today. In the nursing role, this quality can help me to see the big picture beyond the raw data about a patient. For example, in the Emergency Room at a recent clinical, a disturbed mental health patient kept complaining of a squeezing feeling in her calves and asking for medication. I sensed there was more to the situation and I asked her if anything stressful happened prior to these symptoms. She then expounded on a specific verbal conflict the previous day and unleashed a slew of emotional comments about her life. Soon her legs were no longer an issue and she requested transfer to the mental health unit. How I make decisions is indicated by the third dimension with my preference being an F for feeling. This means that I prefer to consider people and special circumstances as a priority above how general principles can be consistently and logically applied. In this regard I am inclined to consider the greatest good for all people involved in the situation over and against a strict cost-benefit analysis that does not incorporate the value of harmonious relationships. An affinity to rely on feelings also leads me to search for inspiration and motivation in meanings that are not readily quantifiable but are nevertheless very real. My focus on feelings leads me to make sure everyone is happy with a decision that involves them. This can benefit me as a team member on a nursing staff. Last quarter a nurse requested I do something with a patient that was technically outside the hospital protocol and different than the way we learned it in school. Though I knew her approach was common and accepted, I was not willing to perform it below the standard I had learned. However, the pressing concern on my mind was not declaring the rules, but maintaining our relationship. With this in mind I refrained from bluntly asserted the protocol, though this would have been quicker and easier in the moment. Instead I found ways to gently ask her about the protocol and the reasons for it. Then, rather than stating what I would do, I asked her how she would feel if I did it according to protocol. This made her feel as if she were a partner in the decision. At this point she heartily agreed and supported me. In this way I managed to p roceed according to the strict hospital rules without hindering my relationship with the nurse. The last dimension describes how I prefer to relate to the outside world. The J stands for judging, which means I place a high value on the accomplishment of tasks in order to create a sense of order and control. In this regard I may prefer to forgo flexibility and spontaneity in order to bring stability and predictability to life. This trait drives me to organize and track tasks in a concrete manner which can be very important as a nurse. During a clinical day last quarter I soon realized that many things could impact when and if meds were given (e.g. a med is out of stock, the patient refused, vitals or labs not within range,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.) It is important for the nurse to track this as it will impact future decisions. In view of this I developed a unique chart, utilizing special symbols and notations, that I used to keep record the status of the giving of meds. This chart freed my mind to consider new tasks without forgetting why and when the situation with a previous medication needed to be revisited. The chart also served as a useful tool my clinical instructor and precepting nurse could view as well. Personality Under Fire When under stress my desire to avoid conflict sometimes leads me to forego what may be fair for myself. Recently in a clinical situation I was working with patients that required a large amount of unexpected care I naively agreed to take on. As the stress took its toll, rather than seeking help and take a much needed break, I opted to solve the problems myself by drawing upon every ounce of energy my extrovert attitude could supply. While it would have been reasonable to rely on others, the stress caused me to imagine doing so would create disharmony. As an ENFJ I do tend to focus on the opinions of others about me to gauge my value. Recently I was performing a sterile procedure under the supervision of a nurse who I felt was rushing me. In my effort to gain her approval, I went quicker than I was ready, rather than assert to her that I was already going as fast as I could. This resulted in making a mistake that required me to start over with a new set of supplies. Personality People Various aspects of the ENFJ type help me relate to people. My desire to support others helps make me sensitive to the needs of colleagues. Recently when working with an ER nurse, as she explained and showed me different procedures, I was always asking her for ways I could assist in an ancillary way, which she appreciated. I seemed to relieve some of her stress. With patients I am very comfortable walking into situations that I am unfamiliar with as I am confident my extrovert attitude with carry me. At a recent therapeutic activity group in the Geriatric Psychiatric Unit I was able to quickly interact with most patients and involve them in conversations. One woman felt comfortable sharing some great memories with me about a song she loved. Also my desire to bring out the best in people causes me to look for ways to inspire hope. With a cancer patient who was despondent over his prognosis, I encouraged him with all the good things he had in his life such as his family and community activities. This brightened his outlook and seemed to give him courage for the future. The value I place on clarity, order and the approval of others leads me to be very inquisitive with supervisors. I generally desire confirmation that I am headed in the right direction. In this way I make sure that what I am doing is appropriate. This is evidenced by the numerous questions posed to my Mental Health instructor and an overseeing hospital staff person about an upcoming therapeutic activity group. I carry this attitude into my interactions with physicians as well, which I find to be constructive. Recently I was able to interact with a surgeon in OR. He could see my desire to get involved as much as possible and began to engage me in conversation about the patients condition. My general outgoing and inquisitive attitude encouraged him to involve me more, even allowing me to palpate various organs exposed by the incision. This turned out to be a very education experience for me. With groups, I think people view me as someone who will help smooth the edges of relationships. In addition, while in group gatherings I tend to avoid attracting negative attention to anyone, even if it takes the form of good-natured ribbing, as I am sensitive to the effect of having an audience. In the previous semester, a member of my student clinical group called me to discuss some issues she had with the comments of another student in the group. After talking a bit I was able to help her see these comments in a less antagonistic way and offer her some suggestions on how to respond in the future to avoid friction. Personality and Self-Care Knowing my personality type helps me understand how I need to take care of myself. As an ENFJ I am excited about supporting others and bringing out their potential. However, this can lead me to sacrifice my own needs. Because I greatly value interaction with others, I may tend to dismiss the value solitary time that would help me gather my thoughts. Therefore, in the future I need to consciously allow myself time to be alone and reflect on life without feeling as if I am missing out on something. This is important to preserve balance in my life. Because of my disdain for conflict, I often fail to maintain proper personal boundaries, which unscrupulous people sometimes take advantage of. In view of this, if I conclude that someone has overstepped their bounds, I need to assert myself to prevent this and understand that doing so is important for a healthy relationship. It is really in the best interest of all concerned. Because I greatly desire affirmation from others, I tend to be ove rly hard on myself if I make a mistake or fall short. Therefore, just as I understand how important it is to forgive others and ask them to forgive me, I need to be able to forgive myself. To do any less would be to compromise my emotional and mental well-being and effectiveness. Conclusion As I read the general descriptions of each of the dimensions of the ENFJ personality type it is uncanny how realistically they described me in ways that were not explicitly asked about on the test. When we put all of these preference dimensions together we see the portrait of a Teacher: someone who is outgoing, looks for abstract ways to connect ideas and inspire people, understands the value of relationships, and finds satisfaction in setting goals and accomplishing a task. Knowing the basics of my personality type, along with the strengths and weaknesses, will help me understand my past and prepare for the future. References Butt, J. (2005, February 23). Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. Retrieved January 2011, 13, from Idealist Portrait of the Teacher (ENFJ). (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2011, from Jung Typology Test. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2011, from Portrait of an ENFJ. (2010). Retrieved January 15, 2011, from The Myers Briggs Foundation. (n.d.). MBTI Basics. Retrieved January 28, 2011, from
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