Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bonny Lee Bakley Essay
In May 4, 2001, Bonny Lee Bakley, wife of Robert Blake, was found dead in the passenger seat of Blake’s car. The facts based on the investigation of the police are as follows: Robert Blake and Bonny Lee Bakley have just had dinner and are on their way to Blake’s car parked just outside the Italian restaurant Vitello. Blake returned to the restaurant which was a few blocks away after he remembered that he left his licensed firearm inside the restaurant. When he returned, he found his wife shot in the head. There was no eyewitness. There was no confession. Subsequently, charges for murder and two counts of solicitation of murder were filed against Blake. According to the prosecution, Blake killed his wife to keep their 4-year old daughter away from Bakley. It appeared that Bakley had been engaged in mail-order porn business and lonely hearts scams in the past. She also had enemies after he defrauded some individuals. Prosecutors attempted to prove that Blake initially persuaded two former stuntmen to kill Bakley but they refused prompting Blake to kill Bakley himself. The Defense team however argued that there was no direct evidence that will link Blake to the murder of Bakley. In view of the nature of the controversy, the pieces of evidence that will play an important role in the resolution of the dispute are: physical evidence and testimonial evidence. In general, documentary evidence also plays an important role in criminal trials, however, it was not important in this case. Physical evidence refers to any tangible object that may be used to prove a particular fact. An example of physical evidence is the murder weapon used to kill the victim such as the gun or the knife. In this case, the physical evidence is 9mm Walther P-38 which was found the following day thrown into a dumpster near the front of Blake’s car. Under the rules of admissibility, this piece of evidence is relevant to the case as it tends to prove or disprove who killed Bonny Lee Blake. It is also material because it will establish whether the murder weapon was used and fired by Robert Blake, the primary suspect. The evidence however was rendered incompetent by the court since examination showed that while the gun was fired, there was no fingerprint on it indicative of the fact that the murderer was wearing thick glove (Lisa Sweetingham, 2005, â€Å"Jurors see gritty crime scene photos in actor Robert Blake’s murder trial p.2). For this reason, this evidence was not useful at all for the prosecution. Testimonial evidence is the kind of evidence that makes use of testimonies of competent witnesses to prove a particular fact. In this case, testimonial evidence of Ronald Hambleton and Gary McLarty were presented in court to prove that Robert Blake solicited their help to murder Bakley. These pieces of evidence are both relevant and material to the case as it tends to prove the allegation of a fact, that is, Blake is guilty of solicitation of murder. This evidence was however considered by the court to be incompetent because the defense successfully introduced its own testimonial evidence that will prove that their testimonies are not reliable. According to some of the jurors, they found the testimony of Hambleton incompetent because he had prior history of drug-influenced delusional behavior (Sweetingham, 2005, â€Å"Actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wife’s murder†, p.3). McLarty’s testimony was also questioned based on the testimony of his wife and child that his years of cocaine abuse had made him paranoid and delusional (Sweetingham, 2005, â€Å"Actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wife’s murder†, p.3). The testimony of expert witness was likewise presented in this case. Steven Dowell of the LA County Department of Coroner was asked to testify about the presence of gun-shot residue. According to Dowell, he found the presence of gunshot residue (GSR) on the clothes Blake was wearing on the night of the murder. While the evidence was both relevant and material as his testimony tends to prove the possibility that Robert Blake may have murdered his wife, its competence was however not given very much weight by the court in view of his additional testimony that mere presence of GSR not coupled by additional evidence does not prove that Blake was responsible for the shooting and that it is possible that Robert Blake may have picked up the GSR from guns other than the murder weapon. As a result, in 2005, Robert Blake was finally acquitted for murder charges in view of the failure of the prosecution to prove its case (Greg Risling, 2005, p.1). The said decision is based on the lack of direct evidence that will directly link Blake to the murder of his wife and the unreliability of the testimonies of the prosecution’s witnesses. Bibliographies Risling, Greg. (2005). â€Å"Actor Robert Blake Acquitted of Murder.†AP Online. 2005. Retrieved March 22, 2009 from HighBeam Research: Sweetingham, Lisa. (2005). â€Å"Jurors see gritty crime scene photos in actor Robert Blake’s murder trial.† Retrieved 22 March 2009, from: Sweetingham, Lisa (2005). â€Å"Actor Robert Blake acquitted of his wife’s murder.† Retrieved 22 March 2009, from:
Friday, August 30, 2019
An Overview of General Strain Theory Essay
In modern criminological research and debate, general strain theory (GST) remains at the forefront. The aim of this paper is to discuss general strain theory (GST), what it is, and how it came to be. Details on specific research regarding general strain theory, however, lie beyond the scope of this writing. This paper will instead focus on GST’s place among other criminological theories, and why it stands where it is today. Therefore, to get a proper perspective on this theory, it is prudent to begin with an overview on its origins. General strain theory sprang from the standard strain theory developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Agnew, 1992). Up until the wane of the 1960’s, strain theory had become the preeminent theory on deviance. As the 70’s rolled through, however, various differential-association theories, as well as social learning and social control theories, replaced strain theory and left it in near ignominy. There it remained, for the most part, until the rise of GST (Cole, 1975). But what, then, is strain theory? Stemming from the work of Émile Durkheim and Robert Merton, strain theory revolves around the concepts of anomie and, of course, strain. The central idea is that, while society in general may share common goals of self-sufficiency and wealth, the means to achieve those goals is limited by socioeconomic class. The disparity between what is expected and what is possible, and the resulting strain, leads to anomie, a state of normlessness, where the standard of conduct becomes skewed and self-regulatory values are rejected (Featherstone & Deflem, 2003). Strain is said to drive the deprived into following a life of deviance as a means to achieve otherwise impossible goals. An individual under strain might also replace those goals with something more readily achievable, such as â€Å"toughness†or â€Å"respect†. While there are variations on standard strain theory, they generally tend toward this central concept. As more and more research was conducted throughout the late 20th century, it became clear that, while strain theory could explain many types of crime, it couldn’t explain everything, such as why crime occurs within affluent circles where there is little strain of this type. Empirical support for traditional strain theory became weaker and weaker, and, as stated, it fell out of favor by the 1970’s, replaced by theories that concentrated more on delinquency being a socially learned behavior. But not everyone disregarded the old theory. Throughout the 1980’s, young sociologist Robert Agnew wrote several papers discussing and critiquing traditional strain theory. One of his papers written in 1985 suggested a new take on strain theory, in which Agnew introduced blockage of pain-avoidance as an additional cause of strains leading to deviant behavior. These works showed that there could be other ways that strain can cause deviance, shedding hope for a newer, more encompassing brand of strain theory. At the start of the following decade, Robert Agnew’s studies finally culminated into a criminological milestone. In 1992, Robert Agnew published a detailed paper formally outlining the new â€Å"general strain theory†which, instead o f following the traditional focus on broader subculture perceptions and financial objectives, had an emphasis â€Å"on the individual and his or her immediate social environment†. This new theory expanded on the monetary goals outlined in strain theory to include personal goals in general, such as getting good grades or having many friends. Additionally, Agnew introduced the â€Å"removal of positively valued stimuli†as a type of strain, including the perception of unfairness originating from a lack of praise, or insufficient compensation for extra work. The third source of strain presented was the presence of negative stimuli such as child-abuse or similar stressful events. Interestingly enough, these three new facets of strain were inspired by research in fields outside traditional criminology, such as psychology and sociology (Agnew, 1992). Utilizing these new definitions of strain, Agnew could give a theoretical basis for many different types of crime, many more than was possible using traditional strain theory. An important aspect of Agnew’s theory was that he not only listed manners of strain but also outlined connections between various s trains, and the manners through which they might push an individual to delinquency, in new ways that allowed for greater empirical support than traditional strain theory had been able to obtain. Agnew’s work quickly captured the interests of the criminological community, and in the decades since its debut, general strain theory has continued to gain popularity across the world. Research continues to be performed on GST, and the results generally seem favorable for this relatively young theory (Sung Joon & Johnson, 2003). As data continues to be gathered, general strain theory is continually refined and further defined, and Agnew still studies, modifies, and writes about his theory (Baron, 2007). Numerous studies taken all over the globe have given much additional support and expansion to GST throughout the years, but the full depth of GST’s applications has not yet been fully explored (Froggio & Agnew, 2007). Still, general strain theory has been used to explain many aspects of crime, such as terrorism, drug abuse, and differences in crime rates between social classes, between racial groups, and between genders (Agnew, 2010) (Kaufman, Rebellon, Thaxton, & Ag new, 2008). General strain theory has indeed gained much support, and can explain many aspects of crime, but, as Agnew himself noted, it does not account for strains caused through non-social means such as by accident or illness (1992). In its current state, GST is more of a framework for determining likelihoods of deviance rather than an explanation of when and how crimes may be committed (cite). These and other aspects will have to be accounted for and tested before GST can become a full alternative to other theories. Certainly, testing for such a broad spectrum of strains and responses as currently presented in general strain theory already presents a complicated challenge to the scientific community. There is some speculation that the current support shown for GST in many studies has been garnered using inaccurate testing methods (Froggio, 2007). There is also research that indicates that while strain may cause certain types of criminality, it is not directly responsible for any nonaggressive delinquency. In short, GST is still just an unproven theory, with much room for investigation and expansion. It certainly appears to possibly answer many issues on the nature of crime, but it requires much more research before any conclusions can be made about its veracity and about its potential. Agnew’s work revitalized a dying interest in strain and its impacts on deviant behavior. Time will tell whether this theory can live up to the praise it has garnered in these early stages. While its future seems bright, general strain theory for now remains merely a foundation for many future investigations and studies. References Agnew, R. (1985). A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency. Social Forces, 64(1), 151-167. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Agnew, R. (1992). Foundation for a General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency. Criminology, 30(1), 47-87. Agnew, R. (2010). A general strain theory of terrorism. Theoretical Criminology, 14(2), 131-153. doi:10.1177/1362480609350163 Aseltine Jr., R. H., Gore, S., & Gordon, J. (2000). Life Stress, Anger and Anxiety, and Delinquency: An Empirical Test of General Strain Theory. Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 41(3), 256-275. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Baron, S. W. (2007). Street Youth, Gender, Financial Strain, and Crime: Exploring Broidy and Agnew’s Extension to General Strain Theory. Deviant Behavior, 28(3), 273-302. doi:10.1080/01639620701233217 [Cole, Stephen. (1975). The Growth of Scientific Knowledge: Theories of Deviance as a Case Study. The Idea of Social Structure: Papers in Honor of Robert K. Merton, 175-220 edited by Lewis Coser. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.] Featherstone, R., & Deflem, M. (2003). Anomie and Strain: Context and Consequences of Merton’s Two Theories. Sociological In quiry, 73(4), 471-489. doi:10.1111/1475-682X.00067 Froggio, G. (2007). Strain and Juvenile Delinquency: A Critical Review of Agnew’s General Strain Theory. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 12(4), 383-418. doi:10.1080/15325020701249363 Froggio, G., & Agnew, R. (2007). The relationship between crime and â€Å"objective†versus â€Å"subjective†strains. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(1), 81-87. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2006.11.017 Kaufman, J. M., Rebellon, C. J., Thaxton, S., & Agnew, R. (2008). A General Strain Theory of Racial Differences in Criminal Offending.Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology (Australian Academic Press), 41(3), 421-437. doi:10.1375/acri.41.3.421 Sung Joon, J., & Johnson, B. R. (2003). Strain, Negative Emotions, and Deviant Coping Among African Americans: A Test of General Strain Theory. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 19(1), 79. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Minimal Impact of Organic Chemistry Prerequisite Essay
The authors investigated whether the assumption that the successful completion of prerequisite courses has positive impact on student performance on courses that require the prerequisite. Specifically, Wright, Cotner and Winkel investigated the impact of completing Organic Chemistry course which is a prerequisite course in some curriculum for Introductory Chemistry course to student performance on the latter course. The investigators obtained their data from the University of Minnesota Data Warehouse for performance and characteristics of students enrolled in Biochemistry 3021 (Bioc 3021) from fall of 2003 to summer of 2006. Repeating students were excluded in their investigation while student grades in Bioc 3021, General Chemistry 1 and 2, and Organic Chemistry 1 (Chem 2301) were included in the analysis. The investigators analyzed students entering as freshmen separately from transfer students. The authors explained that â€Å"Bioc 3021 is an introductory biochemistry course for non-biochemistry majors†with prerequisites of one semester of introductory biology, two semesters of introductory chemistry with laboratory and one semester of organic chemistry lecture (Wright et. al. , 2009, 46). Note that majority of the students taking up Bioc 3021 are not from the University’s College of Biological Science, who are required to take the course except for biochemistry majors who have a different course to take. 69 percent of student analyzed were from other colleges, with 19 percent coming from the College of Continuing Education and were â€Å"likely to be taking the course in preparation for application to health-related professional schools†(Wright et. al. , 2009, 46). It is also important to note that during the inclusive dates of analysis, the prerequisite were not strictly enforced, allowing students to register into any course whether or not they have successfully completed its prerequisites. The authors also reported that the grades in Bioc 3021 of students who completed Chem 2301 was only 0. 07 points higher than those who did not. The analysis included all students who took Bioc 3021 for the first time and including those who took Chem 2301 regardless of the grade obtained. This implies that the average grades that the students earned in Bioc 3021 are similar regardless of whether they have completed the prerequisite course Chem 2301. Concerning the GPA of students who took the Bioc 3021, those who have completed the organic chemistry prerequisite had an average GPA of 2. 92 while those who did not had an average of 3. 18â€â€significantly lower than those who had completed the prerequisite. Furthermore, the authors explained that none of the students who had successfully completed the organic chemistry prerequisite before taking Bioc 3021 had an a cumulative GPA of zero while there were 47 out of 815 students who had not taken the prerequisite course had cumulative GPA of zero. However, the data revealed that the student who had acquired a cumulative GPA of zero had no earned credits at the University of Minnesota prior to taking Bioc 3021 implying that they were new students who probably â€Å"globally failed, withdrew, or stopped attending all of their classes†in some other university. Wright et al. (2009) explained that if these students were excluded in their analysis, the average cumulative GPA of students who had not completed the Chem 2301 prerequisite prior to taking Bioc 2301 would be 2. 817â€â€surprisingly higher than those who had completed the prerequisite. In summary, the study concluded that â€Å"no improvement in performance in Bioc 3021 could be attributed to completion of the organic chemistry prerequisite†(Wright et. al. , 2009, 48) On the other hand, the data that the investigators have gathered revealed that students who had not completed the organic chemistry were more likely to withdraw from the Introductory Biochemistry course than those who had completed the prerequisiteâ€â€with 10. 7 and 4. 8 percent mortality rate respectively. Their data also revealed that the completion of the prerequisite may have more value for transfer students than from students admitted from high school of the University of Minnesota. Section 4 This article is related directly to the course of Introductory Biochemistry and Organic Chemistryâ€â€a course included in some curriculum as a prerequisite to the former. Section 5 The investigators have only evaluated the impact of the Organic Chemistry prerequisite to student performance in Introductory Biochemistry in the University of Minnesota. While their data revealed minimal impact, the results were insufficient to generally claim that student performances in Introductory Biochemistry do not directly correlate to completing prerequisite courses or not. Similar investigations could be performed in other universities that could reinforce or refute the conclusions made by the investigators. Article may be downloaded from http://www. lifescied. org/cgi/reprint/8/1/44? maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=biochemistry&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT Reference Wright, R. , Cotner, S. , and Winkel, A. (2009). Minimal Impact of Organic Chemistry Prerequisite on Student Performance in Introductory Biochemistry. CBE Life Science Education, 8, 44-54.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Islam - Essay Example The five pillars of Islam are Shahada (the Islamic creed), Salah (the formal prayer), Zakat (giving some possessions to people in need), Saum (prohibition to eat and drink and have sexual relations from dawn to dusk during Ramadan holidays) and The Hajj (an obligatory travel to Mecca). The Holy Quran is, thus, more than a religious book – it is a philosophical work providing people with information as for how they should live to find peace with the outside world and their own souls. The cause of schism is conflict over the leadership of two groups of followers: followers of Abu (the father of the Prophets wife) and followers of Ali (the husband of Prophets daughter). The goal was to constrain the rising conflict among the various communities; its ultimate aim was to develop a national identity by reconciling divisive issues and establishing a minimum level of consensus as a prelude to full national integration. In their politics, Sunnis are more liberal while Shiites are conservative. The failure to unit was in the boundaries of the communities and the fact that they refused to use the religion as a platform to cooperate and develop crosscutting interests. The strength of religious loyalties and identities eclipsed the integrative potential
Corporate strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Corporate strategy - Essay Example rter’s Five Forces, PESTLE Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis to obtain an in-depth idea regarding the opportunities of the company to prosper in its industry (Johnson & et. al., 2011). Cookson Group PLC is one of the world’s largest ‘materials science group’ which attempts to deliver advanced materials by facilitating innovative technologies to its customers all over the globe. Cookson operates through various branches located all over the world along with 15,500 employees covering more than 40 nations as its production zones and more than 100 countries as its marketing zones. Cookson can be observed to possess highly effective core competencies, which have certainly added to its efficient market position within the current market scenario (Cookson Group Plc, 2012; Wit & Meyer, 2010). Cookson offers its products in six categories; i.e., Joining technologies, surface Chemistries, steel flow control, foundry technologies, advanced factories and fused silica. Cookson is further recognized as one of the largest worldwide suppliers of materials used for PCBs assemblers and the packaging industry semi-conductors. This particular product line is also known as Alpha which is used basically to fasten electronic equipments such as semi-conductors and capacitors with bare boards in order to form essential electrical as well as physical connection among the boards and its devices (Cookson Group Plc, 2012). The product line of surface chemistries is one of the largest suppliers of ‘electro-plating chemicals’ to the international electronics, jewelries and automotive industries. This division is known as ‘Ethone’. This division is also quite popular in terms of technical innovation, where ‘Ethone’ has a track record regarding the delivery of ‘leading-edge’, facility of advanced technology within fabrication of semi-conductor which is demonstrated as ‘Via-Form multi-generation copper damascene portfolio’ (Cookson Group Plc,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Tuskegee Syphilis Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Research Paper Example There were 600 subjects, all who were African American men. There were a total of 399 men who tested positive from syphilis and 201 who were not infected. The objective of the study was to learn the effects of Syphilis on men. Upon the discovery of penicillin, it was not administered to those who were sick. When the study began, rules and guidelines on how to treat human beings in an experimental study had not been developed. As the study went on regulations on how to treat human subjects were coined. Tuskegee Syphilis Study ignored the guideline; hence, it became one of the most unethical studies ever conducted on human beings (Baker, 1260). Public health law created by Henderson Act in 1943 directed all people who had been diagnosed with syphilis to get penicillin treatment. Penicillin had been prescribed as the best treatment appropriate and safe for syphilis. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study failed to comply. World health Organization in 1964 through a declaration presented regulations on how human subjects should be treated in a study. In Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the subjects were not given treatment. Lack of treatment exposed the subjects to possible death. Tuskegee Syphilis Study ignored the regulations which implied that the value of human life was higher than the results of the study. Moreover, the declaration required a study to be discontinued if it causes harm to the subjects. The benefits of the study should be abandoned if the study endangered the subjects. Additionally, the consent of the human subjects was made mandatory and should be written before the study commences. Tuskegee Syphilis Study did not get the consent of the subject, nor did they inform them what the research entailed. They thought they were benefitting from the medical procedures (Gray, 35). Curran (730) mentions that, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study completely failed to follow the ethics and did not give protection to the subjects. After the introduction of
Monday, August 26, 2019
About this star---Enif Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
About this star---Enif - Essay Example The star; enif has many other names attributed to it. It also goes by the names Os Pegasi, Enf, Al Anf , Enf, Enir or Fom. Enf, Al Anf, Enf and Enir are obtained from the Arabic word, Al Anf which means â€Å"The Nose of the horse. Os Pegasi also means the same only that it is a Latin translation. It is a supergiant that is cool and orange in color. It falls under the constellation named Pegasus. The estimated age of this star is 15 million years and is distanced at 673 light years. The spectral class and visual magnitude are K2 and 2.39 respectively. Absolute magnitude of the star is around -4.19. In relation to the sun, Enif exhibits 6700 times more luminosity, its mass is 10 times more than that of the sun and its diameter is 661 times more than that of the sun. It is the brightest star in its constellation. The orange colored giant changes its size gradually and unevenly. It is subject to ferocious eruptions at various times; a phenomenon that is yet to find a conclusive explanation. The constellation in which Enif falls under is called Pegasus. Pegasus is seventh inn size of all the constellations in the sky. It assumes a square shape often referred to as â€Å"the Great Square of Pegasus†. It has a total of 8 stars and occupies 1121 square degrees area. It falls under the location between -60 and +90 degrees latitudes. Enif is the brightest of the stars at 522 L/Y. Enif is not part of the square but it forms a winged horse structure midway from the square. The other dominant stars in the constellation are Scheat, Markab, Algenib, Homan, Matar, Baham and Salm. It is subject to myth that Pegasus was a winged horse who emanated from the neck of Medusa when she was being beheaded by Perseus. The horse obtained a hero status for helping Bellerophon to conquer Chimera (a fire spitting adversary). In the end, Pegasus was turned into a constellation that is visible during the beginning of the month of October. Pegasus was believed to be visible in the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Retail Inter-Disciplinary Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Retail Inter-Disciplinary Design - Essay Example Thus the retail specific solutions have become very essential to create a competitive edge over its rival players. The two major components that design of a retials business tore must focus are design of interiors and establishing a favorable environment for effective the visual communication (Retail Systems, n.d.) Thus a good retail unit must be able to create the synergy between technologies and solutions used in creation of functional space for the business and the business operations. Thus such units would be able to achieve optimal delivery of consumer service and increased margins in the business. Some of the specific interventions in the retail system designs are (i) Reliable and secure systems based on efficient automated systems and (ii) Solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost effective operations (Salvador, et al. , 2006). Every retail store need to address different aspects of design issues ranging from systems that ensure customer retention to the mechanisms that could effectively monitor the shop lifting. The most basic aspect in the maintaining a memorable shopping experience to the customers is by keeping the store and its surroundings neat and clean. Though it is the least expensive method in attracting and retaining the customers , it is found to be the most difficult thing to be undertaken. The ten most important parameters that need special attention are as follows Avoiding dirty bathrooms: Whether the bathrooms and restrooms in the retail stores are to general public or not it must be a mandatory procedure to keep these facilities neat and clean. Untidy Dressing Rooms The dressing rooms need to be given appropriate attention to keep the unattended or discarded articles like, hangers, tags or empty packs etc. away. This place need to be closely monitored especially after the customers have used the room. Music turning very loud. Music could create a positive mood during the shopping period. But very loud music could generate a negative impact and could even force the customers to have an early exit from the store. Improper signs and display board The display boards and sign if placed improperly or in illegible manner would cause ambiguity in the minds of the customers. These display items must be professionally designed and placed in such way to make the shopping activity more simple, effortless and enjoyable. Stained and slippery floors. The shopping activities too at times lead to severe accidents. If the floors are not kept tidy or if have any stains on them could lead to some accidents. The regular cleaning of the floor by sweeping, vacuum cleaning or mopping need to be regularly carried out. The stains portions of the floors, ceiling or any directly visible portions must be immediately attended and necessary action for its removal need to be carried out. Poor lighting facility : Ensuring proper illumination is one of the most essential requirement in ant retail store. Only good illumination could help to make the shopping process less stressful. Thus any burned out lights shall be replaced immediately and illumination shall be maintain. Presence of Offensive Odors : Even though some familiar smell of fertilizers used in the indoor gardens
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Literature review - Essay Example However, careful consideration of the research works of Vlachos (2008) and Weir (2002) reveals the fact that very few researchers ever succeeded in establishing clear route map for addressing the question â€Å"How HRM can direct performance in service driven organization?†It is evident from the above discussion that significant amount of argument exists among scholars regarding role of HRM in improving performance in service organization. Therefore, the study will try to dig deep on the topic â€Å"Establishing Equilibrium between HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance in Banking Service Industry†with the help of existing literature in order to understand whether HRM power indexes play significant role in improving service organizational performance or not? Banking sector has been selected as representative of service industry in this literature review. 2.0 Key Discussion 2.1 HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance Guthrie, Spell and Nyamori (2002), Hu ang (2001) and Gollan (2005) defined HRM power indexes as the different role performed by the human resource departments such as training and development, performance measurement, recruitment etc which can influence operational performance of organizations. Taking help of the research works of Bae and Lawler (2000) and Collins and Smith (2006) reveals the fact that high-involvement HRM practices accompanied by selective staffing, performance management, employee empowerment and extensive training might develop the employees to handle grater work responsibilities and increase sustainability in organizational environment. Although, these scholars identified four HRM power indexes such as performance management, employee empowerment, selective staffing and extensive training but these scholars never tried to highlight how HRM practices can improve organizational performance. In such context, Snape and Redman (2010) and Sun, Aryee and Law (2007) argued that organizational performance is a multidimensional term which can be effected by strategic initiatives and operational activities of companies. These scholars also argued that HRM might be used to increase employee productivity but organizational performance can not only be driven by employee productivity. In such context, Wall and Wood (2005) and Collins and Smith (2006) found it very difficult to link the integration of HRM, power indexes with the financial performance improvement in companies. Let’s take example of Company A which is performing well in terms of increase in financial revenue or capex building but it will be very difficult to separate the role of HRM in improving overall performance of the company because vertical integration of supply chain activities, business strategies, technology implementation and many others might have influence the performance. While conducting research on Arabian countries, Al-Hamadi, Budhwar and Shipton (2007) and Budhwar, Al-Yahmadi and Debrah (2002) found that there are organizations which not even consider HRM as the important vertical in improving performance of the organization. These scholars also pointed out that in case of service organization, employees frequently interact with customers and poorly managed employees might not be able to
Friday, August 23, 2019
British Political History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
British Political History - Essay Example Political scholars exhibiting interest in this aspect have highlighted that the success of the conservative party was attributable to numerous factors that favoured the party in the 20th century. This paper will offer a critical analysis of the factors that contributed to the success of the party in the 20th century. A historical review of the party reveals that during the inter-war period, the conservative party proved to be the largest in the House of Commons. This was specifically in the period between 1918 and 1945. The party had the capacity to register majority votes as evidenced by the elections in 1921-1931 in which it emerged the second but garnered a majority vote of 8.65 million. During the 20th century, the party registered five victories and only two defeats. Interestingly, the victories were defined by massive majority votes. For example, there was a time when the party had 200 MPs margin compared to the second largest party. The success of the conservative party in the 20th century has been attributed to the proper foundation of Disraeli and Salisbury in the previous century. This historical review of the party serves to outline the party’s evident success in the 20th century. Numerous factors were critical contributors in ensuring that the party rose to its success (Pitchf ord 2011, p. 56). One of the factors that contributed to the success of the conservative party was its appealing foundation defined by impressive values as well as image. The founders of the conservative party associated it with conservative’s values which served to attract the support of many people. This led to the party’s massive social support which would later prove to be highly deep rooted and cohesive enough to bind the people. Notably, the values of any political party are key determinants of its success because supporters consider the values and the projected image before they can commit to the party.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Shaping Special Education Essay Example for Free
Shaping Special Education Essay The history of American special education has taken a long, ever-evolving journey to get to the place it is today. Marilyn Friend (2008) discusses how in the early twentieth century students were still not accepted into public schools. Students who had physical or mental disabilities were placed into separate classes, made up entirely of students with disabilities. Throughout the first half of the twentieth century students with a wide range of disabilities were enrolled in special education classes. Over the past century, various court cases have defined how special education has changed. In 1954, the Brown v. Board of Education, gave way to questions about whether or not separating special education students from the general education population was appropriate or not. Some people believed that taking students out of the classroom gave them a label for their disability and therefore was discriminatory towards students, rather than helpful in providing services they needed to make them successful. (Friend, 2008, p. 47) Not only did educators become advocators for children’s with disabilities, so did parents. The Mills v. Board of Education (1972) sparked the determination of providing special education services for students. In response to various lawsuits against the Board of Education legislation created mandates to ensure the rights for students with disabilities. Structure of Special Education Parents continued to push for the rights of children, as well as congress. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 were laws that provided funding to states to assist them in creating and improving programs and services for children with disabilities. The Education for All Handicapped children Act in 1974 was created to allow full educational opportunities for students with disabilities. In 1986, the federal special education law was changed to include services for infants and young children. (Friend, 2008, p. 49) In 1990, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was changed to Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and more disabilities were added. The most recent change was in 2004 when provisions were added to help resolve disputes between parents, as well as the requirement for student instruction to be taught using evidence-based practices. Federal law forced educators to change their view of special education students and how to best serve their needs in the school environment. Also in 2004, President Bush and Congress wanted IDEA to align with No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that schools would be held accountable for making sure students with disabilities achieve high standards (Friend, 2008, p. 68). Jill Hockenbury (2000) pointed out that special education is a key part of the public education system but that there are still challenges in special education today. Critical changes that are needed in special education include constructing a defensible philosophy of education, providing effective and intensive instruction, and improving the quality of teacher training. These changes are still being worked on today. The needs of children today are demanding that teachers provide effective instruction, that’s meaningful and allows the teacher to reach all levels of development in one classroom. Trends and Issues Quality teacher training is also one of the biggest challenges facing special education and relates directly to a key topic heard a lot about in special education, which is inclusion. Inclusion centers on the belief that students with a disability should be allowed to be a part of the general education classroom. However, inclusion is difficult because of the requirement of the general education teacher. The general education teacher should be able to meet the needs of the students in his or her classroom, which can be difficult depending on the students needs. However, inclusion states that students should be in the classroom full time, receiving instruction the same as non-disabled peers, and there should be no need for pull-out. In some cases, members of a child’s IEP team may not agree on the appropriate environment for a student. With increased opportunities for teachers to have training with research-based methods and strategies, this area should be able to improve in the future. Researchers have stated that inclusion is beneficial to both students with disabilities, and those without disabilities. A study done investigating perceptions of learning of nearly 5,000 kindergarten students through 12th grade revealed that students with disabilities wanted to learn the same material, use the same books, and enjoy the same homework and grading practices as typical peers. (Friend, 2008, as cited in Klinger and Vaughn 1999) Other trends in special education include universal design for learning and differentiation. Universal design for learning (UDL) is the instructional approach that students with disabilities should have access to the curriculum. Along with UDL is the use of differentiated instruction (or differentiation) to explore the concepts of UDL further. Differentiation means that within one environment, students with multiple needs will have their needs met through various ways. UDL and differentiation should be utilized by general education teachers to meet the needs of their special education student. (Friend, 2008, p. 77) These trends are all key concepts in the world of special education. They all impact the way special education teachers should teach to meet the needs of all their students. Pat Beckman (2001) reiterated this fact stating that â€Å"improved student learning requires teachers, schools, and districts to give up unproductive traditions and beliefs, replacing them with validated practices and a full understanding of the intent of the law. †IDEA requires teachers to use â€Å"programs, interventions, strategies, and activities†that are researched based. (Friend, 2008, p. 63) As the needs of students increase, the resources provided need to increase, which is the responsibility of those providing the education. Special education has come very far since placing disabled students in their own separate classroom, but it still has a long way to go. There is much to be said about meeting the needs of special education students and reaching those administrators, parents, and educators who still do not have a full understanding of inclusion. References Beckman, Pat (2001), Access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children, retrieved May 28, 2012 from http://www. cec. sped. org/AM/Template. cfm? Section=HomeTEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay. cfmCONTENTID=5519 Friend, M.(2008). Special education: Contemporary perspectives for school professionals. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Hockenbury, J. C. , Kauffman, J. M. , Hallahan, D. P. (2000). What is right about special education. Exceptionality, 8(1), 3-11. Obiakor, F. E. (2011). Maximizing access, equity, and inclusion in general and special education. Journal Of The International Association Of Special Education, 12(1), 10-16. U. S. Department of Education (2007) Thirty Years of Progress in Educating Children With Disabilities Through IDEA, retrieved May 28, 2012 from http://www2. ed. gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history30. html.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Coagulation and Flocculation Essay Example for Free
Coagulation and Flocculation Essay 1.0 Introduction In this lab, we are conducting two experiments on natural surface water. The first experiment is to conduct jar tests to estimate an optimum dosage of iron salt to remove suspended solids. The seconds experiment is to observe the rate of floc formation nad sedimentation. 2.0 Background Coagulation and Flocculation: Coagulation and flocculation are important part in water and wastewater treatment. Coagulation is the destabilization of particulate matter by physical or chemical processes. Flocculation is the formation of larger particles that will settle out of the solution. They are usually the first form of treatment of water and wastewater to remove suspended matter or color. Jar tests are used as a control test for plant operations. Aluminum or iron salts can be used to for coagulation of particles and to form flocs that can settle out. Coagulation and flocculation tests provide the optimum dosages to remove turbidity and color, along with secondary effects such as adjusting pH. Jar tests also provide information on the amount of energy needed to provide the coagulation and flocculation treatments, as well as settleability of the flocs, and clarity of the water. They can also be used to study basic processes, for instance, kinetics of reactions and removal of constituents. 3.0 Procedure Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dosage To determine the optimum coagulation dosage, a series of jar tests were conducted. First, 400 mL of clay and sodium bicarbonate amended DI water was measured and poured into a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask using a graduated cylinder. The initial pH of that sample was then measured and recorded. The predetermined dose of coagulant was poured into a 100mL graduated cylinder and DI water was added to reach a total solution volume of 100 mL. A stir bar was added to the Erlenmeyer flask along with the coagulant dose. The flask was then placed on a magnetic stir plate was rapidly mixed for one minute. After a minute of rapid mixing, the speed was reduced to low and the solution underwent slow mixing for ten minutes. The flask was then removed from the magnetic plate and was allowed to settle. Samples were extracted from the top of the flask after five, ten, and fifteen minutes had elapsed using a 10 mL sampling syringe. Special care was taken to not disturb the sediment while sampling. The sample was transferred from the syringe to a vile, shaken, and placed in a Turbidimeter to determine the turbidity. The turbidity was recorded and the vile was emptied and rinsed between each sample. After fifteen minutes had elapsed and the last turbidity reading had been recorded, the pH of the sample was measured and recorded. The sample was then dumped into a specified waste container, the flask was rinsed with tap water and DI water, and the entire experiment was repeated using a new specified coagulant dose. 4.0 Results and Discussion After plotting turbidity against dosage from our results, we found that the optimum dosage of coagulant to be 1000 mg/L Fe2O3 as shown in Figure 1. Also, longer settling times produced lower levels of turbidity, with 15 minutes being most successful. Optimum pH for a coagulant is determined empirically from laboratory testing by keeping dosage constant and testing a pH range for optimal coagulation. Generally after adding Fe2O3, final pH decreased. Although we did not perform this in the lab, our samples had best success with a pH around 6.5 as seen in Table 1. Mixing speed is also important in coagulation and flocculation. Initially â€Å"flash mixing†is used, where high mixing speeds disperse the coagulant evenly throughout the container. Later, slower mixing speeds are used to promote particle collisions, which lead to larger floc formations. The lab is performed this way because higher speeds will help disperse the coagulant but will break up the flocs that form. By reducing the speed to slow after one minute, it allows for an even dispersion but also the formation of flocs.
Reasons for the Development of Gothic Architecture
Reasons for the Development of Gothic Architecture Discuss the reasons for the development of the Gothic cathedral and explain how constructional problems were overcome The Gothic cathedral originates from twelfth century France where experimentation with radical new ideas about geometry witnessed a revolution in ecclesiastical architecture. The development of the Gothic style of architecture was not a sudden transformation it evolved over a long period, developing aspects of the Romanesque era which preceded it. Romanesque is characterised by a use of round or slightly pointed arches, barrel vaults, cruciform piers, supporting vaults, and groin vaults.[1] In the Gothic cathedral a greater emphasis was placed on verticality, featuring structures with great expanses of glass, sharply pointed spires, cluster columns, flying buttresses, ribbed vaults, pointed arches and imaginative sculptural detail.[2] The Abbey Church of St. Denis, where St. Deniss famous and influential Abbot Suger directed a west front in 1137, is thought to be the birthplace of the Gothic cathedral[3]. St. Denis was not a cathedral but the work there appears to have inspired refurbishment to the new Gothic style of a large number of Romanesque cathedrals in the surrounding Greater Paris Basin such as Sens (1140s), Notre Dame of Paris (1160), Chartres (1194), and Beauvais (1226).[4] The rediscovery of Eastern architectural styles and construction techniques by Crusaders returning from the Holy Land contributed to these developments in France.[5] For example, the flying buttress was a late Roman invention which was copied by the Arabs, and subsequently incorporated into what we now know as ‘Gothic.’[6] Ecclesiastical architecture was one of the most important statements of power, wealth and respect, and during the twelfth century when royal power was struggling to reassert itself, cathedral building was seen as a way of regaining the trust and admiration of the public. As Victor Hugo said of Notre-Dame: Each face, each stone of this venerable monument is not only a page of the history of the country, but also of the history of knowledge and art. Time is the architect, the people are the builder.[7] The complex architectural design of Notre-Dame reflects the influences of the rulers of the time and illustrates how important the construction of the early Gothic cathedral was to the leading powers of the country. During the reign of Louis VI and Louis VII the monarchy began to establish itself as a predominant power and unlike other regions of France where powerful counts supported the construction of monasteries and cathedrals, the Greater Paris basin had experienced minimal development of its ecclesiastical architecture. As Scott says: ‘The absence of a recent regional style, combined with the fact that most abbeys and cathedrals in the Greater Paris Basin were old and in disrepair, created an opportunity for wholesale renewal of churches that could not have arisen elsewhere.’[8] Cathedral building was to transcend its humble beginnings of the ideas of Abbot Suger, gradually transforming the earlier Romanesque style into something entirely new. The new style evolved across northern France and in1174 marked its arrival in England during the rebuilding of the twelfth century choir at Canterbury. The relationship between England and France was close compared to other countries: many high-ranking clergymen of twelfth-century England were French, and others who were English by birth had been educated at the great cathedral schools of France, such as Chartres and Notre Dame. Furthermore, in England, where the trend of post-Norman invasion architecture was coming to an end, there was a niche for a new style. As centre of the head of the Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral inspired the Gothic church building movement in England. The choir, which had been gutted by fire, was rebuilt as a shrine of the murdered archbishop, St. Thomas Becket. Cathedrals which follow ed the Gothic design included Chichester (c. 1187), Winchester (c. 1190), Lincoln (c. 1192), and Llandaff, Wales (c. 1193).[9] Constructional Problems The sheer size and volume of the masonry involved presented problems during the construction of Gothic cathedrals. In order to reach the great heights of the cathedrals elaborate scaffolds were needed, which were made of wood, together with winch systems. These materials would have suffered in bad weather, and during the winter coverings would have been put up so that some progress could be made.[10] The features of the evolving Gothic style such as the large stained-glass windows, the flying buttresses, and ribbed vaults perhaps caused the most problems during construction. Larger windows were desired to allow more light than traditional styles. This meant that the buildings had to be taller using flying buttresses to support higher ceilings with rib vaults to support. Although funded by the clergy, large scale projects still relied on limited resources. Costs of quarrying and transporting stone were high so in compensation vaults were made thinner.[11] Unfortunately this meant that vaults collapsed, and it was only through a process of experimentation and learning that these problems were overcome. The roof supports had to be aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. In France it was practice to thin the supports, and arrange them as ‘integral parts of an articulated system, of which the ribbed vaults were the crowning feature, (which) imparted a new vitality and dyn amic quality.’[12] In addition to this, the shafts supporting the cross-arches were often brought out and given greater distinction. The introduction of rib vaults also meant that secondary shafts were needed to support them.[13] The demand for light and stained glass meant a deviation from traditional circular designs in window surrounds. At Laon, the circular design of the window surround was incongruous with the flat surface of the glass.[14] At the same time a similar aesthetic conflict had sprung up between the rib-vault in the apse and its semicylindrical form. The development of the polygonal apse meant that these problems could be resolved. As Frankl explains it: ‘Even seen at an angle, a semicylindrical apse will always appear frontal, whereas in a polygonal apse, though one may stand frontally to one side, one will always see slanting sides at the same time. Several images are seen simultaneously, and all are included in the optical impression of the whole.[15] This solution to the problem is a fine example of how Gothic architecture experimented with appearance and form: designs became ambitious and it was the duty of the architect and builders to try and fulfil them. In conclusion, the evolution of the Gothic cathedral was an expensive and dynamic phenomenon which was driven by the ruling powers of the lands. As the buildings represented so much to both the prelates and the public the problems encountered during construction appear to have been a serious challenge, albeit one accepted by the society of the time. Bibliography Frankl, P., 1962, Gothic Architecture. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Davidson, C, 2002, Abbeys and Cathedrals. ( Davis, M. T., 1998, Splendor and Peril: The Cathedral of Paris, 1290-1350. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 80 Harvey, J, 1950, The Gothic World, 1100-1600: A Survey of Architecture and Art. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd Scott, R.A, 2003, The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral. California: University of California Press The Social Background of Gothic Cathedrals. 2004, Architectural Science Review. Volume: 47. Issue: 2. University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture: Gale Group Online encyclopaedia: ( Online encyclopaedia: ( 1 [1] Online encyclopaedia: (  [2] Online encyclopaedia: (  [3] Scott, R.A, 2003, The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral. California: University of California Press, p.12. [4] Ibid, p.12-13.  [5] Davidson, C, 2002, Abbeys and Cathedrals. ( [6] The Social Background of Gothic Cathedrals. 2004, Architectural Science Review. Volume: 47. Issue: 2. University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture: Gale Group, p.209.  [7] Quoted from Davis, M. T., 1998, Splendor and Peril: The Cathedral of Paris, 1290-1350. The Art Bulletin, Vol. 80. [8] Scott, R.A, 2003, The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral. California: University of California Press, p.13. [9] Ibid, pp.14-15.  [10] Davidson, C, 2002, Abbeys and cathedrals. (  [11] The Social Background of Gothic Cathedrals. 2004, Architectural Science Review. Volume: 47. Issue: 2. University of Sydney, Faculty of Architecture: Gale Group, p.209.  [12] Harvey, J, 1950, The Gothic World, 1100-1600: A Survey of Architecture and Art. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd, p.59.  [13] Ibid, p.59.  [14] Frankl, P., 1962, Gothic Architecture. Baltimore, MD: Penguin, p.42.  [15] Ibid, p.43.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Know Thy Reader Essay -- Analysis, Letter from Birmingham Jail
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is a defense of the kind of non-violent direct action that King promoted and used during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s. It is a response to statements of disapproval made by the clergymen of Birmingham, Alabama, and is obviously written in a way that appeals directly to this audience. King uses his knowledge of this audience's identity to design highly targeted arguments and to choose relevant historical examples for citation, and uses his personal experience in writing sermons and speeches to construct moving sermon-like passages that complement and reinforce his arguments. The arguments' basis in terms that the clergymen will find to be familiar and agreeable, in combination with sympathy evoking references to historical events, is particularly effective in causing the clergymen to seriously reconsider their statements. The strategy that stands out the most is King's usage of religious references. He supports his arguments with passages from the Bible and statements or philosophies put forth by prominent theologians, such as St. Thomas Aquinas. The clergy is very familiar with these sources. Their entire belief system is based on them! By using these sources as a basis for his arguments, King makes it very difficult for the clergy to disagree with the reasoning behind his actions. For example, in response to the accusation that he and other protesters are "outside agitators," he references the story of Paul of Tarsus's mission to spread Christianity: "†¦just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own h... ...rtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society†¦. then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait†(166-167). In other words, he uses passages like these to â€Å"drive the point home.†As a whole, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†is a thorough and well-executed defense of non-violent protest. Even readers who do not need to be persuaded, readers who are already in general agreement with non-violent methods of protest, will still find deep insights into how this form of protest works (such as the concept of â€Å"negative peace†(169)), and why it is necessary. King combines the strategy of appealing to the audience's identity in various ways, powerful passages that reinforce arguments, and some general deductive reasoning and insight to construct an argument that is very clear, rational, and effective in explaining and defending non-violent direct action.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
Executive summary CSR implies that the company needs to take into account, in the impact of its activities , all of its stakeholders , both internal ( employees , trade unions) , or external (NGOs, local communities , customers, suppliers , organizations non-financial and Shareholders notation). Corporate Social Responsibility is based on a corpus of standards and international standards that involve commitments from businesses, and on which they are accountable . It covers all sectors, but to different degrees . Among the main sectors, retail are concerned because of their environmental, social and societal impact. Amazon company is therefore part of its firms to get involved and grow in terms of social responsibility of the company. With a vast distribution network, it was able to penetrate the market of e –commerce and have a competitive advantage through its supply chain. However, despite this success, there may be some gaps and limitations in terms of integration of CSR within the company. Content Introduction 4 I- Amazon Supply chain as part of its strategic management 4 Improvement of shopping methods 4 The coexistence of a variety of business models. 5 A thorough knowledge of customer demand 5 II- Introduction to Corporate social Responsibility 6 Definition 6 Communication 6 Implementation 6 Measurement 7 III- Critique of Amazon’s performance with regard to CSR 7 Conclusion 8 References 9 Introduction World number one in its market in just 15 years, Amazon is the global leader in electronic commerce. Initially small bookstore in the new economy, the site is now a general distributor for food, clothing, electronic products, automotive equipment and others. Also offering many professionals services such as logistics... ... that it could improve customer service in the past through its supply chain. The e-commerce retailer can use its experience in innovation networks of suppliers and customer satisfaction to better manage issues of sustainable development. Now, Amazon is facing competitors who were able to tackle the project of sustainability in their supply chain and acting really in term of CSR. Amazon can take advantage of this opportunity to develop the CSR in order to satisfy customers and shareholders using this project as an added value. By Integrating sustainable development strategies of the supply chain, such as establishing a code of conduct for suppliers, waste reduction, reassess labor policy and human rights , optimizing shipping method and saving energy , Amazon may become a more sustainable company and achieved more goals in term of corporate social responsibility.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Queen Elizabeth I Essay -- essays research papers fc
Elizabeth I King Henry VIII wanted a son. He had been married for seventeen long years and had only been given a daughter named Mary. Someday one of his children would rule England and it was supposed to be a boy. Henry decided he wanted a younger wife who could bear many children, so he formed his own church and re-married Anne Boleyn. This began the life of Elizabeth. Elizabeth was born on Sunday, September 7th 1533 at three o’ clock in the afternoon. To the King, Anne seemed unable to have any more children. She became pregnant three more times after Elizabeth, only to lose the baby. When Elizabeth was three years old her mother was beheaded for treason and adultery. Henry had his marriage to Anne declared invalid, making Elizabeth illegitimate. His new wife, Jane Seymour finally gave him a son. His name was Edward. Jane died after childbirth and Henry married three more times and had no other children. Now that England had a Prince Elizabeth wasn’t so important. She didn’t live with her father at court, but instead she grew up at the palace of Hatfield, where she had her own governess, servants, and teachers. Elizabeth’s teachers were great university scholars. One of her teachers said that her mind had no womanly weakness and that her perseverance and memory were equal to that of a man. When Elizabeth was thirte en, Henry died and her nine year old brother, Edward became King. Edward who had never been strong or healthy died six years after becoming King. The throne was left to Elizabeth’s half sister, Princess Mary. Mary was married to Prince Philip of Spain. Mary was determined to restore Catholicism to England even if it took violence. Many of the Protestants wanted to get rid of Mary and have Elizabeth take over the throne. Mary found out about this and had Elizabeth locked up in the very tower her mother had been in before she was killed. Elizabeth waited in fear for two months. She was finally released because Mary could find no evidence against her. Elizabeth was sent to a far away palace, with only four decent rooms, where she was kept under house arrest. When some of Mary’s subjects stayed faithful to their Protestant faith she burned almost three hundred of them for heresy. This is where she got the nickname "Bloody Mary." On November 17, 1558, after ruling for five sh... let it happen. She was strong. Elizabeth lived to a greater age than any English ruler before her. When Elizabeth was seventy, her health faded. She named Mary’s son James VI of Scotland as her successor. On March 24, 1603, after 45 years of reigning, Elizabeth died peacefully in her sleep. And the age she lived in was called the Elizabethan age. Elizabeth contributed so much to the people of her time and even to the people of today. Without Elizabeth we would have never been able to enjoy the work of William Shakespeare. She showed everyone that a woman could do "a man’s job." Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Speech: "Though you have had - and may have - many mightier and wiser princes sitting in this seat, yet you never had - nor shall have - any that will love you better." BIBLIOGRAPHY Stanley, Diane and Vennema, Peter, Good Queen Bess NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1990 Starkey, David, Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2000 Thomas, Jane Resh, Behind the Mask: The Life of Queen Elizabeth I NY: Clarion Books, 1998 Weir, Allison, The Life of Elizabeth I NY: Ballantine Books, 1998
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How does Sushi reflect Japanese culture? Essay
Japanese people show great pride in their heritage and they use their food as a form of expression in order to show their cultural heritage. The Japanese focus on the small things in their cuisine that helps make such a large impact in the quality of the food. The country takes pride in their food and uses it for various symbolic reasons. Sushi and pride both have a large correlation in Japanese culture. Their attention to detail is also used as an advantage in order to show people all around the world as to why they are known for their wonderful cuisine. Sushi is pivotal in showing the identity of the Japanese people. Various factors play a role in sushi, such as; the geographical location of the country, the country’s history, its own culture, the aesthetics of the cuisine, and the global economy as a whole. The geographical location is a large reason as to why the country uses sushi in such a large amount of its fine cuisine. The country is largely surrounded by water and their main export also happens to be fish. Japan takes advantage of its geographical location by using its surroundings, the ocean, to the fullest. The geographical location of Japan also highly contributes to the countries own economy. Their main exports are agriculture and fish. Their rice fields and the use of the seaside help Japan’s economy tremendously. The country always manages to have a great harvest for their rice fields which increases the overall value of the rice, thus increasing the economy. Not only does this mean that the economy increases, but for the rice that they do hold on to, has excellent quality and will be applied to their cuisine. Applying better than average quality rice into their cuisine will also increase tourism to the country. Japan’s quality of food is known throughout the entire world and helps represent the Japanese culture as a whole. The history of Japanese cuisine also plays a large role in Japanese identity. The countries fish has a high value in the world market and are constantly able to receive fresh fish from their waters. The countries history has always consisted of sushi. Earlier ancestors use to dislike the taste of only the fish and wanted something to add onto the fish, thus adding rice. This is very similar in how other various countries use bread as a way to help combat their meals as well. Throughout the country’s history, sushi began to appear in the west. As more sushi began to appear in other countries, the higher the demand became. As a result of high demand, tourism significantly increased and so did the export of fish. Other countries began to implement fish into their own cuisines and Japanese identity/culture began to spread all over the world. The late 20th century saw sushi gaining in popularity all over the world. The culture of the Japanese helped introduce sushi into Japan. Their religious affiliations, which were Buddhism, prevented them from eating meant. They saw animals as sacred beings with souls just like them. As a result, they refused to kill animals. The Japanese viewed fish as an alternative method because they were not allowed to harm other animals dude to their religious affiliation. Not only did fish become the staple of Japanese identity, so did rice. Rice has been around since the beginning of Japanese culture and still remains a staple of Japanese identity to this day. The combination of the two most consumed food in Japan led to sushi, which quickly spread to western countries. To this day Japanese identity/culture has a lot to do with the introduction of sushi in its history. The aesthetics of sushi also plays a large role in Japanese identity. No other countries have been able to create the quality of food as the Japanese do. The quality of the fish and the simplicity of the presentation of the product are like no other. The quality of ingredients plays a large role in their food, as it takes days to weeks in order to properly marinate their fish. The cooks refuse to distribute the food until they believe it is presentable in their eyes. The beauty of the presentation helps bring a unique style to sushi. The various colors, shapes, and texture help bring a unique element. The overall presentation of sushi is just beautiful, something that is hard to mimic. The overall eating experience of Japanese cuisine is a relaxed, almost spiritual experience, something that very few cultures have. Sushi overall is a true art. The presentation, taste, and experience as a whole help bring sushi to life, something that cannot be replicated. Sushi today is the foundation of Japanese culture/identity and will always exist in the Japanese lifestyle. Sushi is not only a major export, but also something that the Japanese take great pride in. Japanese people show great pride in their heritage and they use their food as a form of expression in order to show their cultural heritage. It represents symbolism in the Japanese lifestyle and will continue to flourish in the future. Work Cited Allison, Anne 1991 Japanese Mothers and Bentos: The Lunch Box as Ideological State Apparatus. Anthropological Quarterly 64(4):195-208. Bestor, Theodore C. 2001. Supply-Side Sushi: Commodity, Market, and the Global City. American Anthropologist Volume 103 (1): 76-95. Jstor,, November 22, 2010. Bestor (2001) Supply-Side Sushi Commodity Market and the Global City Bestor, Theodore C. 2005 How Sushi Went Global. In Cultural politics of Food and Eating; A Reader, edited by James L. Watson and Melissa L. Caldwell, pp.13-20. Blackwell, Oxford. Bestor, Theodore C. 2006 Kaiten –zushi and Konbini: Japanese Food Culture in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In Fast Food/Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System, edited by Richard R. Wilk, pp.115-130. Altamira Press, Maryland. Casal, U. A. 1957 The Five Sacred Festivals of Ancient Japan: their symbolism and historical development. Sophia University, Tokyo Ceccarini, Rossella 2010 Food Studies and Sociology: A Review Focusing on Japan. AGLOS: Journal of Area-Based Global Studies 1:1-17. Durrenberger, E. Paul and Gà sli Pà ¡lsson 1987 Ownership at Sea: Fishing Territories and Access to Sea Resources. American Ethnologist. 14(3):508-522. Jstor 1993 Rice as self: Japanese identities through time. accessed November 20. 2010. Goldburg, Rebecca and Rosamond Naylor 2005 Future Seascapes, Fishing, and Fish Farming. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 3(1):21-28. Jstor, 1983 Microbiology of Oriental Fermented Foods. accessed November 21 Kasulis, Thomas P. 1995 Sushi, Science, and Spirituality: Modern Japanese Philosophy and Its Views of Western Science. Philosophy East and West Volume 45(2): 227-248. Jstor., November 22, 2010. Kegan, Paul 2001The History and Culture of Japanese food. New York. Routledge. Kegan, Paul. Loveday, Leo, and Satomi, Chiba 1998 Partaking with the Divine and Symbolizing the Societal: The Semiotics of Japanese Food and Drink. Semiotica 56(1-2):115-132. Google Scholar, Magnuson, John J.; Carl Safina and Michael P. Sissenwine 2001 Whose Fish Are They Anyway?. Science. 293(5533):1267-1268. Jstor, Mansfield, Becky
Friday, August 16, 2019
Responding To The Wii Essay
Executive summary: Given the current market scenario, Sony will have to fight on both fronts. The Wii has unlocked a new segment of the market. Sony should adapt its strategy to address this new market. But Sony must not lose sight of the big picture, to win the long term race for the â€Å"center of the living room†. Sony should leverage its relation with game developers to introduce simpler games for the casual gamer. It has to keep targeting the hardcore gamer and it must continue to provide additional value as a single device for gaming, streaming movies and television, internet surfing, video conferencing etc. How attractive does the video game industry look in late 2008? By 2008, the industry situation has become intense, with four of Porter’s five forces showing high threat (See Exhibit 1 in Appendix). However, the industry does hold the promise that the winner will occupy the â€Å"center of the living room†position, could potentially create a stranglehold on the entire entertainment industry and could reap profits. Therefore, the stakes in this battle are high. Why did Nintendo delay introducing its 16 bit video game system? Nintendo delayed introducing its 16 bit video game system in order to avoid cannibalizing sales of the 8-bit NES. But competitors came up with new value propositions to take away market share. For example Sega employed the Judo strategy to garner market by introducing its 16-bit version, Genesis, while Nintendo was concentrating on the 8-bit market. Sony, with its PlayStation and PlayStation 2 product lines took this game further. They expanded the target customer base to include grown-ups by creating games fit for all ages and combining forces with game developers. Did Sega use any elements of Judo Strategy? Sega effectively implemented Judo strategy by preventing its strong competitor Nintendo to come at it with full strength. Sega attacked the pieces of the play with various small steps. It started with leveraging the 16-bit opportunity, and setting lower prices for its Genesis to that of Super NES. Then it introduced its popular version of Sonic, the Hedgehog. It also hurt Nintendo by luring in third party developers with its low royalty strategy and built up twice the number of titles Nintendo had. In 3 years Sega Genesis took over the market. How did PlayStation and PlayStation 2 win in their respective generations? With the industry becoming attractive, Sony entered the market with its 32-bit icon product ‘Play Station’ targeting a larger and mature audience. Sony, contrary to its competitors built up on the outsourcing strategy, by allowing developers more freedom, tools and income. Despite lagging on software titles, it was unstoppable in the hardware segment overpowering Sega. As leader of the industry, Sony launched its Play station 2 at 128-bit gearing up for the next revolution. Why did Microsoft get into the game? With the console games becoming attractive and multi capable compared to PC games, the PC giant Microsoft was concerned if the console platform takes over the PC platform. So it entered the video game console business with Xbox as a bet against Sony’s Play station. It was hoping to become successful in the video game business as it has been in the PC software business. Surprisingly the same recipes didn’t cook well with the developers in this segment and Sony took over the throne by 2005. How was Nintendo able to regain the lead in videogames? With Microsoft and Xbox as strong contenders in the field, Nintendo was gearing up for the launch of its next generation console. While Microsoft was trying to leverage the early release of Xbox 360, Sony was dealing with its internal technicalities. Both the competitors had incorporated superior technological features in to their products. While Xbox had Digital Amplification, Play station had the most powerful console. The technology prowess was so much that the products were HD-DVD and Blu-ray compatible and had online gaming features. On the other hand, Nintendo’s machine was less advanced across all features of processing, compatibility, sound and memory. However, Nintendo could made Wii special with its user friendliness and targeted a larger audience of not avid gamers. Its innovative motion sensitivity and customizable features helped Wii overtake its rivals by 2008. Despite its low performing hardware or performance, it was its reachability to the large customer segment that generated its value proposition. What should Sony do now? Sony should work with game developers to create simple games that target the Wii’s audience. However, Sony’s gaming console should still be high tech to maintain its hold on the hard core gamer. Sony should market the new PlayStation line as a value add product that is the one stop source for the entire family’s entertainment needs. This way, Sony can counter Wii’s threat while also staying in the long term race for the â€Å"center of the living room†position. This position is essential for thwarting Microsoft’s plan of creating a stranglehold on the entire entertainment industry by being the electronic platform of choice in the home.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Use of Computer Systems
INTRODUCTION Computer systems are a very important part of our world today and are seen almost anywhere. It has got to that stage where computer systems are a part of pretty much all we do. In this same sense, anybody who has no computer knowledge whatsoever would be regarded as an illiterate in full years to come and with this regard; we can say that not having any knowledge of computers is like not attending a school at all. This article explains how and where computer systems are important to our lives and different sectors or environments.THE EFFECTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS ON DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS Computer systems are being used nowadays in different and dynamic areas which include Banking, industry, Education, Business, Home, Networking, games etc. Banking: Computer systems play a major role in banking systems because even without being a computer literate or genius, a person can easily spot that computers are important in this sector because once a person steps into a banking env ironment, computers are seen everywhere.But to be specific, computers are used for various tasks in the banking sector. a. The transaction task: personal computers are the best for these kinds of job because they are used to record simple transactions that involve sending out and receiving money. These tasks don’t require any big or super computers because even a little calculator can calculate. Personal desktop computers are mostly preferred and required because they are used to record these transactions as well as storing them on an online server database. b.Administrative tasks: the computer plays a major role here by being used to manage offline databases that contain human resource information that include number of staff, health benefits, salary, age, and sometimes being used to generate salary pay cheques unlike the old ways which included filing paper documents which is harder and slower to locate when needed. c. Authentication purposes: computers are used to instantl y connect with other branches of the same banks every time information is needed. This makes it easier for customers to walk into any bank (asides their headquarters or where their account was opened) to make transactions
Mcculloch V. Maryland Brief
McCulloch v. Maryland Brief Fact Summary. The state of Maryland enacted a tax that would force the United States Bank in Maryland to pay taxes to the state. McCulloch, a cashier for the Baltimore, Maryland Bank, was sued for not complying with the Maryland state tax. Synopsis of Rule of Law. Congress may enact laws that are necessary and proper to carry out their enumerated powers. The United States Constitution (Constitution) is the supreme law of the land and state laws cannot interfere with federal laws enacted within the scope of the Constitution. Facts.Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States. Branches were established in many states, including one in Baltimore, Maryland. In response, the Maryland legislature adopted an Act imposing a tax on all banks in the state not chartered by the state legislature. James McCulloch, a cashier for the Baltimore branch of the United States Bank, was sued for violating this Act. McCulloch admitted he was not complying with the Ma ryland law. McCulloch lost in the Baltimore County Court and that court’s decision was affirmed by the Maryland Court of Appeals.The case was then taken by writ of error to the United States Supreme Court (Supreme Court). Issue. Does Congress have the authority to establish a Bank of the United States under the Constitution? Held. Yes. Judgment reversed. Counsel for the state of Maryland claimed that because the Constitution was enacted by the independent states, it should be exercised in subordination to the states. However, the states ratified the Constitution by a two-thirds vote of their citizens, not by a decision of the state legislature.Therefore, although limited in its powers, the Constitution is supreme over the laws of the states. There is no enumerated power within the Constitution allowing for the creation of a bank. But, Congress is granted the power of making â€Å"all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. à ¢â‚¬ The Supreme Court determines through Constitutional construction that â€Å"necessary†is not a limitation, but rather applies to any means with a legitimate end within the scope of the Constitution.Because the Constitution is supreme over state laws, the states cannot apply taxes, which would in effect destroy federal legislative law. Therefore, Maryland’s state tax on the United States Bank is unconstitutional. Discussion. This Supreme Court decision establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, taking precedent over any state law incongruent with it. McCulloch v. Maryland Term: †¢1792-1850 o1819 Location: Maryland State House Facts of the CaseIn 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. Question The case presented two questions: Did Congress have the authority to establish the bank? Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers? Conclusion Decision: 7 votes for McCulloch, 0 vote(s) against Legal provision: US Const.Art 1, Section 8 Clauses 1 and 18 In a unanimous decision, the Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice Marshall noted that Congress possessed unenumerated powers not explicitly outlined in the Constitution. Marshall also held that while the states retained the power of taxation, â€Å"the constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme. . . they control the constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them. â€Å"
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Relationship between Humans and Nature Essay
The relationship between humans and nature is an important topic in which many people contribute ideas to and have done studies on. It is important for people to see that nature is a necessity and that we are responsible for protecting it. In essays and an article, John Steinbeck, Lynn White, Peter Kahn, Rachel Severson, and Jolina Ruckert discuss their beliefs and information they have found to be true about humans and nature living together. In the article â€Å"Americans and the Land†, John Steinbeck talks about the American settlers’ impact on the land. He states that the relationship between humans and nature used to be one of settlers living with or against nature, but has over time come to humans living on or from the land. Steinbeck writes his feelings of humans being very irresponsible in their use of land back in a time when they thought there was an abundance of resources. He writes that people â€Å"burned the forests and changed the rainfall; they swept the buffalo from the plains, blasted the streams, set fire to the grass†(Steinbeck). During the time of the Indians, humans attacked and defended themselves without giving thought to the damage they were causing to their environment around them. To go along with how little Americans thought about the environment, Steinbeck addresses how people went land-mad. Because they had so much of it, â€Å"They cut and burned the forests to make roo m for crops; they abandoned hyknowledge of kindness to the land in order to maintain its usefulness†(Steinbeck). The idea of conservation didn’t much start until after engines and heavy mechanical equipment were in full use. And even since conservation and people finding awe and beauty in the nation’s national parks, most people don’t think twice about using engines and machines to keep us warm or cool, give us light, or transport us quickly. In response to this essay, I do have to agree that in the past people did not know about the damage they were causing on the earth. However, I disagree with Steinbeck when he says that people do not think twice about using all available technology. I know that through conservation efforts, most everyone is very aware of the impact they have on the environment. Although people are not as in tune with nature as the Native Americans were, I think we could learn from them and appreciate and take more responsibility for nature. Lynn White, Jr.’s essay â€Å"The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis†addresses the relationship between humans and nature by bringing up the issue of what Christianity tells people about their relationship with the environment. It is interesting that White brings up the component of religion in how people treat nature because it is a huge aspect that oftentimes doesn’t get talked about much. White states that Christians believe that God gave them dominance over nature and that it was given to serve man. Because of this dominance that we have, people feel indifferent about exploiting nature and using it to serve themselves. Although I know this is true and is found in Genesis, I believe God intended it differently. I believe that just as God has ultimate rule over the earth and exercises his authority with loving care, he expects humans to do the same with the environment. God was careful in how he made the earth, and He wants us not to be careless and wasteful in how we take care of it. Although, I do agree that this mindset is a problem and has been a problem, so the best way to combat this is to teach Christians to dig deeper in to God’s word to figure out what exactly He means when he says something like that. Peter Kahn, Jr., Rachel L. Severson, and Jolina H. Ruckert discuss the impact on humans of how technological nature is coming to replace actual nature in the essay. In the essay, they come to the conclusion that this replacement causes changes in the physical and psychological well-being of the human species. Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert state that nature is imperative to have in human lives. The authors did a study in which they found that simply looking outside of a window reduces heart rate which in turn reduces stress. Near the end of the essay, the authors discuss the issue of Environmental Generational Amnesia. This is a condition that humans may face in which, because of â€Å"adapting gradually to the loss of actual nature and to the increase of technological nature, humans will lower the baseline across generations for what counts as a full measure of the human experience and of human flourishing†(Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert, 37). In a study, they figured out that technological nature is better than no nature at all. And they also know that humans have an evolutionary need to affiliate with nature, so we either have to adapt to technological nature, or go extinct. The authors know that talking to people about these environmental issues is becoming harder as most people aren’t aware of or simply don’t believe that they are a problem. I think that this was a very important study to do and shows people the importance and necessity of going out into nature. The relationship between humans and nature is important to everyone because we really can’t escape the fact that we are living together. Knowing the history of why nature is so important to humans can help create a sense of responsibility for its well-being which in turn should unite people to try to make a difference in how we are treating it and using current technology. Because of Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert we now know that nature is something that humans innately need and that increases our health. Reading the ideas and conclusions of these authors about this topic has made me wonder about what my own stance on nature is, how my faith effects that, and if I am substituting technological nature for real nature. Works Cited Kahn, Peter. Severson, Rachel. Ruckert, Jolina. _The Human Relation with Nature and_ _Technological Nature._ (2009). Technological_Nature.pdf Steinbeck, John. _Americans and the Land._ White, Lynn. _The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis._ (1974).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example When determining strategies, it is important to integrate social issues as an element of a business’s social responsibility to further instill social realignment of businesses. A firm must implement those social business practices that have economic benefits. The business must carry out its operation in a socially responsible manner which reflects its commitment to corporate social responsibility. Do for the society which is legally required and also benefits the business. Firstly, the business must be able to make enough profits so that future costs can be covered and social responsibility met (Fred R, 2005. Corporate social responsibility can be defined as a form of corporate self-regulation incorporated into a business model. The concept first came into use after the advent of many multinational firms after 1960s. The self-regulated conduct of businesses must abide by the law, ethical standards and international customs. The goal of CSR is to basically endorse the firms to take responsibility for their actions and must not negatively impact the environment, consumers, employees, stakeholders and communities. The must make sure not to harm the public in any way and promote their interest by encouraging community development. It instills the concept of ‘triple bottom line’ that is; people, planet, and profit by including public interest in the decision-making of firms. The businesses have to bring some much-needed changes into their mission statements to comply with the social responsibility. Many businesses have started to introduce the concept of social accounting which emphasizes the need for corporate accountability, that is; developing appropriate measures and reporting techniques to those who the firm is accountable to. There are some standards and frameworks which the business can use as a guideline for their auditing and reporting like AccountAbility’s AA1000 standard. CSR requires firms to produce ethically strong annual fin ancial report and sustainability report so that their social, economic and environmental performance can be measured (Visser, 2008). A business might have to forgo short-term financial benefits when adopting CSR strategy, but there are many long-term advantages that help a business in future, other than financial ones. By adopting CSR, the recruitment and retention can improve. The recruits are more likely to enroll in a firm which follows CSR. The morale of the employees is also lifted when they are asked to participate in social activities like payroll giving, fundraising programmes and community volunteering. A company’s decade old reputation and goodwill can be easily damaged by socially irresponsible actions like corruption scandals or environmental accidents. Negative reactions from media, government, courts and regulators can affect the public image of a firm. CSR also helps build consumer loyalty by practicing distinctive ethical values. Successful businesses such as The Body Shop and American Apparel have a strong reputation for integrity and best practice and therefore maintain a strong brand loyalty. The Body Shop strictly opposes product testing on animals and support community trade with developing countries. Companies easily get a license to operate in many countries when they follow Corporate Social Responsibility. There is also a great argument of insincerity and hypocrisy attached to CSR. Some people
Monday, August 12, 2019
Banking System and Monetary Policy in Portugal report Essay
Banking System and Monetary Policy in Portugal report - Essay Example All of these threats pose serious challenges to the overall health of the Portuguese economy and hence corrective measures are needed to correct the flaws in the system and to make it more competitive and self-sustaining. The assessment of banking system shows that the procedure for borrowing money from banks is easier than other EU countries. As a result, the household debt is as large as 120% of the income. Unemployment trend in the Portuguese economy is also very alarming. It is growing exponentially and poses serious threats to the policy makers to devise strategies to curb this trend. Unemployment can be dangerous for any economy and Portuguese economy is no exception. Unemployment reduces the production potential of a country and results in less output being produced than what can be produced. This hampers the economic growth of an economy and leads government into paying unemployment benefits funds for which the government has to indulge in debt financing. Debt financing can b e very dangerous to an economy in the long-run. Current unemployment rate of Portugal stands at around 11%. (Lipsey and Chrystal, 2003) The fiscal situation of the Portuguese economy shows another flaw in the financial system of the country. Portugal is highly geared and has large levels of debt financing. In fact the debt financing ration has crossed the sixty percent of the GDP mark in the recent years. This makes the Portuguese economy more susceptible to international borrowing and aid which has negative effects in the long-run. According to the estimates published by Banco de Portugal and IMF, the current account position of the country is growing out of control. In the recent years, the current account deficit has widened to around 72% of the total trade carried out by the country. Portugal has been using Euro as its official currency since 1 January 1999. Before that the official currency of Portugal was Escudo. The reason why Portugal shifted to Euro was the weak position of its currency. It was weak and unstable making it very difficult to carryout international trade using Escudo as a â€Å"unit of account†and a base for setting of prices and settling of accounts. As a result, it was deemed that a country like Portugal moved to a more stable monetary base and system that would allow itself to carry out its international trade with traders not having to worry about the fluctuations in Escudo. European Central Bank is playing a vital role in maintain the economic stability throughout the Eurozone. ECB is also responsible for setting up the monetary policy of Portugal and other countries that use Euro as a base currency. Euro banknotes are also issued by ECB and only coins can be issued by the member states and that also only after the consent of ECB. (Eurostar, 2010) Portugal is an active trader in the international markets. It understands the importance of international trade and actively participates in international trade for the mutual bene fits of its importing and exporting partners. Its major imports include wine, fish, agricultural products, computers and heavy machinery. Similarly, Portugal mainly exports wood, copper, clothing and other important minerals. The most important trading partners of Portugal are Spain and Germany which have the highest percentage of trade of done with Portugal. The overall condition of
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Police Training and Equipment during Budget Crisis Research Paper
Police Training and Equipment during Budget Crisis - Research Paper Example ions is that the existing police force is barely adequate to handle the volume of crimes andï€ ¬ thereforeï€ ¬ the menace of crime keeps increasingï€ ® This is especially so in the case of countries such as US and UKï€ ¬ which confront the threats of a large number of illegal immigrantsï€ ¬ criminal gangsï€ ¬ drug syndicatesï€ ¬ weapon smugglersï€ ¬ terrorists groups etcï€ ® These criminals, with their free availability of funding and other resources, operate with the help of modern technology and sophisticated gadgets. On the other hand, due to paucity of funds, the training and provision of equipment for police forces remain sidetracked on many occasions. Compromising on the training and equipment of the police forces can impact negatively on their performance and morale especially when they have to confront highly trained, motivated and well equipped criminals. Therefore, the budgetary constraints of government should not be taken as an excuse for cuttin g down on the cost of police training and provision of equipment. In order to analyze this issue, this study will evaluate the existing literature on the topic and data available on police budget and how budgetary cuts affect police training and provision of equipment. In the current scenarioï€ ¬ fighting terrorism is a most complex and challenging concern for the law enforcement agencies in USï€ ¬ as various terrorist organizations are being funded by foreign nations that have plenty of resourcesï€ ® Besidesï€ ¬ the members of such groupsï€ ¬ who are blind believers in religious faithï€ ¬ become committed followers that are ready to sacrifice their lives for the cause they believe inï€ ® They are also highly educatedï€ ¬ technology savvy and driven by fanatics to such an extent that they are prepared to go to any extend to unleash carnage in nations they believe are against the values they cherishï€ ® Therefore, in order to combat criminals of this kind, the police needs to be appropriately trained and well equipped. Ho wever,
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