Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Creating Learning Centers to Support Skills
Creating Learning Centers to Support Skills Learning Centers can be an important and fun part of your instructional environment and can supplement and support the regular curriculum. They create opportunities for collaborative learning as well as differentiation of instruction. A learning center is usually a place in the classroom designed for different tasks that students can complete in small groups or alone. When there are space constraints, you can use a display as a learning center with activities that children can take back to their desks. Organization and Administration Many primary classrooms have center time, when children move to a specific part of the classroom. There they can either choose which activity to pursue or rotate through all the centers. In intermediate or middle school classrooms, learning centers can follow completion of assigned work. Students can fill in checklists or pass books to show they have completed a required number of activities. Or, students can be rewarded for completed activities with a classroom reinforcement plan or token economy. In any case, be sure to have a record keeping system that is simple enough for the children can keep themselves. You can then monitor their progress with a minimum of attentionreinforcing their sense of responsibility. You might have monthly charts, where a monitor stamps completed activities for each learning center. You could cycle through monitors each week or have monitors for each specific center who stamps students passports. A natural consequence for children who abuse center time would be to require them to do alternate drill activities, like worksheets. Learning centers can support skills in the curriculumespecially mathand can broaden students understanding, or provide practice in reading, math or combinations of those things. Activities found in learning centers could include paper and pencil puzzles, art projects connected to a social studies or science theme, self correcting activities or puzzles, write on and erasable laminated board activities, games and even computer activities. Literacy Centers Reading and Writing Activities: There are lots of activities that will support instruction in literacy. Here are a few: Laminate a short story into a folder, and give prompts for students to respond.Laminate articles about popular television or music personalities, and have students answer Who, What, Where, When, How and Why questions.Make puzzles where students match initial letters and word family endings: example: t, s, m, g with the ending old. Math Activities: Puzzles matching problems and their answers.Color by number puzzles using math facts to come up with the numbers.Board games where students answer math facts on the spaces they hit.Measuring activities with scales, sand and different size measures such as cup, teaspoon, etc.Geometry activities where students make pictures with geometric shapes. Social Studies Activities: Combine literacy and social studies activities: Write and illustrate newspaper articles about: the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the discovery of America by Columbus, the election of Barack Obama.Matching card games: match pictures to names of historical figures, shapes of states to the names of states, capitals of states to the names of states.Board games based on historical eras, such as the civil war. You land on Battle of Gettysburg. If youre a Yankee, you go forward 3 steps. If youre a Rebel, you go back 3 steps. Science Activities: Centers based on the current content, say magnets or space.Place the planets correctly on a velcroed map.Demonstrations from the class that they can do in the center.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers If you have gone through the Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Escaping the Endless Adolescence, then read the answers below. These reading comprehension worksheet answers are affiliated with the article, so they wont make much sense by themselves. Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 Answers Escaping the Endless Adolescence 1. This passage is narrated from the point of view of (C) a concerned therapist who works with struggling young adults. Why? A is incorrect because it uses the word bulimia, and the disorder was anorexia. Plus, you wouldnt expect concerned parents to take their child to see a college professor for help. B is incorrect because its an older person telling the story. D is incorrect because sleeping and compulsive disorders are never discussed nor implied. E is incorrect because a college student would not have an office or visits from concerned parents. 2. According to the worksheet passage, Perrys two biggest problems were (A) being an unhappy achiever and his parents increase of his mental strain. Why? Look at lines 26–27 and lines 38–39. The problems are stated explicitly. 3. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) describe one young mans struggle with anorexia and, in doing so, provide possible reasons a young person may resort to an eating disorder. Why? To start, look at the verbs at the beginning of the answers. You can get rid of answer choices B and C because the passage neither advocates for anyone nor compares anything. D is incorrect because the passage is largely unemotional, and E is wrong because its too broad: The passage focuses on one young man and his struggle more than it focuses on todays youth as a whole. 4. The author uses which of the following in the sentence starting on line 18: But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles, and while he took awhile to get to know, eventually the problems came pouring out? (E) metaphor Why? But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles, and while he took awhile to get to know, eventually the problems came pouring out. Actually, the sentence in the passage uses two metaphors: world of troubles and pouring out. The author compares the amount of troubles facing Perry to a world without using the word like or as. He also compares Perrys relating of his troubles to pouring, two explicitly different ideas connected without the simile signifiers. 5. In the second sentence of the last paragraph, the word inadvertently most nearly means (D) mistakenly Why? Heres where your vocabulary knowledge or your ability to understand vocab words in context comes in handy. If you didnt know the meaning of the word, you could assume some things based on the text: But in their efforts to nurture and support him, his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain. Nurturing and supporting are positive things. With the but you know that the opposite is true in the last part of the sentence, so you could assume that the parents didnt mean to increase his mental strain, thus, answer D.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Special Interest Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Special Interest Story - Essay Example ct also bears the name ObamaCare 2010, and it is an implemented health care policy that looks forward to drive the American health care system into the public sphere. This means that the former system of private the health care system transforms towards a public system under the drive of the government. At this point the government will bear the obligation of running and financing the entire health care system. This Health Care policy became law on March 2010 through president Obama’s approval. The introduction of this Act has triggered vast debates form analysts who differ in positive and positive effects that will be inflicted by the Act to the people of US and to the country’s economy (ObamaCare Facts 1). Among the pros exhibited by the Act is that it will positively improve the lives of American citizens by granting affordable health care services to people who previously lacked the privilege of affording medical care due to their low social status. The Act will also initiate laws that ensure adult children of ages up to 26 acquire affordable Medicare services under their parents’ policies (Cannon 1). Moreover, the Act enhances improvements in care delivery and payment system by ensuring that each American citizen possesses a medical insurance. The Act will also foresee that the government monitors medical insurance companies; thus, ensuring that patients with pre-existing conditions do not undergo oppression from insurers who force them to pay high premiums (Cannon 1). In addition, women will acquire the most privilege because the Act allows them to access free health care services and visits from social health care workers. Prior to the fore-mentioned advantages, other analysts seem to disagree with the presented facts that greatly benefits the American citizens irrespective of their social status. These opposing analysts argue that in order for the government to acquire the money that will insure billions of Americans, it will inflict new taxes to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Performance management systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Performance management systems - Essay Example The causes and issues related to rewards and performance management system shall also be outlined in this particular study. There are two important components included within performance management system such as employee development and performance appraisal. It can be denoted as a mechanism to motivate employees so as to ensure that they perform well. In every organization there is a need to perform well and accomplish set organizational goals. To be more precise employees have to be highly motivated in order to reach targets and generate high profit margins for the company. Performance management system encompasses a wide array of activities required to address goals in most effective and efficient manner. This approach enables management to well align employees, resources and systems with strategic objectives. Performance management system comprises of multiple values like motivated workforce, improved control of management (2008) and generating high financial gains. Rewards or p erformance appraisal system ensures high degree of employee engagement. In this study, the first part will be literature review on performance management systems, its link to rewards and its possible strategic value. The second part shall be a reflective summary centered towards implications of findings on professional practice. Literature ReviewAccording to Zanko (2008), organizations basically witness various competitive conditions and this in turn requires continuous improvement in the workplace.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay Example for Free
Julius Caesar Essay Julius Caesar is a film version (1953) of Shakespeare’s play and is called to be the most successful Hollywood adaptation. The director of the film Joseph L. Mankiewicz made a successful attempt to authentically preserve the characters, themes and actions. Mankiewicz used the technique of the screen to the utmost advantage in the use of close-ups, of detail to illustrate key moments in film terms. Julius Caesar is a tragedy of an assassin â€Å"who is too honorable to succeed†. Caesar is a ghost story, seduction, study of marriage and fortune-telling. The film production is also a course in public speaking, social studies lesson, history of civil war and revenge and forgiveness, dramatic story about regretted decisions, tribute to the power of mental images. The historical context is Caesar’s victory over Italians and Pompey’s sons whereas the historical events presented in the film production are the conspiracy between Cassius and Brutus to assassinate Julies Caesar and the power of Roman Empire that is so desired by certain characters. Brutus, Caesar’s best friend, is easily convinced that assassinating the best friend can be justified as it will assist in establishing liberty in Roman Empire. It resulted in Brutus agreement to join the conspiracy. Caesar ignored the warning about attending the Senate meeting and thus he was assassinated by conspirators. Although at the funeral Brutus made an attempt to justify his crime appealing to the crowd, he made a fatal mistake allowing Mark Antony to speak, because Mark was the most faithful follower of Caesar. the crowd was incited and turned away from conspirators Morality won in a certain way, because Antony’s military forces defeated the conspirators and Brutus committed a suicide. After reviewing the historical context and events it is seen that a row of historical issues arose from the film. The first issue is tyranny that was so common in those times. In a certain way Julius Caesar is a story about the death of a benevolent tyrant. Although Caser had some good virtues in his character, he was a tyrant at heart and many people suffered from his cruelty. He was responsible for killing of innocent people as accepted no compromises thinking firstly about his own welfare. The next common historical issue is the question of betrayal. Although Brutus is portrayed as a respectable and noble person, he is betrayer at heart. It is necessary to note that being a weak person in a certain way he was all the more easily manipulated into killing his best friend. Brutus betrayed Caser when stabbing him when Caesar looked him in the eyes and betrayed Caesar for the second time when believing he did it for the good of the Roman Empire. He explained even his motives to the citizens, but remained misunderstood. Another issue arising from betrayal is the desire of absolute power, because for the characters it meant more than position and name it was everything. Although every power has limitations and there is no absolute power, every character in the film had in a certain way his power. It appeared from the movie that characters used their power only for their convenience. Finally the last important issue is the question of loyalty which was rather unique and uncommon for those times. If the loyalty had not been involved in the film, the Roman Empire â€Å"would not have been torn apart†. Otherwise if loyalty had been involved in all aspects, tyrant Caesar would have the emperor of for many years. War would not have broken out if people would have been more loyal to Caesar. The example of loyalty in the film is Mark Antony, a character misunderstood by all people. In conclusion it is necessary to admit that film is really successful in making people think about historical issues and problems, because many of the problems are still present in contemporary society. It is possible to state that the movie complements the historical discussion of the written texts, because it presents all historical events in more vivid and realistic way and it is easier for more people to understand the problem. All these conceptions of the play are valid, because people for four hundred years have been periodically returning to admire Julius Caesar. References Jorgens, Jack J. (1985) Shakespeare on Film and Television. New York: Scribners.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen Essay -- Dulce Decoru
Analysis of "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen Based on the poem of "Dulce et Decorum Est", by Wilfred Owen. Owens war poetry is a passionate expression of outrage at the horrors of war and of pity for the young soldiers sacrificed in it. It is "Dulce et Decorum Est" which provides a very dramatic and memorable description of the psychological and physical horrors that war brings about. From the first stanza Owen uses strong metaphors and similes to convey a strong warning. The first line describes the troops as being "like old beggars under sacks". This not only says that the men are tired but that they are so tired they have been brought down to the level of beggars. "Coughing like hags" suggests that these young men (many who were in their teens) were suffering from ill health due to the damp, sludge and fumes from the decaying bodies of their fallen men at arms, lying on their chests. It was also in the winter's of The Great War where the events that, Owen speaks of took place, so they would have been prone to pneumonias and other diseases. By using the phrase "blood shod" Owen is describing how the troops have been on their feet for days and never resting. "Drunk with fatigue", echoes this view that the troops are wandering and stumbling around aimlessly with no sense of direction or of purpose. In the second stanza, the pace changes to one of urgency; Owen using the word "Gas" in swift repetition demonstrates this. By doing this Owen illustrates the urgency of a life and death situation, which requires the need to put on their gas masks. Owen describes a horrific scene unfolding in front of his very eyes, a scene of a man dying a horrible death because he was too slow to put on his ... changes to one of questioning hopelessness and of quiet resignation with the onset of death. Owen demonstrates this by asking the reader to think, "Think how it wakes the seeds- Woke, once, the clays of a cold star". Here the reader can see that the suggestion of clay as being cold and lifeless and that when the sun tries to warm clay, it in fact bakes it hard. In lines 3, 4 and 5, "Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides, Full-nerved - warm-to hard too hard to stir? Was it for this the clay grew tall?" the reader can begin to ask the age old questions, "why?" and "Are we here for just this reason, too die for the sake of pointless wars that occur through mans own greed of power? Bibliography: Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Perrine?s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 7th ed. Ed. Thomas R. Arp. Ft. Worth: Harcourt, 1998. 565-566.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Motivation Letter Essay
Motivation Letter Application For Studying In University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille To whom it may concern: In addition to all my documents provided, I would like to take this great opportunity to write a motivation letter to clarify my main reason that drives me to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille. After graduation from _____ University major in Industry International Trade, I acquired knowledge in an extensive business area, for example, accounting, finance, international trade, corporate management, law etc. I worked at Credit Control department at Accenture Consulting Company for around 2 years. My responsibility includes providing customer service to UK clients, collecting overdue debt, applying cash payments, making financial adjustments and analyzing credit status for customers. My interpersonal skills improved greatly and English skill was polished as well through daily contact with British customers. Currently I have been worked as assistant product manager at Golden Label 5 International Trade Company. My responsibilities are to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images to manage efficiently the existing marketing tools to participate in the development of new marketing tools and participate in the development of the promotions for the day market. I believe that my current working experience is the main reason that drives me to study in France. By choosing to study University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille there are a few advantages that I can achieve my goal: My current job is to assist my French boss (marketing director) to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images. Meanwhile boost and maintain our brand image. In order to cooperate better with my boss, I started to learn French since last June. Although we still discuss in English during daily life, my French language does help me a lot when I explain some authentic French traditional wines and spirits knowledge to customers. I know more and more about French, French culture, French wine, etc. And I believe that what I will obtain in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille give me a global view of International corporate management and have a multi-culture background. France is a multicultural country, and University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille is a well-known multicultural university. I can learn how to interact within different cultures to improve my interpersonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprises friends from different countries and areas. France has good relationship with China. And now China is becoming certainly the biggest potential market for France. With my multi- culture background and French experience and skills, when I have completed study in France and returns China, I can participate into the development of business cooperation or any other relationship. In short, by choosing to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille, I will benefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up my professional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into a well-managed market economy country. I am looking forward that my application can be assessed and approved at your earliest convenience! Kind Regards Li
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited Essay
Marketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description Bentley Motors Limited is a British Manufacturer of automobiles, founded on the 18th of January 1919 by Walter Own Bentley. In the First World War, Bentley was known because of their rotary aero-engines. After the war Bentley designed and produced cars that won the Le Mans race in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930. Bentley presented Queen Elizabeth II with an official State Limousine to celebrate her Golden Jubilee in 2002. Bentley believes that it is a high end luxury car, which has tradition and ultimate class. Bentley follows a â€Å"high-price†strategy, and this Marketing Plan outline will show how Bentley improves their sales and continues to gain a share in the market. 3. Strategic Focus and Plan This section covers three aspects of corporate strategy that influence the marketing plan: (1) the mission, (2) goals, and (3) core competence/sustainable competitive advantage of Bentley Motors Limited. Mission Bentley Motors states that they don’t have a mission statement; but if they did, it would have been in the words of Walter Owen Bentley, â€Å"To build a good car, a fast car, the best in class†. The vision statement that Bentley Motors Limited follows is, â€Å"We are Bentley Motors – the definitive British luxury car company, dedicated to developing and crafting the world’s most desirable high performance cars. Goals 1. Have a larger market share. 2. Launch a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) in the United Kingdom in 2015. The model will be based on the Porsche Cayenne, and will be produced in the United Kingdom. The SUV will be priced around GBP 140,000. 3. Become more eco-friendly. 4. Increase sales to 1500 cars, by 2013. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage In terms of core competency, Bentley Motors seeks to use their uniqueness to provide sophisticated and distinctive, high quality luxury cars and other products that appeal to its target customers. In order to use its core competency as a sustainable competitive advantage, Bentley will work with its customers and employees to strengthen the relationships and build bonds to satisfy the high tastes of its clientele. 4. Situation Analysis This situation analysis will show how Bentley is growing larger in the market. Globally Bentley sold just over 10,000 cars in 2007 – compared to 9,000 cars in 2006 and 1000 in 2003. SWOT Analysis Figure 1 shows some characteristics that might influence the market opportunities for Bentley Motors. The SWOT emphasizes the good choices made by the company. Positive internal factors are related to the board, the management growth, the intrinsic value of the brand associated with the high end luxury car. Favorable external factors include the increasing need of luxury goods in the environment. A note to consider is that the financial crisis of 2007 did not affect Bentley’s clientele. Regarding unfavorable factors, the main weakness is the limited growth in the market. Due to the outstanding care and attention given to the production of each Bentley car, the production is slowed down as each car is hand made. However this limited production is perfect for Bentley’s marketing plan. Figure 1: SWOT Analysis for Bentley Motors |Internal Factors |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Management |Excellent and specialized board |Owned by Volkswagen, therefore has to | | | |report to Volkswagen. | |Offerings |Unique, high-price and high-end luxury |Many other competitors like Mercedes, | | |cars. |Rolls-Royce, Ferrari and Maserati provide | | | |similar products. | |Marketing |The exclusivity of the Bentley Motors brand|As the targeted customers are exclusive, | | |is part of the marketing plan. |not many people are aware of the various | | | |services and products Bentley Motors | | | |provides. | |Personnel |Dedicated to personal development of |Their workers are so qualified that if one | | |employees, by improving their technical and|employee leaves they need to spend a lot of| | |business skills. |money to train and develop another | | | |employee. | |Finance |Excellent growth in sales, revenues from |To build one car it takes longer than most | | |2003 onwards. |of their competitors, therefore it takes | | | |time to generate revenue. | |Manufacturing |Sophisticated details, like workers |A typical mass produced luxury model can be| | |inspecting the leather for insect bites and|finished in 24 hours, but to make a | | |17 hides of leather are required to outfit |Mulsanne at the Crewe Factory it takes 9 | | |the cabin. |weeks. | |R&D |Continued efforts to ensure engineering and|Most of the competitors have good R&D | | |luxury details for cars.|departments as well. | |External Factors |Opportunities | Threats | |Consumers |Customers can customize parts of the product, |Due to the high price of the products, | | |such as requesting certain types of leather |Bentley has exclusive consumers and not| | |interiors. |many people go and buy a Bentley every | | | |so often. | |Competitive |There are a few brands that are that obsessed |Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar and BMW produce | | |with having unique luxury products. |similar products for a fraction of the | | | |price. | |Technological |Bentley recently hired Rolf Frech as its |Bentley’s competitors have various | | |Engineering Chief. Frech comes from Porsche AG. |engineering methods that can produce | | | |more efficient cars. | |Economic |During the financial crisis of 2007, Bentley’s |The targeted customers are a small | | |targeted customers were still purchasing cars. |share of the market. | | | | | |Legal/Regulatory |Cars with new clean energy (biofuel), ensuring |A new law passed, requires some | | |that the power and torque of the car are not |technological change that Bentley’s do | | |affected.|not have. | Industry Analysis Every human wants to differentiate themselves from one another. One way of doing so is by purchasing luxury goods. Therefore the market for such goods is bound to grow. In comparison to other high end luxury vehicles, Bentley is growing more than the others. Figure 2: Luxury car Market |Year Sales in U. S Market | |Brands |2011 |2010 |% Change | |Porsche |12,633 |12,592 |0. 3 | |Jaguar |9,315 |9,748 |-4. 4 | |Ferrari |1,266 |1,087 |16. 5 | |Maserati |1,706 |1,355 |25. 9 | |Bentley |1,260 |954 |32. 1 | |Rolls Royce |255 |387 |-34. 1 | Competitors in the Luxury Car Market As shown in figure 2 , the main competitors of Bentley are; Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Maserati and Porsche. Company Analysis Bentley is highly recognized for their luxury cars, but they also sell goods that reinforce the image of their brand, such as silver plated wheel spinners, cufflinks, set of espresso cups, driving apparel and luggage sets among a few. 5. Product Market Focus This section describes the marketing and product objectives for Bentley Motors and their target markets, points of difference and positioning. Marketing and Product Objectives Bentley Motors marketing is based on the effort to combine the strength and speed of a sport scar with the luxury of British elegance. These are combined in 3 areas listed below. 1. British Tradition 2. Manufacture 3. Luxury and Sport Target Markets The primary target market for Bentley cars are customers who are not self-conscious and are willing to show what they have earned, these are generally those in the highest 5% of the economy. These customers want premium quality products and services and are willing to pay for it. Points of difference. Bentley’s marketing is concentrated on the fact that they have the sophisticated British charm, mixed with the strength of a premium racing car. This is the main difference when compared to Rolls Royce, which looks at itself as a luxury car or with Ferrari that defines itself as a sports car. Positioning Bentley’s vehicles try hard to close the gap between a being a traditional British sophisticated luxury vehicle and sports car with strong masculine power, which is best shown with its 6 time success at Le Mans. 6. Marketing Program The 4 marketing mix elements used by Bentley Motors are detailed below. Product Strategy Bentley’s are handmade, custom designed cars. It takes roughly 150 hours to produce a Continental GT and 400 hours to build an Arnage. Steering wheels are double stitched by hand using 2 needles simultaneously. It takes 15 hours to create one steering wheel. These are a few features of Bentley’s to name a few. Price Strategy The 2011 Bentley Continental is priced at around $205,600, while the 2011 Maserati Gran Turismo is priced at an average of $125,000. Even though the Maserati is much less priced, the quality that Bentley holds is much greater. Promotion Strategy. Bentley avoids commercializing its products unlike Maserati, therefore making it more prestigious. Bentley places its advertisements in places where they expect their target market to see it, not in commercial places. Bentley also goes by word of mouth, where one satisfied customer passes on the good word to a friend. Distribution Strategy Bentley prides themselves on being represented in 212 Bentley facilities worldwide. With 24 offices in the UK, 38 in the USA, 52 in Europe, 15 in the Middle East and 15 in Asia and Australasia, among others. Therefore with 212 facilities worldwide, it is within arm’s reach – for those who can afford it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Movie Analysis on Scarface Essays
Movie Analysis on Scarface Essays Movie Analysis on Scarface Paper Movie Analysis on Scarface Paper Sociology behind Scarface In 1980, 125,000 refuges were able to join their families in the United States from Cuba; Fidel Castro had forced the boat owners to carry 25,000 refuges of the 125,000. Cuban refuges Tony Montana or also know as Scarface, Manny Ribera who was Tony Montana’s best friend and also two other friends Angel and Chi-Chi. They are sent together to a detention center, where Manny makes a deal with a drug lord, Frank Lopez in Florida to obtain green cards in return they have to kill a former government official Emilio Rebenga, who was shipped out by Fidel Castro because he wasn’t trusted. After they had assassinated Emilio Rebenga they received their green card and later received a drug trafficking related job from Omar Suarez, who was Frank Lopez’s number 2 men. This job went haywire which related to a death of Tony Montana’s friend Angel, but they job was over achieved by keeping the money and also attaining the cocaine that was needed to be purchased, which impressed Frank Lopez and offered Tony and Manny a job to work for him, Later, Frank sends tony and Omar to Bolivia to make a transaction of cocaine with a powerful drug lord named Alejandro Sosa. When tony goes back Frank was angry at Tony for making an unauthorized deal which jeopardizes they’re relationship and Tony starts his own operations and he also asked Frank’s Girlfriend to marry him. Tony attends a night club and see’s Elvira to discuss his proposal and frank walks up and tony insults him and frank leaves the club then tony see’s Gina dancing Manny, sympathizing with Gina, takes her home. Gina reveals her attraction to Manny, but he tells her off, fearful of Tonys wrath should he catch them together. Later at the club Frank orders hit men to kill tony but luckily he survives and the next day tony goes and visits Frank because he knew that he set the whole thing up, frank begs for his life and tony kills him. Tony takes over Franks Empire and marries Elvira and becomes ridiculously wealthy and also him and Elvira become addicted to cocaine causing them to drift apart and tony starts being paranoid about everything. Tony makes his way they’re and he see’s Gina and Manny together and out of rage he kills Manny before letting them tell tony that they got married 2 days earlier and they were going to surprise him and then Tony takes the widowed Gina back to his house and there Tony is snorting large amounts of cocaine and then Sosa’s men surround him and kill him. The first theme I will be talking about is Poverty and violence. Poverty is defined a state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions, Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. Violence is defined a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. The culture of poverty constitutes a design for living that is passed on from generation to the next. Individuals feel marginalized, helpless, inferior, and adopt and attitude of living for the present. They are fatalistic. Families are characterized by high divorce rates, with mothers and children abandoned; they become matrifocal families headed by women. People adopting this culture of poverty do not participate in community life or join political parties. When children are growing up in a low-income environment and where there is a lot of street crime, which tends to influence them that street crime is socially accepted in their environment. Also, education in some neighborhoods is very terrible and teachers fear for there lives by being there therefore children don’t get the education they need, which makes them take a easy way out to a live of crime because Its more appealing to them. Don’t get me wrong they’re are few who get away from this, for example my mom and her sisters moved to America at the age of 15 without a father, and they could not afford to live in a good neighborhood but they kept there head up and got through it well and decided not to go into the life of crime. Relating this to Scarface, Tony Montana was from Cuba, which was under a communist rule he was told how to think, what to eat, and also mostly everyone had lived in poverty. When he came to America he had a job a dishwasher boy at a restaurant in a low-income area, he could have fought through it and get an education but he got opportunity for making drug deals and he took that because the money, drugs, and power was very appealing to him. The second theme is Power and struggle. Power is defined the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Struggle is defined strive to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance. Max weber’s idea of social class, weber defines power as the ability of a actor to realize his or her will in a social action, even against the will of other actors. Power relates to the ability to command resources in a particular domain. Economic power then is the ability to control material resources to direct production, to monopolize accumulation, to dictate consumption. In the Scarface, Tony Montana wanted to monopolize the cocaine industry; he wanted to command his own gang army to become one of the biggest gangster that anyone has ever seen. Tony Montana wanted the world, which was the money, the drugs, and the women and finally the power. He took it too far and started distrusting his friends, getting into arguments with his wife, which caused her to leave him, he ended up killing his best friend without understanding the situation. Basically he was taking his life to ruins because he had too much power that he could not handle which had caused his death. The third theme is the theories of deviance, deviance is any behavior that violates social norms, and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Every individual has there own way of making a living to him or her it might be a great profession but in the eyes of society it might violate a social norm. In society individuals who are considered deviant are they ones who participate in activities relating to alcoholism, excessive gambling, stealing, lying, etc. he anomie theory refers to the confusion that arises when social norms conflict or don’t even exist. Everyone desires having tremendous amounts of wealth, but not everyone can be wealthy so few; individuals use deviant behaviors in order to achieve their goals. In Scarface, Tony Montana wanted everything but he achieved it by using deviant behavior, he was selling cocaine, which is an illegal substance in the United States. He wanted power so bad he decided to do it the wrong way . In conclusion, Poverty and violence, power and struggle, and theories of deviance are related to tony Montana, or Scarface. Its also related to society, poverty and violence occurs in bad neighborhoods but the individuals in those neighborhoods have big dreams like everyone else but not everyone could achieve the same so they tend to become deviants in order to try to accomplish there goals and if they end up receiving more than they have they have a tendency of losing there ground and end up making the wrong decisions.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes
A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes LaTeX is a powerful editing tool for preparing documents in the sciences, computing, and engineering. You can use it to create a variety of document types, from short letters to entire books. But to make sure your work turns out as intended, you’ll need to understand LaTeX document classes. Setting a Document Type All LaTeX documents must include the \documentclass markup tag. This controls the overall layout of the document, with different classes offering different default settings. The \documentclass markup always appears at the beginning of the document and allows you to pick the overall document type. For instance, we could set a document up as follows: The \documentclass markup tag. This would produce a document formatted as an article (essentially, this covers any short document without chapter breaks). We will run through some common document classes below. LaTeX Document Classes There are actually dozens of LaTeX document classes from which to choose. But most of these are specific to particular journals or universities, so you won’t need to use them. However, it is useful to know some widely used classes. These include: Document Class Standard Usage article Used for journal articles, short reports, and any other short documents that do not require a cover page and that are not divided into chapters. beamer A popular document class for presentations. Uses a landscape page format and uses slides (or â€Å"frames†) rather than standard pages. book Used for typesetting books. The book class allows you to use the \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter commands, which control section and page numbering. IEEEtran For articles published in an IEEE journal format. letter Used to create a formal letter. memoir A version of the book class with additional typesetting options. proc Used for typing up the proceedings of a conference or event. report Ideal for longer articles or shorter books where chapter divides are necessary but where the full book formatting is not required. slides Used to create slides for a presentation. Simpler to use than the beamer class, but with fewer customization options for complicated presentations. Most of these classes also offer a range of options so you can change the general layout and font size. However, if you pick the right class for your document, the default settings will usually suffice.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The use of Knowledge in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The use of Knowledge in Society - Essay Example Moreover, it is based on the misconstrued nature of economic problems of the society and uses predefined assumptions, ignoring the changing social phenomenon that is inherently linked to social construction of society. The economic order thus, developed cannot be applied in general as it would not be able to address the problems of the diverse society. But this is not the only issue discussed within the article which has explored wide spectrum of knowledge and how it can be best utilized for the betterment of the society. It emphasizes that the implicit knowledge that exists across the populace need to be retrieved and applied within the planning process to make it more realistic. The precepts and concepts of knowledge are distinct in their diversity and changing formats and become important tools for widening the scope of utilization of the existing resources. The expanding database of knowledge is testament to the changes that are witnessed within the developing societies. Indeed, the propagation and application of knowledge is symbolic of advancing society. The myriad resources as well as the means of acquisition of knowledge therefore emerge as the central issue within the article. It is true that there is no permanent solution to the economic problems of the society mainly because the constantly changing environment creates new challenges for the people. It has to be constant endeavour for anticipating changes and how they would impact society at large.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Change in the demographics of Central America from 1450 to 1914 Essay
Change in the demographics of Central America from 1450 to 1914 - Essay Example It is an unequivocal fact that industrialization has drastically changed the world and profoundly impacted the human societies in a way that would definitely be astounding for someone who inhabited the present massively industrialized areas 6 or 7 hundred years back. Central America is also such a region that has experienced a lot many changes in the human population over time owing to the threat of different diseases particularly, urbanization, and the industrial revolution.Historical evidence suggests that most of the people occupying the region of Central America in 1450 did hunting for existence. They were also not much acquainted with norms or ethical values, that are given major importance presently. Native population in 1450 was roughly in millions and by 1750, the figures of the population decreased significantly. This marked decrease in the native population can be majorly linked to the spread of myriad diseases like malaria, chicken pox, and tuberculosis for which no medica l remedies were present then because advances in microbiology occurred much later. â€Å"The introduction of infectious diseases like smallpox, to which Native Americans had no immunity, reduced their population by 90 percent from 1500 to 1700.†. It's not that the native population extinguished completely, rather the native American was present after 1750. During this period, Indians and Africans continued to be brought in Central America as slaves by the Europeans who began colonizing and settling in this region.
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