Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Brian B. and The Medical File Test Essay
Brian B. is taken into a test room in the workplace of Dr. K. by the clinical colleague, Amy. Amy gets into an energized conversation with Brian about their commonly most loved baseball crew. As Amy leaves the test room, she inadvertently puts Brian’s clinical record on the counter. While Brian hangs tight for Dr. K., he peruses his record organizer. He is stunned to find that his ongoing test for AIDS returned positive. Brian frenzies and comes up short on the workplace before observing Dr. K. The specialist attempts to reach Brian by telephone yet there is no answer. Dr. K. at that point sends a letter stamped â€Å"Confidential†to Brian and clarifies that he should be treated for his malady and furthermore needs to advise his sexual accomplices about his infection. Brian doesn't react precisely. Question What else can Doctor K. do to meet his commitment to report a transferable sickness? In managing episodes of transferable infections, Doctor K. should work with general wellbeing specialists to advance the utilization of intercessions that accomplish wanted general wellbeing results with insignificant encroachment upon singular freedoms. In executing such measures, Doctor K should take important activities to advance the patients’ prosperity. Moreover, Doctor K ought to likewise be answerable for taking suitable prudent steps to secure the wellbeing of people thinking about patients with transmittable infections. Doctors are morally committed to shield patients’ security and ought not uncover private interchanges or data without the express assent of the patient, except if required to do as such by law.24 Therefore, doctors must agree to lawful prerequisites to report influenced patients to proper general wellbeing specialists.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Life Plan After College Essay Example for Free
The Life Plan After College Essay The Life Plan will assist you with achieving your present moment, mid-term, and long haul life objectives. It permits you to envision your future. Its emphasis is on three significant life zones, scholastic, vocation, and individual. People who have an away from of their future have a more noteworthy probability of understanding their fantasies and objectives than the individuals who treat life as a flood of irregular random occasions. An optional result of this task is that it will permit you to show your composed relational abilities. Guidelines: React to the accompanying inquiries by replying in complete passages. Be explicit and definite in your reactions. Use guides to represent your focuses. Ensure that your reactions are linguistically right without any blunders in accentuation or spelling. Verification your work and have others evidence your work. Utilize the College composing lab on the off chance that you need extra help with sentence structure, structure, or accentuation. Produce an archive without any mistakes. Questions: 1. Since you have entered school, what are the prompt momentary objectives you hope to accomplish this semester and the accompanying two semesters? Address the objectives that are applicable to you in the scholarly, individual, and profession domain. I'm not catching it's meaning to you to accomplish these objectives? For what reason would like to study __________? What openings will your finishing this scholarly degree will be accessible to you? Who can assist you with settling on your vocation or potentially scholarly choices? 2. Envision yourself, as you become more established. What do you see your achievements to be quite a while from now, twenty, and thirty? What advocational objectives do you have? These could incorporate side interests, masterful, melodic or other imaginative interests. What do you want to do following your retirement? Where will you live and work? Do you see yourself adding to others in your locale as you accomplish the objectives you have set? Provided that this is true, how? Will you volunteer here and there in your locale? What things will be important to permit you to live your drawn out vision of this future? Once more, address the territories of scholastic, individual, and vocation, as you react to this inquiry. 3. Distinguish and expound on your mid-term objectives in the territories of scholarly, individual and profession. These are things you would like to finish during the following two to five years. These might incorporate exchange to another advanced education foundation, moving, getting a new line of work all the more firmly identified with your profession intrigue region, beginning a family and so forth.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Join the Columbia Journal of International Affairs COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Join the Columbia Journal of International Affairs COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I’m Shalaka Joshi, second-year Masters of Public Administration student with a concentration in International Security Policy and a specialization in Technology, Media, and Communications. Prior to graduate school, I was an Associate at the public affairs firm Dewey Square Group in Washington, D.C, and I have an undergraduate Political Science degree from the University of Texas at Austin. While my family is from India, and I was born there, I grew up in the suburbs of Houston, Texas. When applying to graduate school, I knew I was looking for an institution where I would not only learn about the important issues of the day, but would also prepare me to be forward thinking about the challenges that we face. Being at SIPA has sparked my interest in the intersection of technology, policy, and politics, and how this nexus of ideas is impacting our lives. It has also provided me opportunity for growth, intellectual fulfilment, and close friendships with my wonderful peers. The Columbia Journal of International Affairs has been around since 1947, making it the oldest student-run academic publication in the world. I first learned of it when a flyer announcing that the Journal was looking for assistant editors caught my eye early in my first semester at SIPA. Because I was intrigued with the idea of students leading the conversation on the public policy challenges of the future, I applied to join the board as an assistant editor on the digital team. Currently, I am the Managing Editor of the Digital and Online Team, where I help to manage our website and social media presence. My goal for the past year has been to build the Journal’s digital presence so that more people know of the work we do, and we can further share the ideas in our pages. We have done this by livestreaming the launch events for our two most recent issues: “Contentious Narratives†and “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,†by developing our social media presence, and by publishing interesting analysis around important events both current and historical, such as the Brazilian elections last year and the centenary of the end of World War I in 2018. We live in a world in which policy discussions have become divorced from the public conversation. It is my hope that the Journal continues to try to break through this divide and engage with everyone, and leads the conversation on the public policy challenges of our time. The next issue of the Journal will examine “The Dynamics of Global Feminism.†For this issue, we have announced a student essay contest and a visual arts contest, a great way for SIPA students to win money and be published alongside experts, academics and policymakers. We invite everyone, including future SIPA students, to engage with us and carry the legacy of the Journal forward for the next 70 years. Follow us on social media on Facebook and Twitter for the latest issue of the Journal, and as an example of how you can get further involved with life at SIPA. Photo Credit: Shalaka Joshi and the JIA, including the header photo of the JIA special launch event.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Importance Of Volunteering At The Bakersfield Spca
I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Bakersfield SPCA. Volunteering here was very rewarding as I was able to provide care for cats and dogs who may never get adopted. My responsibilities consisted of cleaning the cats’ kennels and making them presentable to any potential adopters. This consisted of wiping the outside of the kennels and replacing the cat litter boxes so the cats would have a clean place to use. I also cleaned the inside of the kennels and provided them with water and food. Through this process I began meeting the cats as they would approach me to see what was going on. I realized that most of the cats were either grey with black markings or entirely black which meant that they had a less of a chance of getting adopted†¦show more content†¦Such as climbing structures, scratching post or a place to run (2/26/17). In an attempt to meet the cat’s telos I got to spend time grooming and socializing the animals in an effort to make them more socia ble which would make them more adoptable. I also provided the dogs with the opportunity to get out of their small enclosure and to feel the grass underneath their paws. While speaking to one of the workers I was told that the animals do not get to come out of their kennels to often because, since the shelter is a nonprofit shelter they depend a lot on the donations from the public. Which means that they can only hire the exact amount of people that will help perform the necessary duties but they lack the extra help that can help with taking the dogs out or grooming the cats. For this reason, they depend greatly on the community to go in and volunteer. â€Å"Animal shelters and the community†The Bakersfield SPCA is one of the smallest shelters within Bakersfield. They depend greatly on the community to help sponsor animals. This means that the community members, depending on the type of animal, will provide a starting kit which include food, bedding, and a scratching post to the adopters. The animals who were sponsor by the community are cats that are older or have been at the shelter longer than the rest. This is a form of trying to save as many animals as possible by defining the animal as a shelter â€Å"mascot†(3/28/2017). Which will give those animals
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Did Buddhism Spread Throught China Essay - 829 Words
There are multiple reasons why and how Buddhism spread in China. I feel that factors like, religion, politics, and social, played a major part in spreading Buddhism throughout China. The factors mentioned are usually a contributor in global changes and has definitely played its part in China’s adapting a new belief. Of course there were other reasons, like economic, that caused the people of China to gravitate to the Buddhist ways. People reconsidering their faith, due to many of life downfalls or the weight of participants in something that’s new, gained recognition and spread due to popular demand. During the political chaos from 221 to 589 that came with the collapse of the Han Dynasty, Buddhism started to become a strong existence in†¦show more content†¦The emperor Taizong gave money to monasteries, sent for more Buddhist books, and created art and statues honoring the Buddhist religion. The empress Wu compose the ultimate dedication to the new faith. She not only created more Buddhist artifacts, but she gave monk more political and social power and requested different scholars to come and teach more of this religion. Wu also injected a law which made Buddhism supersede any other beliefs. So based on the information presented in this paragraph, you can clearly see the political influence on Buddhism and China. Now let’s go over some social effects that helped with the continuous spread of Buddhism through China and central Asia. Buddhist temples and monasteries provided many services, contributing greatly to the society. Monasteries and temples had medical care and academic facilities, gave seeds for families to harvest for food and crops, press oil, and temporary housed the traveling public. When people came to take advantage of the services provided, they were than introduced to the Buddhist ways. They were also taught to believe that by giving their sons unselfishly to Buddhism, the rest of the family would greatly benefit . The monks and monastery staff members also used pictures, assisting non-educated people, in understanding fables, which explained and emphasized the Buddhist teachings. As a final note, Buddhism has done great things for the society
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Study of economic growth and development China Free Essays
string(205) " Science and Technology is the lead body in charge of developing science and technology strategy, policy and coordinating other government agencies that were involved in the implementation of the project\." Introduction: Economists have during recent time associated economic growth to research and development ability of a country. One of such economic models is called the endogenous growth model. According to the endogenous growth model, research and development is a key driver of technological innovations using human resources capital and the existing knowledge (Romer, 1986). We will write a custom essay sample on Study of economic growth and development China or any similar topic only for you Order Now This theory goes on to state that innovation is then used to produce goods which will contribute to the permanent increase in the growth rate of output. Innovations that are endogenously created are essential to a sustainable economic growth. Research Development therefore can be regarded as an engine for the creation new technology and goods. China has a long history of research and development. The ancient China is celebrated for having invented paper, printing, compass and gun powder. China has also made great invention in the agricultural sector as well as in the astronomy (Sevin 1982). From 1946 to 1970, China pursued a socialist agenda with government playing the central role of coordinating all state affairs. Even though China was considered as a low income country during this period, it invested a lot into Research and Development motivated in order to become a world military power. Elite research institutes such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences were created to support the research and development and China rapid progress in nuclear technology, space technology, and genetic engineering in the 1960s and 1970 testifies to the partial success of this system. However as the Soviet Union was suddenly divided in the 1960, this advancement could not be sustained because China was then dependent on the importation of Tec hnology from its main ally the Soviet Union. Beginning from the period of Chinese economic reform in 1979, Research and Development in China experienced two transitions: first, from plan to market economy as it moves away from a centrally directed innovation system, secondly, from low income developing country toward Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) industrialised country status as it intensifies its innovation effort and more effectively deploys the ensuing technological gains. According to the comparative measures of RD intensity among countries of OEC from 1991 to 2003, China’s RD intensity rose to 1.4 percent. Beginning from 1980 to 1990, the central government of China in its bid to catch up with other developed countries decided to formulate and finances science and technology programme throughout the countries. Programmes such as the 863 project and the 973 project were designed to promote science and technology capabilities and to catch up with the growing technological and innovation gap between China and the West. Other programmes such as the Torch programme were designed to support local high –tech industries by providing direct government grant and tax incentives to industries. This essay focuses on the Chinese National RD (863) programme. The objective there is to critically examine the programme, evaluate its output and impact and provide recommendation for its future directions (Naughton,2007). National High-Tech RD (863) Programme in Brief The National High-Tech Research and Development Programme also known as the 863 programme came into being on the 3rd March 1986, when four top China scientists addressed a private letter to Deng Xiaoping, the then Leader of the China calling for the establishment of an Elite project devoted to technology that would make china the â€Å"xin jinshu geming†the new technological revolution. Deng Xiaoping agreed and approved the proposal and directed that action must be taking immediately to implement the programme. The project was then codenamed 863 programme for the year and the month of its birth. The 863 Programme has set as objective to provide funding for technological research and innovation which were of a strategic importance to the economic and social development of China. It was expected that the programme will enable China achieve a technological â€Å"leap frog†especially in areas were China already enjoys a relative advantages and support the implementation of the third phase of china modernisation process. In recent years, the programme has been extended to include the development of key technologies, in agriculture, biology, environmental protection, renewable energy and information technology. Policy Context and Implementation The programme 863 can be described as part of the general reform efforts that begun in 1979. It was important to move the country away from the socialist approach which was more focused in investing in military research which did help improve the Chinese people wellbeing. The Chinese government also believed that a reform of the economy was important as it will enable a rapid economic growth, improvement on technological innovation and fast infrastructure development that will improve the quality of life of Chinese people. The 863 programme was constituted of an emerging China’s high-technology sector, which includes a number of high level government agencies, state-run research institutes, public and a growing private RD investment funds. The programme could be described as an attempt of the government’s openness policy adopted toward international trade and foreign investment by providing investment attraction to foreign investors through tax incentives and co-investment in research. The project came to being at a time the government needed to find a lasting solution to its energy needs which became high as the volume of industries and the number of imported cars have increase dramatically. According to the New Yorker, by 2001, more than two thousand new cars were bought in China everyday and millions of barrels were imported from outside and depended of its coals to generate more eighty percent of its energy. This phenomenon was rendering China very polluted and the impact of climate change could undermine China’s future stability. It was therefore for China to develop new technology to find new solution to its energy and pollution management. The central government wanted to focus on the development renewable energy and as a result made available direct significant public funding to research, product development and application of technologies in the renewable sector. The Ministry of Science and Technology is the lead body in charge of developing science and technology strategy, policy and coordinating other government agencies that were involved in the implementation of the project. You read "Study of economic growth and development China" in category "Essay examples" Other institutions such as the Chinese Academy of science, the Natural foundation Committee and the Academy of Engineering were also playing important roles in the allocation of funding to research institutes. Funding and Impact Data from the Ministry of Science and Technology reveals a continuing growth in the Chinese Expenditure on Research and Development. In 1996 the gross domestic expenditure on RD was 404 million Yuan and by 2006 the figure has increased to 3003 million Yuan. China currently spends almost 1.5 percent of it of its GDP on research and Development. China’s expenditure on RD can be regarded as high considering the fact that the living standard of living is still low. By comparison the level of expenditure among OECD countries ranges between 2-3 percent. China is the only low and middle country that depicts such intensity on Research and Development expenditure (UNDP 2001). The government of China is the principal provider of funds for the realisation of the programme. Data from figure 2 shows that government funding is around seventy percent of the total fund that the programme attracted in 2006. Other sectors such the Businesses and Foreign Direct Investment also contribute to fun ding RD. Figure 1. Gross Domestic Expenditure on RD, 1996-2006 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology 2007 Figure 2: GERD by source of funds and sector performance Source: MOST 2007 Even though it is believed that the 863 programme has immensely contributed to the China’s recent technological and industrial development an examination of the impact is required to justify the large amount of fund pumped in to the programme. The 863 programme is heavily dependent on government fund. At the beginning of every year the commission in charge of award of grant set it objectives and calls for bid. The government intention is just to fulfil its catch up agenda with the west. Researchers and research institutes that are involved in the programme are therefore under indirect pressure to deliver the set objectives. As a result Research and Development is often riddled with plagiarism, falsification of data and conflict of interest. In 2004, the popular Chinese researcher from Shanghai Jiao tang University, Chen Jin was involved in a fakery scandal after having received more than ten million dollar in grant to produce a Chinese microchip to rival the American Intel. T he situation is a rampant one among Chinese academics and researchers and the reason is that because it is public fund that is involved many researchers are afraid of taking risk since failure may be expensive to them and to the government as this may mean waste of fund among public opinions. According to information from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the 863 programme was a successful project as it helps China invent new technology such as the world First man –loading HTS Maglev, the Third Generation Intelligent Robot that can move freely and avoid barriers and able to talk with human within a certain distance and the Atmosphere and Environmental Monitoring Laser just to mention few. Considering the amount of money the Chinese government spend on Research and Development it is not encouraging to say that China high tech export is highly dominated by foreign investment. According to report from OECD, in 2006, China surpassed the European Union, the US and Japan to become the world largest exporter of high-tech. This is mainly due to the relocation of production capacities of multinational enterprises into China. The China technological advancement has little to do with the indigenous High Tech market. Most of the firms producing High Tech goods in China a re mostly foreign companies; China only contributes in labour term (Xing, 2010). The 863 programme in its conception cannot be said to be a programme which has been designed to promote RD in China. The central government plan was to improve the image of China and it is purely the continuity of the socialist agenda. The only change is that, instead of developing military capabilities, the Deng Xiaoping administration decided to focus on economic catch up. All the projects that were executed under the programme cannot be described as things that will contribute to long term economic growth of China. In the infrastructural and construction area, it is a fact that that the programme has helped China to achieve a historical record in road, railways and airline development. Between 2000 and 2005, the road length in China has increased from 250.700 km to about 1, 930,500 km. Also the Railways have experienced a rapid development. China now has double tracked rails of 25, 000km and electrified rail of 20,000 km. The civil airline has also been developed and today China h as become world second largest air transporter after the United States (Liang Chuan, 2008). Some may argue that China needs all these infrastructural development to elevate its status to a developed country. There is even a Chinese old saying which says that â€Å"If you want to be rich, you must first build road†. But the problem is all these constructions are heavily dependent on public fund and no other country spend so much on infrastructure as China does. According to one study it is estimated that China will need to spend around $132 billion ever year from 2006 to 2010 to maintain these constructions. Moreover the central government does not take into account the social cost of all these development projects for the common Chinese people in terms of lost of land and environmental problems. The speed at which these projects are executed also poses a problem of quality and standard in the construction and engineering process. In October 1999, the $52 million 0ne half mi le-long Zhaona Mountain bridge which was built over the young river in Ningbo started to has sways and shack a month before its opening date and inspectors discovered cracks caused by engineering and design flaws. So also in the month January of same year 1999, two bridges collapsed in two different places killing 47 people and injuring more than 30 others (Hays 2008). Another core problem with the 863 programme was the incentive packages the central government made available to motivate researchers and RD firms. It is believed that the central government support to RD through the 863 programme has contributed to the rapid rise of China in the patent applications. Data for figure 3 from the Ministry of Science and Technology shows that the total domestic patent applications increased from 383.157 to 470,342 between 2005 and 2006. The design applications increased from 151,587 to 188,027 within the same year. This tremendous achievement can on the one side be attributed to the zeal and hard work of Chinese researchers but on the hand it can be attributed to the incentives made available by the central government. Figure 3 Patent application filed and patents granted by SIPO Source: Ministry of Science and Technology, 2007 The 863 programme put in place incentive packages ranging from tax reduction to several concessions. In a paper published the Economist title â€Å"Innovation in China: Patents yes ideas maybe†it was stated that â€Å"Professors who do are more likely to win tenure. Workers and students who file patents are more likely to earn a hukou (resident permit) to live in a desirable city. For some patents government pays cash bonuses for others it covers the substantial cost of filling. Corporate income tax can be cut down from 25% to 15% for firms that file many patents. They are also more likely to win lucrative government contracts. One could say the patents applications filed did not mean so much to the applicants compared to the gains and interest the application may yield for them. Therefore the quality and originality, patents designs, and inventions were questionable. Closely link to this argument is that fact the 863 programme did not promote the culture of innovation among Chinese researchers and enterprises. The Ministry of Science and Technology which is the principal government agency coordinating the 863 programme stated that one of the key objectives of the programme was to strengthen the innovation capabilities of Chinese researchers and enterprises so that they can become technical bodies that will support the national aspiration of China to achieve socio-economic development. The programme supported some innovative ideas such as the development of an Intelligent Robot, the Coal-fired MHD Power Generation and the Experimental Fast Reactor. Otherwise, most realisations under the 863 programme were heavily dependent on importation of technologies. The programme was following the international high technological development but did not focus on the development of local indigenous technology (Chunliang, 2008). Conclusion The 863 programme has enabled the Chinese government to achieve a considerable economic and industrial advancement. In order to consolidate all these achievement is important that the 863 programme be reformed to rather focus its attentions on promoting indigenous innovative research and development activities which can turn China into technological advanced country. Incentives and motivational elements in the programme for researchers and private investors should also be reviewed as this may put local investors at a competitive advantage over foreign investors and deter them from investing into RD in China. Finally Chinese Government has to enforce the weak intellectual property right regime in existence at the moment. References ROMER, P. (2005) â€Å"Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth†Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5):1002-1037 SAMINI, J. A ALERASOUL, S. M. (2009) â€Å"RD and Economic Growth: New Evidence from Some Developing Countries†Australian Journal of Basic Applied Sciences, 3(4):3464-3469 HU. A G. Jefferson, G. H. (2008) â€Å"Science and Technology in China†China’s Great Economic Transformation. Ed. L . Brandt and T. Rawski, New York City, Cambridge University Press NAUGHTON, B. (2007) â€Å"The Chinese Economic: Transition and Growth, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press PENTAS, P. (2005) â€Å"Natioanl High-Tech Research and Development Program 863: Introduction, Objective and Organisation [Online], Accessed on the 17/05/2011 ONOS, E. (2009) â€Å"Green Giant: Beijing’s Crash Program for Clean Energy†The New Yorker [Online], Accessed on the 17/05/2011 XING, Y. (2010) â€Å"Chinas High-Tech Exports Myth and Reality†EAI Background Brief N. 506 [Online], Accessed on the17/05/2011 How to cite Study of economic growth and development China, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Hemp MiraclePlant Essay Research Paper Is there free essay sample
Hemp Miracle-Plant Essay, Research Paper Is there a individual works that could perchance salvage the universe? Because of its energy and adaptability, it was amongst the first workss to be cultivated by worlds and has been used and grown by many civilizations for 1000s of old ages. Yet, today people are fined, even jailed for turning this works because it is illegal. Lawgivers fail to see that this sole works likely has more utilizations than any other stuff on Earth. The full works can be utilized for over 25,000 applications. To get down, the seed is nature # 8217 ; s perfect nutrient. It can be ground into a repast or can be sprouted and used like other beans and seeds. In add-on to the oil from the seeds have the highest per centum of indispensable fatty acids and the lowest per centum of concentrated fats. It is besides a complete beginning of protein and can be served as a repast in itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Hemp MiraclePlant Essay Research Paper Is there or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Second, byproducts from the works are an first-class beginning constructing stuff. It has 4 times the cellular fibre than trees, doing it perfect for pressed board, particle board and concrete model. It is longer enduring and more flexible than presently used stuffs. In comparing, trees take 20 old ages to maturate while this works merely takes 4 months. Correspondingly, 1 acre of this works produces every bit much as 4 estates of trees. Third, paper that is made from this works is stronger, more water-repellent than wood mush, is less likely to rupture and is 7 times more reclaimable than wood. It besides uses a fraction of the unsafe chemicals used in treating wood mush. Fiber is a 4th usage. A fabric made degree Fahrenheit read-only memory this works is softer and warmer than cotton and is 6 times as strong. In add-on to, the fabric is much more immune to enduring and wear. Traveling on to the fifth usage, medically, a derived function of this works has late been proven to alleviate sickness in AIDS and malignant neoplastic disease therapy. It has been used with success in handling glaucoma, asthma, epilepsy, temper upsets, and arthritis. It increases appetite, promotes sleep and relaxation, and relieves emphasis and megrims. Most significantly, fossil fuels could remain in the land. The works produces far more and safer chemical compounds suited for transition to methane than any other works. This renewable fuel contains no S and while turning aids take C dioxide from the ambiance via photosynthesis. For 1000s of old ages, wholly good pigments and varnishes were made from an oil from the works. Today, it has about been wholly replaced by chemically derived oils. In shutting, it is estimated that if me rely 6 per centum of all our cultivable land were seeded with this works, it could provide us with all our fuel, gas and oil demands. I find it funny that authorities functionaries don # 8217 ; t recognize the impact that this individual works could hold on the universe. Alternatively of punishing people for turning it, authoritiess should be promoting husbandmans to turn it. What is this works you might inquire? This works that has created so much contention and which I feel could salvage the universe is hemp. Whatever you decide to name it, I feel that it is the nature # 8217 ; s most of import works that should be used to its fullest potency.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Survival Essays (3060 words) - Camping, Firelighting, Tinder
Survival SURVIVAL Table of Contents CHAPTER PAGE NUMBER 1. DEFINITIONS 2 2. SHELTERS 2-3 3. FIRE 3-6 4. FOOD 6-7 5. WATER 7 6. TOOLS 8 7. SURVIVAL KITS 9-10 DEFINITIONS Survival ? Survival is emerging from natural or manmade disaster in a better position than the average person. Preparedness ? Preparedness is making preparations before disaster or disasters strike to improve your chances of survival. SHELTER Shelters are made to stay out of the wind, rain, and sun. Shelters are also used to live in and get plenty of rest. There are many types of shelters. The shelters are classified in to two categories, natural and man made. Natural shelters are shelters that you can find naturally made or not man made. There are many natural shelters. Here are some examples of natural shelters, caves, rocky overhangs, thickets, and many more. You can also find some other types of natural shelters. Man made shelters are shelter that you make. You may be lucky and find an abandoned building or some type of shelter. There are many types of man made shelters like lean-to's, igloos, brick shelters and many more. Here are some examples below that you can make. You can also create and make your very own shelter for your specific needs. Lean -To shelters are shelters that you lean branches or some item onto another. You just need branches or trees, leaves and ferns. Ferns will help waterproof the roof and any other areas that you want waterproofed. Mud brick shelters are sturdier but may take longer to build. You cut the turf in to the size of bricks you want. Then you can build the walls for the shelter. Next you need to build a roof (ferns would work well). Igloos can be made if there is snow. You need a snow pile. First put a backpack or some object in snow at top. Then, dig out an entrance that is big enough for you to get in and out. Next, dig until you find backpack or object, then pull it out carefully. Finally, excavate or shape the inside. Here are some ideas of shelter that you may be able to build. FIRE To build a fire you need three types of materials. The three types of material are tinder, kindling and fuel. Tinder Birch Bark Fine wood shavings Dead grass, leaves Straw Sawdust Dead evergreen needles Completely rooted parts of dead logs Bird down(fine feathers) Milkweed, dry cattails, bulrush Fine, dried vegetable fibers Lint from pocket and seams Waxed paper Gunpowder Cotton Kindling Small twigs Small strips of wood Split wood Heavy cardboard Pieces of wood removed from the inside of larger pieces Wood that has been doused with highly flammable materials such as gas, oil, or wax Fuel Dry, standing wood and dry, dead branches Dry inside (heart) of fallen tree trunks and large branches Green wood that is finely split Dry grasses twisted into bunches Peat dry enough to burn (this may be found at the top of undercut banks) Dried animal dung Animal fats Coal, oil shale, or oil lying on the surface BUILDING THE FIRE Building a fire may take some time, but in the end it is worth it. There are for main ways to build or lay a fire. They are Teepee, Lean ? To, Pyramid, and Cross ? Ditch. Teepee ? Arrange the tinder and a few sticks of kindling into the shape of a teepee or cone. Light the center and the outside logs will fall inward, feeding the fire. Lean-To -Push a stick into the ground at a 30 angle, with the end of the stick pointing into the wind. Put tinder far under the lean-to stick. Lean some kindling against the lean-to stick. As the kindling catches fire add more wood or fuel. Pyramid- Place two larger logs parallel on the ground. Place a solid layer of smaller logs across the two logs. Add 3 to 4 more layers, each layer smaller than the last. Make a small starter fire on top, as it burns it will light the logs below it. Cross-Ditch- Scratch a cross about 12 inches in size on the ground, and about 3 inches deep. Put
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Essay on Global ConflictEssay Writing Service
Essay on Global ConflictEssay Writing Service Essay on Global Conflict Essay on Global ConflictRecent Ukrainian crisis of 2014, which began with Euromaidan Revolution and the overthrow of the corrupted regime of Viktor Yanukovych, and the subsequent annexation of the Crimea Peninsula and the armed conflict in Donbas (region in eastern Ukraine) became the epicenter of global conflict and dramatically affected the international correlation of forces. This conflict could be most effectively considered through the prism of realism paradigm and the Billiard Ball Theory in particular, which implies that international relations can be understood in terms of the movements of certain states in respect to the other ones and pressure they apply as the result of power manipulations (Baysha, 2014).Thus, contemporary Ukraine, by virtue of its geographical location and characteristics of the political and economic situation (poverty, pervasive corruption and shadow economy), has found itself in the zone of geopolitical interests of the major players, and in fact a sm all coin in the geopolitical games of the US, the EU, Russia and China. Here, the US interests, acting through the EU, and primarily through Poland, lie in using Ukraine to weaken Russia and prevent the development and strengthening of the Eurasian economic and military bloc. Russia’s interests consist in using Ukraine to weaken the United States and to avoid the disposition of NATO troops and bases on the Russian border, as well as limit the economic expansion of the EU. China’s interests lie in using Ukraine as a transport corridor for Chinese products to the EU and in turning Ukraine into its raw material appendage with cheap labor force. All geopolitical players are using Ukraine exceptionally for their own purposes, and all their actions are aggressive with the only difference that the aggression of the US, the EU and Russia has an uncovered economic and military component, whereas the aggression of China is determined by a new latent technology the seizure of te rritories through economic expansion (Milevski, 27-29).Real manifestation of these interests was revealed in relation to Ukraine’s decision to sign the association agreement with the EU with the prospect of joining the EU and NATO membership. Initially, the Revolution of Dignity was caused by the general crisis of the representative democracy in Ukraine, and then actively inspired and supported by the US and the EU, clearly aimed at Ukraine’s geopolitical absorption. The success of their common policies led to the change of the political regime in Ukraine: after the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country, the politicians fighting for Ukraine’s European choice came to power. This, however, could not be easily seen by Russia. Under the guise of protecting the Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine in Crimea, Russia as a permanent member of the UN with the veto right, having flagrantly violated international law, the resolutions of the UN, OSCE and PACE, the postwar agreement on the status quo, and nuclear disarmament of Ukraine in 1993, as well as the Constitution of Ukraine, first captured and later annexed the Crimea (Tannenbaum, 8).Indeed, the unilateral secession of the Crimea from Ukraine and joining Russia cannot be considered legitimate. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Crimea was part of the USSR (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) voluntarily according to a popular referendum, therefore the secession of the Crimea from Ukraine especially under the pressure of ill-concealed aggression from a neighboring state is a violation of the principle of territorial integrity. Despite the official recognition of occupation by the UN General Assembly Resolution 68/262 of March 27, 2014 about the support of territorial integrity of Ukraine and general condemnation of Russia’s actions on the part of world powers, their policy of containment and even appeasement failed (Milevski, 29-33).Moreover, steadily following the idea of the restoration of Russian civilization space and the establishment of controlled regimes in the occupied territories, Russia initiates the emergence of breakaway republics DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and LPR (Lugansk People’s Republic) in April 2014, and supports the illegal armed groups operating in the Donbas, supplying them with ammunition, modern weapons, heavy military equipment etc.(Wawrzonek, 760-761). There are also compelling data of the monitoring mission of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that a significant part of the regular troops of Russia, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other military equipment also acts on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, Amnesty International considers the ongoing events as an international armed conflict with Russia being also involved in it. Fighting in eastern Ukraine, continuing since April 2014, led to significant destruction of civilian infrastructure and hundred s of thousands of refugees. According to the UN by October 29 at least 4035 people were killed (including 298 passengers on board MH17) and 9336 wounded in eastern Ukraine. According to the UN data of the beginning of October, over 5 million people live within the conflict zone, 379,000 people moved to other regions of Ukraine, and more than 426,000 moved to neighboring countries (United Nations).Response to Russia’s military invasion of the eastern borders of Ukraine has become an economic war with Russia. Official sanctions alongside unofficial policy to reduce oil prices as the basis of Russia’s well-being today led to a record drop in the ruble (Russian currency), mass withdrawal of foreign investment, postponement for the construction of South Stream gas pipeline from Russia to the EU, and the forced necessity to sign gas agreement at the lowest competitive prices. The financial pressure is now forcing Russian companies to ask for public funding as a palliative, w hich creates an additional burden on the state budget. In this way, Russian strategic decision regarding the maintenance of the Ukrainian crisis in order to ensure long-term profitability of Russian Gas Company Gazprom has not yet been realized, while the US and its allies have managed to temporarily weaken Russia, as well as create opportunities for future energy independence. It should be noted that the European Union with the second largest trade balance after China has always been a profitable strategic partner of NATO, and in addition to the political significance this alliance promises great benefits to American producers of shale gas. In addition, Ukraine’s neighboring countries Turkey, Poland and Romania are intensively making all efforts trying to strengthen their regional position (Wawrzonek, 773-780).At the same time, there are several pro-Russian governments in the European Union. It is primarily Hungary, where authoritarian statist regime of Orban is trying to ba lance its dependence on the Brussels by project with Moscow, including projects of nuclear power plants construction for the Russian loan. In turn, Slovakia and Greece are also traditional partners of Russia, as well as the Czech Republic, where President Zeman openly takes a very pro-Russian stance. However, all of these players are the beneficiaries, not the donors to the EU. At the same time, the growing rhetoric of contradictions and mutual threats directly refers the society to the days of the Cold War (Roskin, 5-9).Indeed, the forgotten bipolar world system is clearly being revived. We can say that the era that began with the famous Yalta meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, when the foundations of the post-war architecture were determined, ended in the very same Yalta with the annexation of the Crimea. Post-Yalta architecture assumed the structure of the world when the great powers, which at the time were on the verge of developing nuclear weapons, understood that the world is not entirely fair but there is a need to fix the status quo. Fixing the status quo in the large countries, it was permissible to fight for areas of interest somewhere in Afghanistan, Africa and Korea, that is, in the Third World. Now that world order has been broken. This essentially means that the UN Security Council does not work, because in the architecture where each permanent member has a veto, Russia would not veto itself, or rather would not vote for sanctions against itself and condemnation of aggression. The OSCE does not work either, and we see that the two countries that are members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are actually in a state of an undeclared war. The effectiveness of the Council of Europe is also questioned as it is based on democratic values, including on the inviolability of borders with Russia and Ukraine being the members of it.Thus, the greatest global challenge of the Ukrainian crisis is the fact that what was bu ilt after World War II and reformed in the early 1990’s now completely ceased to function. We are facing a global problem to fill the void: will the world fall apart into small artificially national countries with each creating temporary alliances to their interests or will we reanimate the international security architecture, or will we create something new instead of the current system? As for the local aspects of this problem, the possible solution to the conflict in Ukraine is the signing of a tripartite agreement (the EU Ukraine – the Customs Union) on the joint sustainable development, using attention of all the countries to the situation in Ukraine. Objectives of the Ukrainian authorities are to find instruments to influence geopolitical players and implement a global reform of the country. Today, Ukraine receives the next (and possibly the last) chance in its history, passing a kind of turning point, which can be overcome in favor of statehood only by strong f ocus of all efforts on achieving the strategic goal to transform the country into a powerful unitary state, a regional leader capable of guaranteeing security and high social standard of living of its citizens. From the standpoint of liberalism, the inner way out of this political crisis is possible by switching to the cluster system of territory administration and people power with elements of direct democracy.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Correctional System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Correctional System - Essay Example So the problem of the overcrowding should be corrected at an early date. One of the best solutions to reduce the overcrowding in the correctional system is to give age limit to the offenders to have their punishment called "Aging out of crime". This age limit should be restricted to sixty (Territo, Halsted, & Bromley, 2004). The most imperative advantage of "Aging out of crime" is to save money in the expenditure of maintenance of the aged offenders in the correctional system. This overcrowding in the prison gives nothing beneficial to the system, as they are not able to do any constructive work, which are being done by prisoners. But their maintenance has to bear by the system up to their final ride. This saved money may efficiently be used by the system in nabbing another culprits who are active in doing various offences including the drug trafficking and human trafficking. Due to the overcrowding in the system a lot of offenders are released on the spot by taking bribe by the comp etent authority.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Lease hold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Lease hold - Essay Example Laws usually govern granting a lease and certain order is followed when creating them (Great Britain parliament, 2000). Different leases require different sorts of agreements. A lease has specific elements that must be put in place for it to be valid. It also has specific requirements for creation of a valid lease. The elements of a lease A lease has specific elements that weigh heavily on the contracts overall acceptability. These elements must be considered during creation of an agreement between the property owner and the tenant as stipulated by the law. Exclusive possession This is a very essential part of a lease .It forms the backbone of a lease and therefore without it, there can be no lease. Exclusive possession is that right of the leaseholder to utilize the property with exclusion of all the other individuals including the property owner (John, 2000). The occupier must have a right to exclusive possession to use the premises leased, though this should not be a conclusive pr oof that the leaseholder has a lease. If denied exclusive possession then the leaseholder is right to use the premises, do not amount to a lease. Exclusive possession gives the tenant the right to exclude everyone else including the property owner from the premises except on an agreed case. ... Certain/specific term/period The start of a period in a lease must be clear. It should be me4ntioned in an agreement if not it will be deemed to commence immediately. In cases where an individual has an agreement for a future lease, then it is void unless clear at what date it is to start from an express term in the contract or by inference. A periodic tenancy stating that the property owner would not give notice to quit until when ready to redevelop the land is stipulated. Through this, the tenant has a sense of security and the property owner has ability to regain possession of the premises when needed. It is acceptable for a period of tenancy to restrict the property owners right to give notice unless for a specified purpose during a stated period. The maximum duration of a lessee must be certain. The law of property act provides that, a lease stated to take effect more than two years from date of agreement is void and any contract purporting to create such a term is void. It is n ot enough to specify a period. A beginning date and exact ending date must be stated. The time to vacate should also be clearly stated. Term less than that of a grantor An owner in fee simple can grant a lease of his premises for any term since the fee simple is effectively perpetual. A fee simple owner has the right to grant a lease to a tenant for many years like up to 9,000 years. There can be more than one term of years in one fee simple estate in a single piece of land. A tenant can grant a lease of the premises called a sublease to a subtenant .This can only happen if the sublease will last for a shorter period than the original lease from the property owner. The subtenant can also grant a further lease of the same premises
Monday, January 27, 2020
Development of Low Cost Microcontroller Based Spirometer
Development of Low Cost Microcontroller Based Spirometer Spirometer is an instrument which is used to measure the volume and capacity of lung. It collects the air expired by the patient to measure the lung volume or capacity. The spirometer has a device attached to it which will measure the movement of gas in and out of chest and this device is called as Spirograph. And in some spirometers spirographs are replaced by printer called Spirogram. In most of the computerized system the spirographs or the spirogram will display the predicted value next to the observed value. Using spirometer various tests are carried out to determine whether the patient is having any respiratory disorder or not.Some of the tests carried out are- Tidal Volume (TV)-The amount of air that is breathed in and out by an individual during normal respiration. Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)-The amount of air that is maximally forced out of the lung after maximum inspiration. Forced Expiratory Volume In 1sec (FEV1)- The amount of air that can be maximally forced out of the lung in the first second of forced expiratory manuever. 1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To design a low cost microcontroller based spirometer and carry out the various lung functioning tests. To develop a program for the microcontroller to measure the lung volume and display the result digitally on a LCD interfaced with it. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE SURVEY AUTHORS: Agarwal.V ,Ramachandran N.C.S,2008,[1] TECHNIQUES USED: The patient exhales through the mouthpiece where the gas exchange is being acquired as the voltage signal by the transducer(sensor). This signal from the sensor is amplified by an instrumentation amplifier(INA 114). Then the amplified signal is filtered using a low-pass-filter which is then given to a ADC(ADS7812) for digitisation. After digitisation it is given to the microcontroller(Intel) from which the data is displayed on the LCD screen. For further interface for communication on internet ETHERNET device is used. RESULTS: The output voltage from the amplifier is digitised using ADC which corresponds to the pressure difference across mouthpiece is computed by the microcontroller and displayed on the LCD screen. LIMITATIONS/FUTURE VISION: In future the system is expected to be inexpensive medical care for thousands of patient. AUTHORS: Nagaraja K.A,Nanda.S, 2007,[2] TECHNIQUES USED: The patient exhales the air through the mouthpiece which consists of a flow sensor, differential pressure sensor, instrumentation amplifier,low pass filter and ADC. The flow sensor relates the velocity and the pressure of air blown if there is no air flow through the sensor the velocity is converted to pressure and this pressure difference is sensed by the difference flow sensor which inturn provide the electrical quantity of the air flow. Inorder to remove noise and amplify the signal an instrumentation amplifier is used. Which is then fed to the band pass filter of the range 0.05Hz to 1.3Hz,where the spirometer lies in the range of 0.1Hz to 12Hz. The filtered signal is digitised using ADC and this data is read by a microcontroller which is then interfaced to a computer. RESULTS: Various tests are performed and FVC,FEV1 and their ratio are calculated and monitored.Depending on these values we determine whether its normal (or) restrictive (or) obstructive. LIMITATIONS/FUTURE VISION: Not portable AUTHORS: Dr.David Van Sickle ,2009,[3] TECHNIQUES USED: Initially the patient is allowed to expire through the spirometer. The spirometer consists of a pressure sensor(HW 24) which gives a DC voltage as output. This DC voltage is propotional to the pressure drop between the leads which is recorded by the spirometer. This analog data is then converted to digital using ZMD 31014 iLite chip. Microcontroller(PIC18f13k50) is used to convert the digital data to USB. Using mathematical algorithm implemented in the computer it calculates the volume and displays on the screen. RESULTS: Graphical display of flow vs volume is evaluated and monitored from which the following values can be calculated :PEF,FVC, FEV(t) and FEV1/FVC ratio. LIMITATIONS/FUTURE VISION: Highly expensive. AUTHORS: Ovlyaguli,2001[4] TECHNIQUES USED: The test is performed using wedge bellow type spirometer the FVC and FEV1 data collected are investigated where the test is performed on different patient and are grouped accordingly. Then a mathematical modeling process is carried out based on fuzzy values obtained from the flow graphs. These values for the subject with COPD is compared with healthy subject belonging to same age,sex and height. Then normalized for fuzzy labels Very low,low,Normal,High,Very Highwhich is the generated on rule base and simulated. RESULTS: Provide the interrelationship between characteristic constants obtained from the curves and degree of disease and FEV1 values are measured. LIMITATIONS/FUTURE VISION: In future it eliminates the error factors and helps in accurate diagnosis. CHAPTER 3 RESPIRATORY DISORDER: SYMPTOMS CAUSES 3.1 RESPIRATORY DISORDER Respiratory disorder deals with the diseases of the respiratory system which include diseases of the lung, pleural cavity and bronchial tube. Respiratory diseases range from mild to life-threatening such as bacterial pneumonia or pulmonary embolism which may lead to illness and death. The study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. A doctor who specializes in respiratory disease is known as a pulmonologist. Some of the common respiratory diseases are: Inflammatory lung disease. Obstructive lung disease. Restrictive lung disease. Pleural cavity diseases. 3.2 OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASE Obstructive lung diseases are diseases of the lung in which the bronchial tubes become narrowed. COPD Two examples for obstructive lung disease are: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease in which the airways become damaged and hence making them narrow. Asthma causes obstruction to the airflow out of the lungs.And the obstruction is reversible. 3.2.1 SYMPTOMS Persistent cough. Sputum or mucus production. Wheezing. Chest tightness. Tiredness. 3.2.2 CAUSES Smoking. Occupational exposures. Air pollution. Genetics. Autoimmune disease. 3.3 RESITRICTIVE LUNG DISEASE Restrictive lung disease is also known as restrictive ventilatory which restricts the lung expansion and there by decreases the lung volume and increases work of breathing. SYMPTOMS Shortness of breath, cough 3.3.2 CAUSES Asbestos is caused by long-term exposure to asbestos dust. Radiation fibrosis(radiation used for cancer treatment). Rheumatoid arthritis. 3.4 DIAGNOSIS OF ABNORMALITY OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM USING FEV1/FVC RATIO In restrictive lung disease, both FEV1 and FVC are reduced so the FEV1/FVC ratio is normal. In obstructive lung disease FEV1 is reduced while the FVC is normal thus the FEV/FVC ratio is lower CHAPTER 4: PRINCIPLE OF WORKING The spirometer consists of a turbine flow sensor containing LED(source) on one side and a photo-diode(detector) on the opposite side.Inbetween the LED and the detector there is a rotor.The rotor is a fan like structure with 3 fins.The above arrangement is present inside a cylindrical case which is opened on both the sides.The LED and the photo-diode are molded with a light weight plastic design inside the case.A mouth piece is fitted on one side and the opposite side is kept open.When the patient blows air inside the mouth piece a pressure difference is created due to the atmospheric air(atmospheric pressure) that enters from the opposite side.A power supply circuit is designed to provide power supply to the spirometer.When the patient exhales through the mouth piece the rotor rotates.Whenever the rotor is in-between the source and the detector the light from the source is not detected by the detector and when the rotor is not in-between them then the light from the source is detecte d by the detector.Each pulse will be detected only if 7ml of gas has been exhaled by the patient.These pulses are then given to the comparator which will give binary output only if the patient is exhaling.And when the patient is not exhaling there is no output from the comparator.This ouput is then given to a microcontroller which is programmed in such a way that it will count the number of pulses from the comparator and these pulses are converted into total number of rotations by dividing them(no of pulses) by 3(since the rotor has 3 fins).These rotations are then used to measure the lung volume.The lung volume is then displayed on a LCD which is interfaced with the microcontroller as digital output. CHAPTER 5: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 5.1 ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT 5.1.1 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT A 12V and a 5V power supply circuit was implemented. IC 7812 IC 7805 The two ICs are used to provide 12V and 5V supply respectively. 12V from IC7812 is given to the turbine flow sensor. 5V from IC7805 is given to LM324 Microcontroller. STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER Transformer being used is a 230V-step down transformer. It converts AC to AC without any change in frequency. BRIDGE RECTIFIER The diode used is IN4007 which acts as bridge rectifier and converts the given AC current to DC. 5.1.2 SENSOR The sensor used here is FT-330 Turbine flow sensor.The input to the sensor is the air blown by the patient. FEATURES Can withstand temperature upto 80 degree celcius. Molded with electronics and a light weight plastic design. ADVANTAGES Highly accurate. Very compact. Reliable. POTENTIAL DIVIDER AND ZENER DIODE The output of the turbine flow sensor is given to the potential divider. The potential divider will reduce 12V from the turbine flow sensor and allows a reduced voltage to zener diode. The zener diode is used to fix a threshold i.e it allows only voltage within 5V to the comparator. COMPARATOR LM324 acts as a comparator which gives a voltage within 5V(square wave) when the patient exhales through the sensor. And when the patient does not exhale, the comparator output gets reduced to 0V.The output of the comparator is given to the microcontroller. FEATURES Internally frequency compensated for unity gain. Large DC voltage gain of 100 dB. Wide bandwidth (unity gain) 1 MHZ. Wide power supply range: Single supply 3V to 32Vor dual supplies  ±1.5V to  ±16V. ADVANTAGES Eliminates need for dual supplies. Four internally compensated op amps in a single package. Power drain suitable for battery operation. 5.1.3 MICROCONTROLLER The microcontroller used here is 16F877A. The microcontroller receives input from LM324. The microcontroller is programmed in such a way that it will count the number of pulses from the comparator and these pulses are converted into total number of rotations by dividing them(no of pulses) by 3(since the rotor has 3 fins).These rotations are then used to measure the lung volume(TV,FVC,FEV1). FEATURES RAM=368 bytes EEPROM=256bytes PROGRAM MEMORY=8Kilo bytes I/O PINS=33 ADVANTAGES This IC can be reprogrammed and erased up to 10,000 times. It is very cheap. It can also be very easily assembled. Additional components needed to make this IC work is a 5V power supply , 20MHz crystal oscillator and two 22pF capacitors. LCD DISPLAY The output(TV,FVC,FEV1)from the microcontroller is displayed on the LCD according to the program. 5.2 MECHNICAL DESIGN( MATERIALS USED): 5.2.1.TURBINE FLOW SENSOR MODEL FT-330 Turbine flow sensor ADVANTAGE Highly accurate, compact and reliable. FEATURES Can withstand temperature upto 80 degree celcius. Molded with electronics and a light weight plastic design. 5.2.2. MOUTH PIECE Made up of plastic with a diameter of 2cm. CHAPTER 6: CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 6.1 OVERVIEW OF CIRCUIT WORKING Initially the patient is allowed to blow through the sensor and the output voltage from the sensor is given as input to the potential divider circuit which limits the current to zener diode and which inturn reduces 12V supply from the potential divider o/p and allows only 5V to be given to the inverting terminal of LM324(comparator). Reference voltage is given to pin 3 which gets the feedback from LM324 output. Hence when the patient doesnt blow, a high voltage is received by pin 2(inverting terminal) which is compared with the reference voltage and in this case the i/p voltage >reference voltage and hence we get a low voltage(0V) at the output and no pulse is seen and when the patient blows, i/p voltage CHAPTER 7: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY 7.1 ALGORITHM Initialize the count to 0. When the patient exhales, the number of pulses from LM324 will be counted i.e.; the count gets incremented. This count is converted into rotations since the rotor has 3 fins, if we get 3 pulse, it is considered as 1 rotation. So by dividing the count by 3 we will get the total number of rotations. The LM324 will give 1 pulse only if 7 ml of gas is exhaled . So the total number of rotations is multiplied by 7 to obtain the lung volume. Initially the flag will be 0.When the patient exhales TV will be displayed. When the reset is done the flag will be 1.Now when the patient exhales FVC will be displayed. When the reset is done again the flag will be 2.Now when the patient exhales FEV1 will be displayed .Again when the reset is done and the patient exhales then TV will be displayed. 7.2 INFERENCE Thus the tests results obtained from the designed spirometer matches with the tests results obtained from the laboratory spirometer. Minor differences in the value is due to effect of surrounding environment and moving air. CHAPTER 8: CONCLUSION The objective of the project was to design a low cost spirometer for the rural health care centers,private clinicians and primary function laboratories.In order to substantiate the objective of our work, we compared the market price of currently available spirometer(MIR SpiroDoc Spirometer),the starting price of which is around $1974.50. Thus the tests results of four subjects obtained from the designed spirometer was compared with the tests results obtained from HELIOS Pulmonary Function test.The values had some minor differences due to effect of surrounding environment and moving air.But they were of acceptable accuracy.Future work involves interfacing the device with PC and implementation of the product in Telemedicine application for distance monitoring of respiratory parameter. APPENDIX 1 1.1 PIN CONFIGURATION OF LM324(COMPARATOR) Fig 1.1 Ref:www.voltage 1.2 PIN CONFIGURATION OF PIC16F877A Fig 1.2 Ref: 1.3 OVERVIEW OF PIC 16F877A Fig 1.3 Ref:
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Themes of Honor and Shame in Invisible Man Essay -- Ralph Ellison
EXECUTE SHAME GENTLY Invisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, addressing many social and moral issues regarding African-American identity, including the inside of the interaction between the white and the black. His novel was written in a time, that black people were treated like degraded livings by the white in the Southern America and his main character is chosen from that region. In this figurative novel he meets many people during his trip to the North, where the black is allowed more freedom. As a character, he is not complex, he is even naà ¯ve. Yet, Ellison’s narration is successful enough to show that he improves as he makes radical decisions about his life at the end of the book. The nameless narrator is a young black person, who attends his college regularly. He follows certain directions to lead a normal life. Yet, his life has to diverge from what it is as he makes a huge mistake, which can not be forgiven by the Headmaster, Dr. Bledsoe. Mr. Norton, one of the trustees, is chauffeured by the narrator and in the trip they take together, the narrator shows him the places, where the real life that blacks have is obvious. Raged at this, Dr. Bledsoe’s reaction towards the naà ¯ve narrator is harsh and he is sent away from the college. The events have key points to them in terms of how the characters choose to behave under certain conditions. These conditions are mostly related to honor and shame, pride and humiliation, ambition to take over and passivity. Dr. Bledsoe is a black person and the Headmaster of the College. For the analysis of his character and his role, the understanding of the college should be complete and clear. It is an education institute, founded by white people in the name of educating the ... ...s this is not done, the actual shameful people are the white who tolerate it. They should feel shameless, helpless, defeated and flawed as they lower themselves for their benefit. Dr. Bledsoe’s ideas and thoughts and actions should be re-examined now that the white society is analyzed. He is not a man of honor in any case, in any definition but knowing what to do should be tolerated by the readers and he should not be accused of being a hypocrite just because of the sympathy we have for the narrator. The abstraction of â€Å"honor†and â€Å"shame†may often lead to different perspectives. Ralph Ellison’s novel helps us to discuss the themes of honor and shame by providing disputable subjects, emplaced in the complex issue of racism. Now is the time to turn into ourselves and look for the true and honorable self. Please execute the shameless part of you gently†¦
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The BMW M5 has the capacity
The BMW M5 has the capacity of a sedan and it excels like a sports car in terms of performance.The car has spacious seats and effective temperature control system to ensure a comfortable ride. Independent suspension for all the four wheels improves overall handling of the car. The M5 does not slack behind in the entertainment department either and offers a host of features including a high-end music system and high-definition radio. The car is very stable under almost any road condition including slippery ice roads, sandy surfaces and rain-slicked roads using its dynamic stability control system.The car also has an on-board GPS navigation system and recognizes voice commands from the driver. BMW lays great emphasis on safety; its cars are very sturdily built with state-of-the-art safety features such as head protection system, automatic-locking retractors for seatbelts, and side airbags to provide additional protection.The M5 also has an Impact sensor to automatically turn off the ig nition and fuel supply, and switches on the emergency lights in the event of an accident. In terms of after-sales service, BMW guarantees free maintenance for either four years or fifty thousand miles. This service is inclusive of standard servicing as well as free replacement of items that wear off. BMW has also recently introduced a tele-service called BMW Safety Plan which enables the car to directly contact the service center when it needs service.BMW is a German automobile manufacturer which has a rich tradition of building reliable cars and has earned worldwide recognition among general consumers as well as motorcar enthusiasts. The BMW M5 is a brand family. It falls under the ‘Motor vehicles and car bodies’ industry category and its corresponding SIC code is 3711 (Business & Company Resource Center).DaimlerChrysler, Ford, Volkswagen, General Motors, Ducati, Fiat, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mazda are some of the competitors of BMW in thi s category. Following are some of the factors that make BMW a compelling choice for any car buyer,
Friday, January 3, 2020
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